Monday 26 January 2015


Today is that kind of day am feeling like sharing some bit of wisdom with the young people all over the globe (am just saying, if you feel you are not young, well this is still for you). Anyway a new week has begun for all (most probably some of us) & we forge forth with our journey of discovery. Chasing that paper (as is nowadays referred to), trying to see if we can make something of ourselves.We keep on reading words or phrases of encouragement, which is a good thing, as it ignites a flame within us but my worry is do we act on that fire? 

Do we really heed, take time & say today am going to try something new & see how it goes. You know the answer to that question. We live in a life where everything is cut throat, just cloak & dagger. How we aim to be the best, yet each day we spend more time worrying than actually working on how to improve ourselves. A research we conducted & it was discovered that most young people do not invest in anything of value in life, apart from wanting to live the high and mighty life. 

How unfortunate, am not saying that unwinding is a bad thing but what if we could moderate how we squander our finances. Putting aside a little and having your money work for you instead of it just laying in an account earning some minimal interest. Hey, don't start going like,What!!! Am just trying to show you productive side of life. You want to buy that parcel of land for yourself or start a business or go for a far away trip, how do you plan to do that?  

Some of you will say, "I will take a soft loan from a friend or sell an item or two". The reality is this, you will eventually have to pay back every cent spent. You need to create a life proof plan that will ensure that your finances are in order & that you have something to spend on yourself. Do you know of any place you can put Kshs. 200 & be able to get some extra money (maybe you do & you don't want to say, it is cool). Ask yourself how will my life look like 5 years from now? 

You need to get your priorities straight & start thinking about your future and not just your here and now. An example is investing in the shares market as a way of having your money to be active. But one thing you better know is that, if you are putting money in any investment there will always be risks involved. You need to understand how the market works & have a financial advisor. I have seen others engage in poultry farming, which is also a lucrative investment which some have tried and succeeded. 

All am saying is that, we all need to start been wise spenders, as life is not becoming any cheaper. Once you leave your parents cocoon & venture into the real world that is when it will hit you that nothing is given for free. As we used to be told back in high school by our teacher, "siku moja mtajua kutarmac ndio nini, kwa sasa nyinyi endeleni kujibamba"Now we do tarmac, looking for jobs and trying to make ends meet. My advice to you is you need to start investing, it may seem like a long shot but "haba na haba hujaza kibaba"

Life is all about the choices we make. Les Brown a motivational speaker said that we should say these words to ourselves each morniong, "no matter how bad it is, no matter how bad it gets, am going to make it". What you confess you shall profess. It does not matter if nobody believes in you as long as you believe in yourself and have the right mindset, there is nothing you can't achieve.

Friday 23 January 2015


Hey there! Hope you had a restful night? No! Well then it does suck to have to toss & turn all night long with no sleep. Sometimes, I guess sleep just evades you like that promise that never came through. Anyway don't you worry the month is nearly coming to an end, then you will be able to breathe in the fresh new opportunities lying in wait for you.

There is this phrase I have heard been carelessly thrown about, "the grass is greener on the other side". What the heck is this madness you utter to yourself for reassurance. Who told you such imaginary tales & there you are believing them. Let me ask you, don't shy away it is  but a simple question. How did the grass on the other side get to be green?

Stop shaking your head like a kayamba and feeling like as if I have just deflated your ego. It is just an innocent enough question, fine you don't have to answer! (I will talk to myself then). Let us, look at it in a more practical manner, for grass to grow it needs water, good soil, some fertiliser, some good care (I think that is just about most of it).

Now once this key materials have been utilised in the right amounts, the grass will take root, grow and will create a carpet of green. To put it in terms of what we go through in life, for example: if you have an idea and you try it & it flops most of you am assuming will abandon it. What if you asked someone for their insight into your idea?

That way you will see from their perspective, what they think had gone wrong. As we say, "two heads are better than one". Hence if you are willing to try it again, you will do it with a different notion trying to avoid the same mistake you had made earlier. Thus if you are persistent, the idea you had will manifest into a reality of your liking.

If you let the circumstances around you deter who you are, then you will but be a hostage of life. Don't live in accordance to the standards of the world but more so in the vision of your being. You have the great and hidden potential within you, do not let it whither away like a dying plant.

Wednesday 21 January 2015


Today is indeed a beautiful, it is bright and the sun is shining like the star it is (or so I think cause it is so damn chilly & cloudy but you get my drift). The wind is slowly blowing as it whips up the hot fumes that have gathered on the ground we walk on, leaving all that are within its fiery orbit, feeling freed from the enslavement of the blazing sun. 

