Sunday 21 November 2021


 “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder”.

Well, it is that time of the year yet again. When decorations are getting put up, laughter seems to be creeping in from different corners of the land, discounts on items are on the rise, merry music is blasting from speakers, the feeling of taking it easy is dawning upon us & so forth.

I pray that this year, the holidays will be different, more cheery as we have been through it all, a roller coaster like no other that flew like a butterfly & stung like a bee. We are all set on a direction that we take, so as to get to our destination.

However, this does not mean that when you get an obstacle on your way that you get immobilized, take a detour that will lead you back to the chosen way. So many times, we get stuck on the same path that we fail to see there is a way around that will lead us away from that which is blocking us.

“Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything”.

We tend to remain on the merry go round without thinking for a second that we can get off & walk away. All the while, the wheel keeps turning round & round & round. Such is our shortfall that we have us human beings that we don’t like to let go. It is indeed funny that which makes us comfortable confines us to it like a prisoner with shackles to our feet.

When you are trying to swing forward, the rope around your waist pulls you back, unless you cut it off, your freedom will only be but a grasp away. We have a way of letting ourselves be confined to a particular way of life that our mentality of change for the better escapes us.

“Did you know that sometimes God will put you through a test not to test you but to test the people around you to see if they really are who they say they really are. So pay attention, for situations expose people for who they truly are”.

So strong is our urge to be rooted in one place, doing the same thing, the same way, with the same results that we can’t see beyond our noses. Having myopic vision as we are bound by our blindness that we only passive that which is within our sight.

So caught up with the short lived shininess that one becomes paralyzed with the fear of the unknown. Wondering, why is my ship sinking, yet it is so clear that there are holes letting in water in tons. Set your sails, so that they may catch the strong winds & off you go to new adventures.

Don’t let yourself be anchored down to the floor of the ocean as you will continue to be grounded, drowning & unable to breathe. Take in a whiff of the clean fresh air, feel the breeze as it blows tingling your skin as it passes by. The sun rising from the east & welcoming you with its warm rays, setting in the west, saying goodbye to the day that it has given you.

In this life, if you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing. Just like the same way if an archer does not pull the string of his/her bow, the arrow will not go anywhere. The Israelites can tell you their story, do you not remember that they could have reached Canaan in 4 days, but due to the nature of being, it took them 40 years.

Did you know that sometimes God will put you through a test not to test you but to test the people around you to see if they really are who they say they really are. So pay attention, for situations expose people for who they truly are. 

4 things to always walk away from:

  • Walk away from conversations that involve hate and gossip
  • Walk away from unnecessary drama
  • Walk away from people who put you down
  • Walk away from the table if respect is no longer being served

Our father up in heaven, we come before you as your children. We are grateful that we have seen yet another glorious week. It is through your will that we are alive & well. We are humbled that you Lord are the Alpha & Omega, our provider & our protector. We lift up your name Jehovah Jireh & pray that your will be done in our lives. Thank you Abba Father. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Wednesday 20 October 2021


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me & being in my life. I come before you as your child, having seen another day that is a blessing from you. I pray that your will be done & not mine. I pray that Lord you shall continue to watch over me, protect me, provide for me & be the light in my life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!!!

I am not strong enough to handle life (don’t be fooled by my physique). So many people are tearing up, broken & devastated. Every day they fighting one thing or another. You do not know the battles been fought & the wars been waged in one’s life. One may look all sharply dressed every now & then, but you don’t know what is happening in one’s head, far from the outside look. 

There we are, trying to figure it all out like a lost student. Where can I turn? Who can I rely on? Where can I get help from? Life has caused such a chaotic situation that every single moment, we try to forge forward an obstacle or obstacle take the opportunity to rise.

“Don’t value the things you have in life, but value who you have in your life”

Our mental capacity is been challenged on every single hour, every single minute, every single second, yet we are unaware of this. We try to question ourselves & come to the understanding of, “Am I in the right state of mind, can I handle it, who is there for me?” such a puzzling moment it is. 

It is unfortunate that we are not there for our brothers & sisters, who may not even be of our blood but by virtue of us knowing them. Every single day, somebody is trying to understand, should this day just come to an end. Sleeping peacefully & wake no more, for life has become such a turmoil that we do not understand which is the best cause to take.

