Monday 12 January 2015


Yes i know!We are all guilty of this. Always wanting what the other kids in our neighborhoods had, the fancy toys, nice clothes, sweet snacks, etc. We never toke the time to be grateful for the things our parents gave us. We never understood the kind of pressure and stress they had to endure to be able to provide us with the things they gave us. It was always ” mummy nataka….. daddy ninulie”, not even trying to consider what they may also want.
A simple “I love you” or “thank you” would have brought a smile to their faces for their efforts. Even when we grow older, we still expect unlimited supply of  things that others have, so as to be identified as being in the know and to be deemed as being cool and having the latest of the current generations tech.The cool gadgets, the expensive phones, the beautiful cars…..
If only we as children would appreciate the sacrifices that our parents made for us, we would learn what they go through to ensure we get the things that we desire.Every time you are with you father, mother, guardian or caretaker make them know that their efforts are not in vain.Be considerate of the things you ask of them and try to be understanding when they say “No!”.
They do have a valid reason for denying you things they can not give you.It takes a lot of sacrifices and hard work to be granted the little pleasures we crave and want.Be content with the little that you have, but that does not mean that you don’t struggle to get the best of things.
In the days to come you will surprise even your parents when you are able to support and take care of them.Don’t be a complainer because you did not get a certain item but be grateful that you have a loving parent or guardian who loves and cares about you.Never complain about the things that your parents did not give you, it was probably all they had.

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