Life has indeed brought out in us the win & lose mindset quite clearly, where we struggle to make it to the next meal or to see yet again the rise or the setting of the sun. How we strive to be living on our own paradise on earth (wouldn't that be something to write home about), as each day brings us closer to the end of our journey.

Who am I? For I am no teacher of the world but merely a being equal to yourselves living in the here & now, facing my own hurdles (just like each of you) but grateful for awaken to a new dawn. In this life, the gift of breath is not a guarantee but a privilege handed down to us. We should strive to make the most of each and every moment that is within our clock.

We are but passers by in this land that was fought and bled for by our fore-fathers, for to dust is where we shall take our residence when our time comes to cross to the other side. Let it be known that we all face challenges, disappointments, heart breaks, loss, stress, failure not as a means to torture our wretched souls but in a way to strengthen us in our course of living.

Life may present you with a victor's laugh or a victim's cry. Yesterday is gone, for tomorrow is promised to no man & today is but a gift (that is why it is called the present). You are at liberty to make decisions either under the influence of terror, uncertainty & threats, or you can ignore all the "barking dogs" of your neighbourhood & focus on the "mansion" of your destiny.

For in this life you either win or if you are willing enough, you may also learn.

Tuesday 13 January 2015


"Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Yeeeeey" it is indeed a new year with a lot of expectation and belief of achieving a resolution or two (for those who make them). Well then, what is a new year without the usual banter of the probability of fulfilling a few of the items on one's wish list or to some the new year's resolutions. Here we are scratching our heads thinking, "How  will I make this dream a reality?"

Fear not, for the year is still young but as I can imagine the "Njaanuary syndrome" has come full force like the auctioneer claiming for his dues. Your pockets are but filled with holes where bundles of notes had once resided, leaving a vacant, empty void with nothing but a few coins jiggling around. Haaa! Surprise, surprise, yes it is that time of the month you scratch your head hoping for miracles to happen.

How we forget the days yet to come, when we are making merry and stuffing our faces with those juicy ribs at the back garden or some fancy nyama choma base. Am not saying it is a bad idea to enjoy oneself but to what extent should we expose ourselves to this madness of the jolly holidays. Making it rain at "shagz" & letting all know that you have made it in the big city & sponsoring every drinking joint that the village folk have assembled in.

Only to be hard hit by the awakening and unveiling of the new year. I read somewhere that we need to have a contingency plan when we are spending our hard earned money during the holidays. Have you ever thought of, knowing that the long holidays are upon us let me organise myself and budget on how to let lose the notes accumulated the whole year for the festive seasons ahead.

To many am guessing from the way you are shaking your head and scratching your chins, that thought never had a home on your mind. Well, it is a fresh start and I think a tip or two can somehow salvage your lost course. First and foremost if you know you have kids going back to school, don't wait for the new year's rush to do the shopping for them, do it in advance it will save you the headache later on.

Secondly, if you know you spend money like as if it naturally grows on trees, set aside the usual rent, shopping money & fare at your "diggs" ensuring that come January you will have something to survive on. Thirdly do not spend that which you don't have, for many of you have made  the mistake of spending beyond your means eventually ending in debt. This will not be a good start to your year.

Fourthly, be accountable of how every penny is spent and don't be stingy but be wise in your spending. This will help you stop questioning yourself, "Kwani ile pesa nilikuwa nayo imeenda wapi, ama imemezwa na majini?" Fifthly, purchase that which you deem as necessary, for I know especially during the festive season all manners of offers will be advertised on every bill board you come across. 

Tread carefully for this will ensnare you and take you hostage due to the cheap prices, which you will fall a victim of. As a friend of mine said, during such a time go to the local dealers (the small time business individuals) who are trying to make it & engage their services and give a break to the already established big corporations. This will ensure they at least grow their businesses.

As the year progresses and you open a new chapter of life's book, jot down your goals and set a target for yourself, it may not be easy to achieve them but try and try again until you get there. This is a year of uncommon favour, expect the unexpected & know that you can survive anything and make the most of every situation.