“Don’t be afraid to reach and touch someone’s life, you never know whose life you are touching”.

Why is it that we are not there for each other but would rather we stab each other’s back. Yes it is understandable that we are in the Covid-19 period, where we have entered into survival mode, where it is now, me, myself & I and to some extent those who are family by blood. 

We shall be there for them & the rest, we shall let them fend for themselves. This is a colossal mess, our brains are going into a raging battle like no other. Why is it that we look down upon on others who are not like us? I am not a strong man, I am a weakling that does not mean I will not defend you.

Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth”.

It is expected in the African Culture that a man should not show any form of emotion. He should keep it all bottled up like a jinni & act tough, not tearing up or even shedding a tear & be the Simba in his homestead, that is nonsensical rubbish. You are meant to be a human being first, the other aspects of you will fall in place like chess pieces. 

We pretend that everything is alright. Just like something I was watching online, where a critical question was raised in the terms of, if somebody says ‘hi’ to you or asks you ‘how are you doing’, how you will respond. Do you say fine, am good, okay? Will it all be short & bitter sweet answers not revealing the reality of what is happening with or around you.

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great”

I am not saying you open up to everyone you meet but if you will notice the trend of the things, most of the conversations we have are usually quite short. Yet on the inside we are screaming out loud & hurting. There are people whom you can talk to. Do they listen to you or are they there for you, I don’t know, you are the one to tell me. 

This life seems to be plotting the sequel of the game of cat & mouse where everything is all about taking supposed chances. You don’t know what is going to happen, you don’t know how it is going to be done, but you are struggling with so many things you don’t even know where to turn.

“Sometimes what you are most afraid of doing, is the very thing that will set you free”

Fearing that the walls are crumbling & collapsing all around us, wondering to ourselves why are we caught up in all this. Why are the walls closing in, making one claustrophobic? It is unfortunate that we are not there for one another & that we behave like as if we are strangers. When somebody is in pain, when somebody is going through a rough patch, we ignore it like as if it just smoke & mirrors. 

It is a matter of being there to care for somebody, to be their support system, to love them, cherish them, hold them, be with them, without even talking, just listening that can help. Surprisingly, we are not doing any or all of these, we are more concerned about me, myself & I. As Shakespeare once said, “To be or not to be, that is the question”. We live a life that is distinct from any other person, just like the sunrise of yesterday is different from that of today & of tomorrow.

“I am strong because I know my weakness. I am wise because I have been foolish. I laugh because I have known sadness”.

Monday 11 October 2021


Have you ever had such a bad day that you end up thinking that the world has a plot to finish you. You wake up in the morning, looking for your shoes you find one is missing. You are taking your hot cup of coffee/tea & it pours on you. You get in your car & it has no fuel or you take public means & the driver decides to take a longer route than usual, making you get late. 

You are about to print that document that was required by the boss & your laptop or computer decides it has had enough & crashes on you or the document disappears. You set up a meeting with a client & you end up been hours late. You end your day to go home you end up stepping into a puddle of muddy water or it rains & you gate splashed head to toe with unholy water. 

You reach home to at least prepare your meal, it is late & your cooking gas finishes or electricity disappears with food half cooked. Do you relate to this or something similar to this? I hope that I am not taking you down memory lane of the reality of this world as this was just a side thought, now to the main agenda.

“Some people are not loyal to you. They are loyal to their need of you. Once their need changes, so does their loyalty”.

It is said that once you open your mouth & utter words they can’t be swallowed back. Just like opening a Pandora box, where once the locks are opened & gates burst wide open, then all hell breaks loose (so they say). No one is hindered from saying what it is that they are thinking but my advice is to be careful & watchful of that which is said. 

The tongue is considered the most dangerous weapon that we possess, that either breaks & builds (if you don’t know now you know). In life there is no rewind button that one can click to push back the hand of time or wind back the actions that have taken place or make one to stop from hearing the words earlier spoken. If you believe that you can make it in this world, nothing should ever hinder you as you are your own limit. 

There is a cliché phrase that goes that the sky is the limit, I want to correct that and state categorically that your imagination is your limit. What you see yourself is what matters the most to you & not what others think of you. It is important that when we can, we take the moment to fully digest & absorb that which is just about to slip from our lips. 

