Monday 12 January 2015


The truth of the matter is this, there are gentlemen out there but they tend to keep to themselves and away from the vultures of the world. The modern woman always thinks about herself, her needs, her wants and she does not care the cost of her actions. Always whining ” there are no gentlemen around”. I always ask myself do they ever ask and wonder, where these league of men are. Every time the good and nice man is left by the side lines because he is sweet, kind and he is considerate.
Yet the “bad boys” are followed like a dog after a bone. The usual comments, “he is so handsome, he has so much money, he is a wild & satisfying lover, blah blah blah blah blah”. I am not against having such a man around but women need to get their priorities right. In the current times politeness is considered as flirting. Making many wonder what is wrong with the current generation.
“Nice guys” are been deemed as being non-existent yet many have been friend-zoned & set aside as the source of emotional comfort. Unknown to women the very men they deem as been “nice may have a wild side but they tend to keep it to themselves”.
Women listen up if a man compliments you, a simple thank you will suffice, if he holds the door for you, appreciate the effort don’t snare at him like as if he is a viper, if he offers to cook for you let him, you may be surprised by his kitchen skills,…….and so on. There is a league of gentlemen available but they also choose to keep there deeds to themselves. A man will treat you right if you also act right.

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