Monday 12 January 2015


What would we do without each other in the daily struggles of this energy draining life. We are set apart from all the other species on earth by the way we conduct ourselves amongst each other as well as the kind of relations we have with each other. It is quite something, to see two total strangers who out of nowhere decide to have a connection in the form of a friendship. They go to drink together, hang out at parties, go for dinners and so forth, without as much as a care in the world.
Later on emotions get involved & grow to the intensity of getting into relationships, marriage & such like human based connections. We bond in such a state that we can’t do without the other in our life. The human nature creates a feeling of togetherness when we are with someone who we value & clutch close at heart. Such that if that person is not near, a void is left in our hearts. Look at me blubbering about the matters of the heart, what do I really know.
Anyway back to what inspired this train of thoughts, losing friends or companions along the corridors of human bonding. Seriously what the hell is this madness! There comes a time when we feel it is better to be by ourselves than with someone we have grown fond of, it confuses me with all this mixed emotions in the air it will surely be the end of us. We should not fetter cause when God was thinking of how we should live, He knew we would learn how to man-up or woman-up (if there is such a word!).
Once the bonds that held us together start to strain & rip apart that is a red flag, warning us that we need to either work on renewing out bonds or let go of the other person. Here is a fact of life, no one is meant to be alone but at times the circumstances will not allow two to tango. Choices will have to be made, whether to try and fix things or call it quits. We are all masters of our own voyage, the question is will we let the wind fill our sails and take us to a distant land or be dragged about?
If and when we  start to lose those whom we cherish, don’t be discouraged but be strengthened by the mere fact that better days are ahead of you. Once our social bind starts to dwindle don’t be disheartened a greater tribulation is upon you. Do not run after those who have left, for those who have walked out of your life have only but created more room for those who matter to walk in.


What a wonderful feeling to thank God for seeing yet another beautiful day full of new opportunities. How time flies when we are caught up in the circus of life. Smile as today is the day a new you emerges from the depths of the shadows. Let us return to the train of thought of the day, valuing the time we give others. Am talking to you about how much of our time we give those who we interact with on a daily basis. I hope you do realize that time is a precious commodity that can't be bought but comes and goes as it pleases.

What if we could change that and own it. Yeah, I know that sounds out right crazy but think about it. each day we have 24 hours yet we are always crying for more time. Yet if we learned or had the capacity to manage the 'little time' we have then we would see it is more than enough. The question you may ask is how can I do that yet the 24 hours I have don't seem sufficient. Well to answer you, I will ask you how do you spend your hours each day?

Do you have those long unnecessary lunch breaks during working hours? Do you get to work on time instead of in time? Do you procrastinate most of the things you are meant to do per day? Do you always go wandering town for no apparent reason ? e.t.c. If the answer to the questions is yes, well you are seeing the problem. We complain that time is not on our side yet we don't prioritize as to how we should spend it. Like anything you deem as precious, you should consider it valuable, you time should be as costly.

We dish out our time to others without the thought of how are going to recover fro the hours let. Chanting to ourselves like Masai warriors "We want more time! We want more time!!". Yet here we are a sorrowful lot, yearning for an extension of the duration of the days we get to live. Lesson number one, always make sure that you are accountable for each and every hour that you use per day & I hope that it will be in a productive manner.

The going may be getting tougher but you have the strength of a Spartan you just don't realize it. Let it be known that your time is a commodity that has value and should not be wasted on the pity and unnecessary things and I don't mean your deny yourself some relation time. You better get to the habits of the bees, where each and every one of them knows their worth and what s expected of them.


"Here is a little song I wrote, you might want to sing it note for note, don't worry be happy. In every life we have some trouble, when you worry you make it double, don't worry be happy......". These are the words of the opening stanza of the famous song 'Don't worry be happy' by Bobby Mcferrin. A song that brings a smile to ones lips as you sing along to the lyrics as the sweet tunes whisk you away from your worries.

Likewise there is everyone's favourite childhood animation "The Lion King", where the characters Timon and Pumba sing the song Hakuna Matata in one of the scenes. The first stanza starts like "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze. I means no worries for the rest of your days. It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata!...."

Such sweet tunes that have become music to the ears and soothing to the soul. Letting you know that no matter how your day or night is or has turned out, you still have a valid reason to be thankful and to smile. We are quite an ungrateful lot who take so many things for granted in this life, not taking into account that the life we live is only meant to be lived once & that being short should be lived wisely.

When you rise in the morning, you are meant to give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength, for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks then the fault lies in yourself. How easily we can forget how precious life is! The act of being grateful or thankful does not change the scenery. It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colours.

Having  a grateful heart unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision fro tomorrow.

We need to be thankful for it is not the only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. A tree is known by its fruits; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life.