The punch of words goes beyond the surface but rather impacts much deeper to the feels. All in all, take heart & know that you are meant for greatness. You may not see it, believe it or even feel it but there is more to your life than you can see. Did you know that we are celebrating world mental health day. It may not seem much of a different day from any other day but it has significance that goes beyond the norm.

It is a day that we go out there publicly & let the world know that though there are others who are slightly different from us. That they should not be looked down upon but taken in as our own. The mental status of a number of us is on the edge & at the point of breaking. Many may consider you insane, or having lost it but the brain is a unique mechanism that we can’t fully understand. 

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. For those who did not know mental health includes emotional, psychological & social well-being of a person. This affects how one thinks, feels & acts. It also helps determine how one handles stress, relate to others & make choices.

I met a new friend today & I got to have my mind opened to endless possibilities. Did you know that we are bound by the decisions that we making in our daily. It may not make sense at the moment, so let me tell you of a scenario if I may. 

There was a knock at the door so loud & fast, he woke wondering, “What is all this racket about?” Confused & dazed he approached his house door & opened it. There at the door, she stood with a split blackened eye bleeding, with tears dripping down her face. He proceeded to usher her in & proceeded to prepare a hot bath for her as she looked disheveled. Once she was done, she changed into the dry clothes that had been carefully laid down on the bed. She explained that it was her then man who had made her have the new appearance. He looked with concern & tried his best to comfort her. She had been an old flame of his but had opted to go & live in the fast lane. Her then man was one known for his subjectification & demeaning of women. She did not heed to the warning he had time & again told her of the person she was with but it all had fallen on deaf ears. Here she was again, back to him to seek the things that she missed. He remembered with a lot of pain in his heart that she had left him & gone to this man who had hurt her. It had become such a common trend that every time she was hurt she would run back to him for comfort. He looked at her & bluntly told her that he would not continue to be her rebound forever. She had to, from then on decide what was best for her but not use him as her guinea pig & he walked out of the room leaving her to her thoughts”

This is not a romantic tale in the likes of Romeo & Juliet or a blame game, but a reality check of the happenings in what we face on a daily. I did not bring this up to putting anyone down but to make you aware that the choices we make have consequences. Every action may or may not bring out a reaction & how you decide to respond determines the next unfolding. In all that

What happens when you fail? And God is like I’m right here. What happens when you look like this is the worst thing that ever happen to me, and God is like I got you. This is the God we serve. That at your lowest moment, at the break up, at the divorce, at the pain, at the mistake, God is like I am right here with you! And if I go before you then who can be against you!

I would like us to take a moment & just go before the Father up in Heaven & have this talk: "Dear Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for every heartbeat and every breath. Help me to love you more this week and to love others. Help me to trust you and your plan for my life and not worry about tomorrow, for you hold it in your mighty hands. In Jesus name, Amen!!!"

Tuesday 5 October 2021


Hi there, how are you doing? Will you give me the permission to ask you a small/tiny question (looking around anxiously & expectantly)? Aah, thank you, I am humbled to have your go ahead, awesome! When was the last time that you smiled & even laughed? 

In its simplest meaning, just you letting it all out through laughter without a care in the world. Hmm, it may feel like a strange question but it shouldn’t be. Have you not realized that we have been so caught up in this battle of survival that we even forgot the little pleasures?

“A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart”.

I don’t know the path that you are walking or taking, but of late, I am becoming more & more familiar with mine. Every turn that I take, I see the faces of those I know & others who are strangers. Caught up in our own train of thoughts, wondering, “So, this is it”, the question constantly lingering in our minds as we try to figure it out in the ever confusing moments in life. 

My mind races to try & catch up with the reality, that we are all different but still one people. If I am cut, I shall bleed & my blood will still be red, just like yours. I know that there are days that you reach your house/home & you feel so worn out to the extent you question your sanity.

“Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find what you deserve”.

It is at this moments that we sit/lay down to unwind & reflect on how the day was & what is to come. The gravity of living, constantly pounding you from all sides, getting you in the moment of, ‘I am about to just let it be’. In life, moments come & go, so take a shot or you will never know. Your heart will tell you when it is time to move, so take a chance. What have you go to lose?

“No one can destroy iron but its own rust. Likewise, no one can destroy a person but his/her own mindset”.