You will have set in motion an spiritual law: the more you have & are grateful for, the more will be given to you. Bad things do happen, how you respond to them defines your character and the quality of your life. you can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of your loss, or you can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift you have & that is life itself.



What is in a name that takes us hostage and makes us the envy of others? I once heard a phrase (I think it was a phrase maybe it was a saying am not so sure, I wasn’t even listening keenly) somewhere that stated “it is better to have a good name than to have riches”. Which I hardly doubt that most of you will agree with. No! don’t shake your head like as if you are trying to clear some cobwebs that had gathered in a dark corner at the back of your mind.

Yes, am talking to you, am sure if given a chance you would opt for the kingly stash of riches and would inwardly whisper to yourself like a spell to be cast, ” Jina nayo itajipanga!”. Who am I to be the judge of you,  you all know yourselves better. In the daily passing we have come to know each other by names at those gigs that provoke indulgence of social nature. How we relate to each other exchanging vows of friendship, yet we keep our darkest and sometimes our truest of intentions locked up in a vault within ourselves.

Ooh well, life must go on but though we identify each other by words, we are unaware of the written chapters in each others book of life. If only we could learn about each other and not wag our tongues on what we think of others, life would be one smooth journey ( or something close to that). Here we are in the merry go round that is our existence, a field of turmoil & despair. Anyway much is to be vented out as we are beings of back stabbing, rumour-mongering, self-centred & greediness of unknown proportions and character.

How the mighty have fallen on the blades of those whom wield the katana. Know this, your life is too precious to be left languishing in the abyss of despair. I want you to be among the chosen few who enjoy the good things of life. Such that when your time comes to cross to the other side of the river, you will look back and tell yourself that you lived your life as a guest of honour. Grabbing life by the horns and stand tall in front of a mirror & tell yourself that there is only one way in life and that is to keep going forward.

Do not step on the toes of fear, stand on them. Courage under fire requires the intrepidity and dauntless fearlessness to face mountains and climb them instead of changing course. It is said that we are the sum total of the people we associate with, the events we go through life, the experience we gain along the way and the most predominant thoughts that controls our minds. Life is like a buffet, full of variety and diversity.

The world is like a puzzle and you being part of that world, represents a significant piece of that jigsaw. Let us not be outcasts in the university of life, though we may only be known by name, we should also be know by deed. The harmonisation of our understand of each other will lead to a serene living environ where we relate with each other instead of hating each other. You are your own unique signature and only you understands the void in which you live, make hast and let those around you know a little bit about you.

It may seem like a risk not worth taking, but how will the world learn to take you as you stand. Am not holding a knife to your neck forcing you to yield to a little openness but just suggesting a peep into your life, just a tiny peep, can open the floodgates of the inner you. Let it be that, those who are around you understand that though it is only you who knows the feel of the path you walk, you may at times need the company of others to swat away the solitude.



Shrieking & yelling you make entry into this chaotic world like a demon escaping from the scathing fires of hell, yet the first thing you see with your tiny baby eyes is the loving and caring face of the one who bore you, your mother who is radiant with love & angelic in all sense of the word. Her face is lit up like a neon light as she embraces her new born, smiling at having given life to such a jewel or so it seems. Embracing you tightly but with gentleness, she smiles knowing that a great path awaits you in life, filled with all manner of mischievousness, mistakes, the good and the bad, shaking her head as she envisions you growing up.

Yet she swears to herself that she will be with you each & every step of the way, guiding you from the background like a shadow watching you make your very first step. As you grow and move from a boy to a man & some to gentlemen or from a girl to a lady, she is the hand that guides you, the shoulder to lean on and the arms to comfort you in your downfall. Yet when we are old enough, we awaken with a rebellious attitude wanting no part of her, disregarding every advice she gives deeming her as been old fashioned and not of the modern times. Thinking that we know what is best but the truth is “mama knows best”.

When will we learn to appreciate the queen in our lives who raises us to be princes & princesses in this vast land that yearns to be conquered by the string willed. We need to wake up from our slumber and wash away the sleep from our eyes & regain sight of the goal set out before us. For in our mothers we find the best of prayer warriors. When you were young and naive you had the nerve to sneak out of the house like a thief at the devil’s hour and sneak back in at the crack of dawn. Yet in all your transgressions, she put you in her prayers and prayed for your safety, hoping that no ill fate befalls you. If you have a mum, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been.