Everyone deep down is fighting a quiet battle. It does not matter how big or small the battle, we are all fighting something. You are seeing this post because whatever it is, I want you to be proud of yourself for the fight you are putting up. Be proud of yourself of all the things you have pushed through. 

As hard as life gets, never give up. Those struggles you are going through will lead to your greatest blessings. Keep pushing forward, you can’t go back & erase what has happened in your life, but you can always strive to be your better self in the future.

“Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, because the Bible says, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”.

It is said that if you want to go fast, walk alone but if you want to go far, walk with others. It may seem like just an okay statement or a cliché but the weight that it carries goes way above & beyond the normal interpretation. It is important to know that always say what you mean & mean what you say, because, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter they won’t mind.

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like”.

Did you know that it is so easy to give up on life! Why should you care? Why should anything matter to you? Why should you wake up every day to go grind? Why should you be part of the living? Why should you keep on struggling? Why should you keep on fighting to pull through? So many questions, with so few answers to give. 

Well, to tell you the truth I don’t know why we go through what we do but what I can tell you is that we all have a purpose on this beautiful earth. It may not feel like it but don’t let go yet. The rope may seem to be slipping from your hands, don’t fret, you are not alone, I got you, God got you & those who love you got you. 

We get so caught up in the heat of the battle that we forget the reason as to why we started in the first place. No one said that it shall be easy, if it was/had been, all of us would have done it. You limits get tested on a daily just like the capacity & strength of a bungee jumping rope holding your weight as you drop down screaming bloody murder. 

I may not know you, I may have never seen or met you, I may have never heard of you, I may not even be in the same region with you but what I do know is that I care & God also cares. It may seem like a strange thing to know that someone out there cares about you & prays that all things work out for you. 

You would be surprised by the number of people who are out there, who take a moment to just include you in their prayers (no matter the religion), from their lips to God’s ears. Their acts may not be direct, but it could be through someone else or even directly without even you knowing it. 

When we think of the ripple effect, there comes the thought of one act creating a chain reaction of unknown proportions. When you release good into the world, good will come back to you, it may take time but it will get to you. The same way, if you release evil into the world, it will come back clapping & stomping.

Life is not something that we ought to take for granted but should continue to learn to appreciate the little blessings that come our way. I don’t know you, you don’t know me but I know for a fact that everyone has had hardships in the past, they had to go through. I am proud of you, be proud of yourself. Keep going, radiate bliss.

I want you to take a moment and pray as follows:

Our everlasting Father up in heaven, I come before you thanking you for the gift of life that you have given me. You are the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning & the end, you are Jehovah Jireh, who was, who is & who is yet to come. Lord I lay all that is weighing me down at your feet, for you are the one in control. I know that I am a sinner and I have let the ways of this world to take hold of me. My redeemer, I am seeking your strength, wisdom, your forgiveness and your love. Father, I pray that may your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen!

Saturday 25 September 2021


A good number of men are broken, torn on the inside & bleeding. Every day they think to themselves, “why am I here? Is this the way that I shall continue to live in a world that has no thanks!” Grasping at the straws of life, wondering how he is going to make it through this murky mud.

It is a tough world outside there & it is expected that he should keep it all together. He is meant to show toughness like a lion in the jungle, keep a brave face like a warrior, be funny like a clown, cool like a cucumber (still not sure where this came from) & composed like a monk. 

You would be surprised at the times one has thought of flight instead of fight. The moments of sitting at a corner by himself, trying to figure out, if he is enough. The mental torture that is in existence, unless he clears his mind of the horde of demons that he is battling on a daily.

Anyway, enough of the journey through a man’s mind with the many twists & turns of the thoughts twirling around like stirring the pot. This is the reality out there, we need to be there for our men folk (you don’t need to agree with me). You will not know what is happening around him, yet every day he comes back to the house (it may not be a home yet) & does what he can to ensure that him and/or the family/or those he is in a relationship with stays afloat & that he puts his best foot forward.

"I don’t know you, you don’t know me but I know for a fact that everyone has had hardships in the past they had to go through. I am proud of you, be proud of yourself. Keep going, radiate bliss”.

Why are you stressing? Yes, don't read this question all shocked by me asking it like as if I have lost my mind (I see you, put the stone down). I know that you would clap back & say, "what is there not to stress about, huuh?".

Life has become an uphill task, economy is going down the drain, the reality of survival is for the fittest, has become the new norm, loss of life is the in thing with no remorse, Covid-19 has become the plague that won't go away, traffic has become the continuous headache that one faces in a daily.

We are living in a world, where due to our default human nature that we tend to worry about everything, anything & nothing. It is not that we have nothing else to do, but we get to a point that we give in to the weight of the boulder on our shoulder pushing us down.

We become so caught up in our worry that we wonder are we really going to ever have that moment to just chill & take it easy or life is going to be the continuous battles that are been waged left, right & centre. The sad reality is that we do not talk about what is keeping us down & feel that we need to live with that which is pushing us against the wall.

Other times you don’t know, where to turn, who to talk to or how to let out what is boiling on the inside. It has become this baggage that you can’t get rid of that keeps on pulling you under. How one would wish to have a safe space to be able to say it all & not be judged.

One can become so caught up with worry that you deem yourself a burden to those who are close to you & think of ending it all, going to the quiet place. We have made it, a difficulty for people to trust us with their issues, leading to them storing all the pain on the inside & shoving it deep in the Pandora’s box.

Thus, creating a disastrous side effect of them to the extent of them, distancing themselves from others, becoming hostile even to those whom love & care about them, taking their own lives & so forth. This becomes an impediment for one to face the anticipated future to be & seize the present moment.

If we are unable to learn to let go, then we shall be held captive by our anxiousness & been troubled by what it is & what is to become. Look around you, is there any way that you can be a light to somebody else or you firm stand is that we should each deal with our own troubles by ourselves.

In the bid for self-help, one can take a simple step like taking to enjoy nature by just walking, it does not have to be in a park, even in your own hood. You will be amazed at the simplest of creations if you are into nature. One can even take up a sport or activity that flames the adrenaline rush like running, bike riding, hiking, swimming et cetera. These do help in getting the mind decongested from all that is stacked up (am not saying it is a sure thing but at least it is a step).

You could be a shoulder to some to lean on in their time of need. You could also be a listening ear, when one needs to let our what is churning on the inside. Time is one thing we must all learn plays a part in all that we do, taking each day as it comes & goes.

"Let me ask you something, if someone prays for patience, do you think God gives them patience or does He give them the opportunity to be patient? If some prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm & fuzzy feelings or does He give them opportunities to love each other? When you ask for strength, God will give you difficulties to make you strong. When you ask for wisdom, God will give you problems to solve. When you ask for courage, God will give you dangers to overcome. When you ask for love, God will give you troubled people to help”.

Let us pray, my Father who is in heaven, I come before you as your child. I am a sinner, seeking that you will guide me in your ways. I am lost, seeking your light to show me the path. Lord, I may not understand everything that is happening but I am putting my life in your hands. I pray loving Father that your will, will be done in my life. You are the alpha & the omega, the begging & the end, the Great I am & the creator of the heavens & the other. I come before you, seeking that you shall cover me with the precious blood of your son Jesus Christ. I pray & believe this, Amen!

Sunday 5 September 2021


Well, it is what it is! How have you been? Yes you, don’t try figuring it out if am speaking to someone else or to you. It is you on the other end of this screen that am talking to. Did the chill get to you or you have become close friends with coffee/tea/blankets in the month of July/August? 

I didn’t know that we were having an extension of the cold season, thought it had taken a break & gone off to enjoy a holiday somewhere. I tell you the weather has been playing one Russian roulette with us. 

You leave the house with a sweater/jumper/hoodie & after an hour it becomes blazing hot like the furnace of hell or when you leave with a t-shirt or light dressing after an hour or so, it fells like as if a blizzard is passing through. This life has become a fight for survival, every day you have to roll the dice to see which side your luck will fall. 

The skies are looking gray & cloudy making the future uncertain & dark but we must put our best foot forward.

“I'm strong because I know my weaknesses. I'm wise because I've been foolish. I laugh because I've known sadness”.

We are in a life where by it is not just hunting & gathering like in the supposed good old days of wearing skin cloth & living in caves, it is more of going out there, pushing yourself, being a go getter & getting out of your comfort zone. We are born with the setting that there is a purpose for us in the world & that this goes beyond the normal description. 

Do you remember the first time that you got behind that wheel of a car ready to take off, all tense up & cringing at all thoughts of what if something goes wrong as the engine continues running? Thinking that you may mess up on the road or you may hit one or two things along the way, gripping the steering wheel with both hands. 