She is the comforter, the protector, the teacher, the alarm clock, the nanny, the mother, the home maker, the chef, the nurse, the maid, the cheerleader, she is all this yet we fail to appreciate her for all she does without pay. A selfless being, who was and is there for you when you howled at night like a lonely wolf wanting to be breast fed and have your diapers changed. We really ought to find our manners and be most grateful for the far that we have been brought and take a moment to just be thankful for having such a wonderful woman watching over us.

In our mothers we find strength and in us they are able to witness the untold joys a child brings to a proud parent who has stood the test of time like the great wall of china. When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” It is a mere formality. It does not matter if you answer yes or no. You are going to get it anyway. Our mothers give us so many gifts. They give us the precious gift of life, of course, but they also leave treasured lessons that can guide us along our journeys even when they are no longer with us. No language can express the power, beauty, heroism and majesty of a mother’s love. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.

When you are a mother, you are never alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. Call your mother, tell her you love her. Remember you are the only person who knows what her heart sounds like from the inside. A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us and endeavor by her kind percepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness and peace return to our hearts.

A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories. A mother has two smiles that an angel might envy and that which lights on the first born assuring it of a mother’s love.


Manhood, it is indeed a test of the very fabric of a man, yet not many embrace it in accordance to the customs of our people who are long forgotten or just lingering in the back of our minds. Here we are a species split into two beings either being a male or female. It takes a lot to be defined as a man & other times to be known as one of the league of gentlemen. How we fail the society by tarnishing the meaning of being a man. In the few days that have passed, there has been a rise of cases of women been stripped publicly by those who term themselves as been men.  What the hell is wrong with this society!
Who the hell said that you had a right to expose the nudity of a woman publicly in the name of disciplining her due to her indecent  dressing! I am ashamed by the heinous acts of these few degenerate psychos. Such is the sick and twisted nature that has taken hold of these backward men, whose minds are clouded by the hormonal imbalance in their bodies. No wonder most women keep on complaining that there are no good men left! Am not saying that it is proper to dress skimpily, but I believe some of us are mature adults who can handle and appreciate a little skin.
As a friend of mine usually says one is simply getting some optical nutrition. This odious behaviour of men disrespecting a woman’s temple (or to the lay person ‘a woman’s body’) is a disgrace to the image and reputation of the morally upright men in society. Am sure our ancestors are now turning in their graves, cursing us as they are baffled by what the world has become. We have become savages who prey on the weak and exploit the defenceless. Is this what our mothers taught us after carrying us for nine months in their wombs and trying to bring us up in a manner worthy of recognition and respect?
Woe unto all those who think that it is just and right to violate the sacred being of a woman, for the long arm of karma will surely get them if not the strong willed. The barbaric nature of those who tend to demean the very existence of a woman, shall surely face the fiery furnace of hell in one form or the other. How you treat a being of the opposite gender has its own vital ramifications, for every action there is always a reaction. Let not the stupidity of those who believe in a cast system in  which they categorize women as the weaker been be a reflection of who you are.
I even asked myself, why gang up and strip a woman, if someone thinks he is man enough he should do the stripping alone & not gang up like a pack of hyenas craving for that one juicy bone. There are but a few who have been brought up with the understanding that every single woman no matter who she is should be respected and not objectified like some kind of play toy or piece of property . We should be weary of the scum of beings who are trying to satisfy their hunger pangs and caution all of the consequences of their actions. It is unacceptable to watch the world burn and going to the dogs, we are better than this and should grow a pair & treat our counterparts with the respect they deserve.