Years later there you are without a care in the world, taking the wheel with one hand, windows rolled down, you are more at home behind the steering. The first time you started off, you were scared, worried, tense, stressed, pulling at your hair by the roots but now you are more focused, determined, knowing your way around, having no fear & being the leader of the pack. Indeed, to be a cliché the wheels have tuned & the tide is in your favour.

“What is the biggest lie you have ever been told, “It is not that simple”. That is the biggest lie that I was told over & over again. It is the easiest way to make you give up”.

There is a natural incline to be scared or to be afraid or to have the feeling of fear taking a tight grip on your throat & squeezing the air out. There is nothing to be ashamed off, you are normal & that is okay. You are not the only person who has had second thoughts about anything or the urge to resist doing something. 

Fear is part of the package of been human & you have nothing that should make you fell less. I have also been there & I can tell you, that feeling can weigh you down. You feel like you are back in the Greek mythological times when the Titan Atlas carried the world on his shoulder.

In life taking the first step can be a tall order that seems impossible. I have something to tell you, you are going to be alright & all will be well. You don’t have to feel like you are the only one who is going through it rough. We may be in the super roller coaster of the Covid-19 variants that are coming out of the wood works left, right & center but we are still here. 

We stagnate in our move in life when we let ourselves be held hostage by that which we fear. It is true that the fear of the unknown is what cripples us to the extent that we become mummified. It will not be easy to move but you have got this. When you decide to take life head on, nothing will be beyond your reach. 

As the saying goes that if you want to move fast, move alone but if you want to go far, you move with others. When you want to overcome a feeling that puts you down, it takes a moment to figure out if you are willing to take the step to push forward. It is not easy, it will take a while but then you will realize, you need to have a mind over matter moment. 

Everything starts with yourself, it is a journey but that does not mean that you have to do it alone. That is why at times we talk to those who are close & trusted to us & tell them how we feel. This helps us to let out that which is within us. Other times when you are out on a walk or a run or a stroll to clear your mind, you realize that you are a work in progress. 

Don’t sweat it, it shall be alright & no matter what happens, you are meant for greater things. Also remember, you are not alone, I also have you in mind & I pray that God shall watch over you in all that you do.

When God gives you a dream. The dream will always be tested. The pressure in your life right now has a purpose. It is not crushing you, it is pushing what is on the inside of you, out! Let me motivate you, good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don’t give up. It is all in your state of mind, so stay the course.

Saturday 7 August 2021


My Father who is heaven, hollowed be your name. Your very kingdom come and your will be done. May you give me this day my daily bread and forgive me for my trespasses, as I forgive those who have trespassed against me. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Amen!!!


Well, it is hug your blanket season which just got real, having coming back full force with no mercy. I tell you, everywhere you go the bathroom has become the mortal enemy. Touching water is like breaking the silent vow. I have known cold/chilliness but this my friend is another level of torture, you take a shower & you have but seconds to dry yourself & get into warm clothing otherwise, the chill will get you like a bad prank. There comes a time, when one goes like “to bath or not to bath that is the question”!

How have you been? Anything exciting happen while I was away? Don’t worry, am not going to disappear like that without letting you know first. Life opted to come with the ripper to make a claim of how it wants the show to be run. Did you know that we become so caught up with our daily struggles that we forget to take a moment to just take a couple of deep breaths & appreciate that which we have. The speed at which the world is moving is so unpredictable that one wonders when it will stop spinning.

How do you face each day that the sun rises from the east (no hidden agenda in it, am aware you know it sets in the west), if you don’t mind me asking? Is it that you wake up groaning asking yourself, “why has this day come again, could it just end again”? Or do you wake up all pumped up, looking forward to the surprise of the day, wondering what feats you are going to achieve? Am guessing that at times you wake up & question why you are in this realm & who lied to you about adulting.

It takes a lot to face the days as they are (pandemic and all) & one can nearly break by the mere fact that there is so much to handle. As was wisely said, “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why we call it the present”. This may sound like a cliché, but it has a nice ring to it when you read it, makes you feel all wise & inspired. We do get at times to be between a rock & a hard place, with the puzzle look of why everything is working against me.

You are a strong person (not meaning physically) but mentally. You are a caring person, you have those whom you hold closely to your heart. You are psychologically capable of overcoming anything, as is said “mind over matter”. You are spiritually empowered, it takes belief & faith for you to move that mountain. You are socially compatible, no one is hard to approach as life is a circle. All these may be so, but you are the center piece of it all. It takes having the will that can make you move from one step to another.

We are blessed with 2 eyes, 2 ears & 1 mouth, to it see all, hear it all & talk about it when it is necessary. Nothing is cast on stone as it can be molded to a better shape if need be. Take a moment to just reflect on that which you have, you have been through a journey like no other. No one understands it better than you do because your path is yours & yours alone. However, you can always travel with others to make your ride to your destination more comfortable.

It takes self-will & belief to get to the heights that you desire. It will in no time be easy but in the long run, it will be worth it. The push & pull, the rise & fall, the slow & fast, the high & low is all part of the theatrics of the show that is your life. No one is a better warrior in your story other than yourself. As the performer before the stage set by the world, you know the ending as the credits roll concluding the show. Don’t fret, you have got this & you are built for far much better things than you can imagine.

“Many people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies, but won’t panic to find a plan before their dream dies – Elon Musk”

How heavy is this glass of water? The absolute weight of the glass does not matter, it depends on how long that you hold onto it. If you hold it for a minute, nothing will happen, if you hold it for an hour your arm will begin to ache, if you hold it for the whole day your arm will feel numb and paralyzed. The weight of the glass has not changed but the holder I hold onto it the heavier it becomes. The stresses and worries of life are like the glass of water. If you think about them for a little while there is no problem. If you think about it for a little bit longer it will begin to hurt. If you think about them all day long and you will feel paralyzed incapable of doing anything. Always remember put the glass down!

Sunday 20 June 2021


Hallelujah, finally the man gets his time having arrived wrapped in a purple ribbon.  This is that glorious & fantabulous day that has come to recognize us (I know you want me to get to the point quickly). Roll the drums, clap your hands, stand up for those who God has blessed with the title "father, daddy, dad, baba, paps etc" - I want to wish you all men a happy father's day. I want you to know that you are really appreciated & today is your day, enjoy & relish it. You may now resume your positions as you were (dusts off hands in acknowledgement & appreciation)

I think the rope is burning or is going to burn my hands. Why am I holding it so tightly, if the rope keeps on slipping am going to burn off my palm, damn! Confusing moment huh, let me clear the sudden fog of being lost by the sentences above. Why is it that whenever we have something in our possession though it may be damaging to us, we still keep on hanging on to it? Is it that we are afraid that if we let it go that we shall be left with nothing to keep us company or is it the sense that we shall feel all empty on the inside lacking a purpose or a direction. 

You have despair, confusion, hate, anger, hurt, fear, trauma & so forth milling through your mind day in, day out. All of which, can tie you down to a state of immobility in your life in such a way that you can no longer unshackle yourself from the prison you are in of your own creation whether voluntarily or not. We get so caught up in the happenings that have molded us that we forget that we can open a door that will set us free, we just need to insert the key & take hold of the handle & turn it. 

Many are the times that our path has been chartered by our past that keeps us in check that we don’t realize that there is a different way of handling it all. It is said that if you repeat something the same way over & over again, you still eventually end up with the same result though expecting a different turn out. We become caught up on the thorns in our lives that we forget that there are flowers that we can also smell & appreciate their beauty. No one is destined to be in the same spot no matter what the universe may be communicating. 

It may take time before you reach your full potential but that does not mean that you are to be a slave to your circumstance. We at times resign to fate & gave up on the hope of a better tomorrow as that is all that we know & understand. However, nothing in this world is cast in stone even if we don’t want to admit that change scares us silly. We become so mortified that if you decide to let go of the chains that are holding you down & back, you shall be lost. It is true, you can be lost but that does not mean that you can’t be found. 

Many have been through the very path that you have been in & have managed to overcome their situations. It could be your childhood trauma, it could be your work drama, it could be your health complications, it could be your adulthood drama, it could be your relationship drama, it could be your personal growth drama & so on. None of this matter once you realize that you have the key that can open the padlock that keeps your chains in place. We get to a point in life that we need to find a way of releasing into the world all that is holding us back. 