The farmer toiling & moiling under the hot glaring sun, sweat glistering & dripping down his forehead as he ferociously digs the harden ground with the sole purpose of making the fertile ground ready for the planting season. Such was they way back then when our forefathers worked hard & tirelessly to provide for the family. With each stroke of the jembe they worked in the fields from the break of dawn till the approach of dusk. For that was the life lived and cherished, when society worked as one and everyone chipped in with the aim of building a better community that flourished.
Lost in the timeless void that has been created by life, we have become so obsessed with achieving the best positions in our careers, driving the fastest cars, owning the most beautiful & expensive houses, going to the best of schools, eating at the best restaurants in town, yet we are left wondering is this all there is to life! We all aim to be successful and have the best of things & yet we are so arrogant when we are climbing the ladder of success that we  go shouting on top of the roof tops so that the whole world may hear of how far we have come in our lives, neglecting those who are yet to attain that which is their shinning moment.
Whenever you look around at how far your life has changed, am guessing you smile as you take a sip of that wine or whisky & acknowledge that through your sweat and blood you have been able to build your empire. Which to me is a good thing, but my question to you is this, “do you have to tell us each & every time that you are successful?” Why not let your success speak for itself and let us heap our praises on your plate. Look at the likes of Warren Buffet a re-known billionaire who has it all and I mean literally, yet he humbles himself even before those who have not achieved such greatness as he. Living a simplistic yet elegant lifestyle and not smearing all his success in anyone’s face.
If only we could learn that even though fame and fortune are gracing the very ground we walk on it does not mean one should look down upon others. Give a helping hand where you can, share some advise on how one can better themselves, be a stepping stone for others when they are down. Warren Buffet was once heard saying ” Look for 3 things in a person – intelligence, energy and integrity. If they do not have the last one, do not even bother with the first two” such is the wisdom that this man has. Look at yourself, you may have your dream job, a seven figure account balance, a number of houses in various different countries all over the globe and yet here you are lacking in inner peace.
Do not let your success get in your head and poison the humanitarianism that is existent within your being. Les Brown a motivational speaker once said, “The greatest revenge is massive success”. He was putting it out there that you don’t have to exact revenge by use of physical force but by showing others through your skills that you can make it in life by becoming the best of you. When you work hard let that which is your accomplishment speak in your stead.


“Tuduu tuduu tuduu tuduu” the sound of a heart, beating steadily (or so I think), at the normal tempo of about 72 beats per minute. Yet we never realize that it is in very few circumstances, where we experience such a tranquillity like that of the still quiet night. Most of the times, we are so caught up in the adrenaline rush of life that the steadiness in us escapes from within our grasp, only to end up in the whirlwind of life destined by fate.
The feeling of adrenaline coursing through our veins as we near the close of a much anticipated deal nearing its conclusion, would be  something to smile about as one walks all the way to the bank & write home about, is a phenomena like no other. Hi there! We are travellers of the sole journey deemed as life chasing “the mulla/browns/chumes/cheda/money” all the way to our graves, it is time we take a chill pill, am not saying you don’t work hard, just try & work smart.
We live a life issued with a one way travel passport, stamped once and that’s it! Let me ask you, when was the last time that you sat down outside your house or at the balcony (if there is any) and just marvelled at the magnificence of the stars up above or the rise of the morning sun or its setting? Take your time, am in no hurry to hear you fumble with your answer. I have fallen as many of us have, a victim of being unappreciative of the wonders laid at our feet by the world & got enveloped on the woes ailing us mercilessly.
Am guessing from the blank expression from your face, you only appreciate the sun when it is drying your laundry, when you are at the beach soaking in its goodness, at the pool party showing some skin or trying to get some of that Vitamin D. Well, you better get your groove on, find yourself a spot and get dazzled, cause the first caress of those warm, friendly rays will alter your genetic encoding on life, leaving you feeling reborn & wonder to self asking, “where have I been all this time?”.
To be bade farewell by the lingering jolts of the setting sun whose companionship has to be let go,  inflames from deep within us a small amber of hope, letting us know that tomorrow we still yet have another date with destiny. A life lived to the prime is enjoyed with those held close & not kept hidden like some sort of skeleton in the closet, for when the sun takes a bow from the ghastly events of the day, it soothes the heart like the nursery rhymes sung to a toddler.
Captivating your inner most desires, magnifying the calmness within & leaving you at ease and saying to yourself “well that was epic, yet serene”. In all that crosses your pre-destined path of living, know that it is in the little things that happiness is found.


aXEqLp2_700b You know that feeling you get that leaves you all hollow inside, yep that one, am there I call it no-man’s island. Having such high hopes for myself as I saw the stars drawing closer, this journey has become like the exodus my destiny so near yet so far. Yet here I am stuck on the moon, wondering what did I do to deserve this much agony. Denied my joy like the time when the  Israelites were been held hostage by Pharaoh.
I question each and every moment, “what did I do to deserve so much loss and disappointment”. I will not give up yet, am still going to lift my lantern up high and aim to land on the shiny stars. I may have fallen but am going to rise again like the morning sun. Awakening to a new dawn though mortally wounded by the various doors been closed shut right in-front of my face.
It doesn’t matter, I will dust myself and get back on my two feet. “A luta Continua” that is my slogan for life. I may be forced down by the circumstances of life but I shall not yield to the weariness of this world. No more shall I let this life take me hostage and deprive me of the happiness I deserve. Sometimes you just feel like as if all your dreams and hopes have just been shattered, laid to waste by a nuclear bomb.
Leaving you devoid of any joy or hope for a better future. Well, it may be so but one thing I have learned in this life is that when the going gets tough you better toughen up. Arm yourself to the teeth & be determined to end the damn war as the battle has just been snatched from underneath your feet. Such is the life we have to choose and the constant dilemas we have to face.
Circumstance are out to get us, take away our free will and turn us to slaves of despair. I shall not fall into the same abyss twice, my hope may be dwindling like the last ambers of a lit candle but I shall overcome all odds and emerge from the shadows like the lost and forgotten warrior of ancient times. I will toil and moil as I make my way to the top, it may take a while but am not losing hope.
It is gut wrenching and disheartening to be lost in the sea of disappointment but I shall hold onto the raft of a better tomorrow by doing what I do best. Dust myself, get back on my feet and forge forward with my head held high. I will not let the dark days cloud my sunny moments. I shall overcome like the many who have preceded me in a time long forgotten.
Chasing ones dreams can become quite a chore, you will face all sorts of obstacles trying to block your path to your true destiny. The only thing I can say is do not give up yet on your dream, but rather increase your effort in wanting to reach it. Others around you may be having the world at their feet but you need to know that in due time your chance shall come one way or another.
What matters the most is whether you have prepared yourself for the aftermath. A lesson I have learned on this earth is that you should only allow yourself to be bent but not broken as you are much stronger than you think. Just the same way the clouds may block the sun, it does not mean that the sun has stopped shinning.
The experience of having the dream you had just inches away from your finger tips is the most disorienting feeling there ever is but what I do know, as my friends have told me I should not despair but hold on to that faith, hope and know that the fight is not over yet. If you have a vision of the future you want or a dream you want to become a reality you need not give up but fight tooth and nail to achieve it.


Awakening to the sweet sound of the African drums being being beaten at a slow tempo & being soothed by the chirping sound of the birds of the air is a delight like no other. A whiff of steaming hot purely ground coffee is a wake up call from all slumber. Here we are again before a judge who awaits on the jury to state its verdict. Perplexed by the warm sunny rays we stand on our feet, bracing ourselves for the impact of the after shock of life.
Many of us have travelled from far and wide to get to that point of satisfaction that calms our heart. Yearning to redeem our souls for an entry pass to the pearly gates of the heavens above. Let not your tears be wasted for they are meant to flow freely and wash away the sorrow that is within you. Do not hesitate to yield to your happiness for such is the reward that our being desires to be satisfied.
The echo of shoes on the dusty ground, moving forward towards a great destiny that is perceived in the mind. How the sun rises and with it our hopes & dreams, getting uplifted in the crack of a new dawn. We shall not be disheartened but jovial in the breath that we take in facing yet another day in this earthly paradise that we claim to be our home.
Like a clock on the wall telling us the time of day, the hour hand moving in sync with the minute hand letting us know how far the day has gone. As we are with those who we hold dear and embrace them closely at heart. Time only knows of a forward motion like an arrow shot using a bow. The minutes or the hours spent with those we treasure is one of the most valuable gifts to be handed down to one.
Hear ye! Hear ye! The hour is upon us when we shall rise from the ashes and embrace our loved ones with the promise of never leaving their side. Standing side by side with our swords drawn ready to slay our demons and to vanquish them to deepest of all abyss. Neither here nor there shall we take lightly the time we spend with those whom we indulge with but treasure every minute that is spent with them.
We shall but give them our time, as we lend a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold onto. Letting the amber burn and light the fire within ourselves, illuminating the path for all those who follow either friend or foe. When you can, do share a minute or two with someone, giving them the chance to know that they are not alone in this world.


In this life people will either inspire you or drain you, that is the hard fact of life. It is heart breaking to know that everyone is usually your best friend only when you are successful. You have to ensure that the people who you surround yourself with are also the people whom you are not afraid of failing with. Honestly, I think there are enough bad people out there in the world, you don’t need to be your own worst enemy.
Let it be know that great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things & small people talk about other people. As we grow up we realise it is less important to have lots of friends and more crucial to have few real ones. That is the world that we are currently living in, where the dos and the don’ts get merged as one creating blurry lines thus we are not aware of the lines crossed.
You should try as much as possible to associate with positive, focused people who you can learn from & who will not drain your valuable energy with uninspiring attitudes. Developing relationships with those committed to constant improvement and the pursuit of the best that life has to offer, you will have plenty of company on your path to the top of whatever mountain you seek to climb.
Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important to note with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with those friends who are like-minded & who are also designing purpose filled lives. Similarly be that kind of friend to others.
Your mindset or outlook in life is the most important thing in determining your level of happiness; however, your relationship with others can help increase your happiness quotient. As you learn who you are, you can better surround yourself with friends who make you a better person, & that sometimes only happens when you disassemble old relationships.
To all the other dreamers out there, don’t ever stop or let the world’s negativity disenchant you or your spirit. If you are surrounded with love & the right people, anything is possible. Be engulfed with smart, dedicated people, since the building of something isn’t a one-man show. It’s more important to have smart people who really believe in what you are doing rather than really experienced people who may not share your dream.


To be well versed in the culture of ones’ people, is the greatest honour to be bestowed upon any individual of vast homage. How we fail to appreciate our motherland puts me to shame, as I bow my head down low in wonder. Why do we detaste where we hail from yet our roots are meant to be grounded on the land of our forefathers & great ancestors?
Yet we are swayed about like the trees at the edge of a cliff ready to topple over & barely holding onto the ground from which we spring from. Instead of letting our feet soak in the cool waters of the ocean as the waves rush towards the sandy shores. We are, but carried about like a boat whose anchor has come lose, swinging from side to side like a pendulum.
How I admire the sun as it rises in the morning, bringing with it a glorious new day. A fresh start, a new beginning as it is meant to be though we are bashed on every side by the daily chaos of life. Every day is meant to be a new page in the book of your life, as the chapters vary sometimes you may write in ink other times you may just decide to use a pencil.
Here you are bewildered by your train of thoughts, trying to reach the clouds up high. Suffocated by the choking fumes of the hardship of life. A captain of your ship you shall sail though the murky waters, as you fight off the pirates who aim only to steal your dreams & life achievements. Let it be known that you are a fierce warrior like shaka zulu ready to pierce the very heart of your enemy.
You should not let your hopes be crashed underfoot by those who surround you and claim to be your allies. Watch your back as you tread on dangerous ground filled with land-mines ready to explode and take a limb away from your being. How you would love to cower away from the watchful eye of society, yet it judges your every move and conduct.
Let your tears flow freely like the river Ewaso Nyiro, to slide down your cheeks and grace the earth on which you stand. For the bereaved gain strength from within themselves, ridding themselves of their sadness to rise up and stand strong like the mighty Greek gods. You shall overcome all this worldly mayhem, as you seek inner peace in your time of solitude away from the prying eye.
In all you do be steadfast for your journey is about to become more adventurous, going with the wind to the place where your heart desires. For your destiny awaits you, though many may travel the same road as you it is only you who will know how the scene will end. Like in a film you are director of the acts as each scenario unfolds. God speed and let your footsteps not echo on the ground but leave a mark of your magnificence.



We live in a world where denial is the in-thing, as you “deny!deny!deny!deny!’ in each and every circumstance in your life. Yet the consequences of our actions creep upon us like the ghosts from the underworld. Why we choose such a deceitful life, I can not tell you because I do not know what the oracle of life entails or says. Am just but a passer by travelling on a road mapped by my destiny, aiming to get to the hidden treasures of my life.
We all make mistakes even if some of us continue to deny them with a straight face. The difference being some have owned theirs while others have distanced themselves like as if it was one of the plagues sent down by God in the times of Moses. We are all humans, we have weaknesses, we make mistakes and experience sadness, but we must learn from all these things to become better people.
Did you know that mistakes are proof that you are trying. Since you didn’t know, now you know. You are not meant to carry your mistakes around with you all the time like some baggage. Instead of all that struggle why not put them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. Mistakes are part of life and believe me life never ever comes with instructions it just happens.
Let it be known that we all make mistakes, but that does not mean that you have to pay for them the rest of your life. They are meant to happen and sometimes good people make bad choices, it doesn’t mean they are bad but simply that they are human. It will be more ideal if you do not place your mistakes on your head for the weight may crush you. Instead place them under your feet and use them as a platform to view your horizons.
Never say, “oops!” always say, “Ah, interesting”. Life isn’t about algebra & geometry it is about learning by making mistakes & not duplicating them. A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. For in the game of life it is a good idea to have a few early losses, which relieves you of the pressure of trying to maintain an undefeated season.