At times, it may not be intentional bondage but more of an upbringing tie that has kept one stagnated in one place. Who we are, is not defined by the world but ourselves. You can make a choice of breaking free by taking a step in talking & confiding on those whom you trust, you could broaden your mind by reading books, you could take up a sport or physical activity/challenge that can help you decompress the fire/pain/hurt within, you could visit different places to soak in their serenity to change your usual environment hitting the reset button & so forth. 

Let me ask, do you think you hold meaningful conversations? When you are having a conversation does it involve any financial growth or restructuring? Does your conversation lead to an opportunity? Does the conversation build the other person involved in it or even yourself? Does your conversation lead to the broadening of the mind? If not, you need to check what it is that you mostly talk about.

 Most times when conversing with one another we have the weakness of talking about the latest escapade, newest joint in town, most hardcore drink that has been made, captivating technology that has been invented & many others. I have nothing against all these as we must enjoy life as it is. However, is it that most times you center your conversations of things that are but having no meaningful impact in your life (I am just asking; there is no need to feel am up in your space)

Let me pen off with this, when you pray (if you do), have you been praying and crying at night saying, “God why me?”. If God was to whisper back, He would say, “Why not you? I didn’t sentence you to pain, I trusted you with it. I didn’t sentence you to trial I trusted you with it. Because I knew that even through your tears, you wouldn’t deny my name. Even through your pain, you wouldn’t stop worshipping. Even through your questions, you wouldn’t stop serving. Even through the rejection, you would not stop sowing”. Is there anybody that in spite of the circumstance, in spite of what looked like a coin flip, you still served God. You still honor God. You still praise God. You still give him glory!

In my line of living I no longer pray that God gives me what I think I need, but to give me what He knows I need. God is the only one who has been in my & your tomorrow, so he is the only one who knows what I & you are going to need when you & I get there. May you enjoy the week that is about to unfold before you!

Tuesday 15 June 2021


“No human is limited”, one of the most famous & memorable quotes you have ever heard been uttered by the world renowned marathon runner Eliud Kipchoge. My friend, this man can zoom not even run considering his pacing speed is quite something to admire (runners will understand, don’t feel bad if you are not one). The meaning of the simple quote is so deep rooted that though it has only four words, it has a meaning that goes beyond the normal interpretation. 

While we are alive to the fact that life is journey, it requires that we try our level best to put our best foot forward in all that we do. I can imagine if you & I are or were in the same room, you would tell me to my face (or through a hand written note) that I am going bonkers. Maybe I am, but that does not mean that I am not unto something (loony as I may be, hmm). 

Just like the sun rising in the morning, it comes with the hope of a new day fresh & untouched. There is no day which is similar to the other no matter who you look at it. One Monday is different from the next or previous Monday, thus creating uniqueness in the day that is. When we are brought forth into this world through the miracle our birth, we are catapulted into what is deemed as our destiny. 

The journey of getting where we are meant to reach is a whole different story altogether. The churning of the wheels of fate is lubricated by a variation of oils that makes the gears turn at different speeds. At the time of maturing & realizing where we are meant to be, we push forward to make this into a reality. Soon enough, we realize that we are meant for a greater purpose & thus requiring that we climb those mountains of pain, swim in those rivers of confusion, walk in those valleys of despair, run in the forest of fear & come out victorious. 

No one is better equipped to face all these but you (don’t look around you expecting someone else to do this for you)! Who else did you imagine will take up your mantle & light your torch to burn bright & illuminate the darkness around you? Think about it.

 “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why it is called the present”.

Did you know that no one can propel you into your supposed destiny apart from you! A simple example, if you are to make tea, you will need to boil some milk (unless you are lactose intolerant – just learned this new term), water & some tea leaves to come up with the final product. No one is going to wake up for you, have sleepless nights, deny themselves the small comforts of life, go out there & test the waters or even clock the necessary hours to get to your intended goal/dream.

When you wake up each day, you are meant to have an idea of what it is that you want to achieve in the course of the day. If you look at the billboards, glossy magazines, newspapers or the internet you will see a face or two that are making headlines for the achievements that they have obtained. Don’t let that douse your fire that you can’t make it.

Your goal or dream may take longer to achieve but you will eventually get there. Patience is one key thing that you have to exercise so as to get it right & in the proper dosage. This idea of using short cuts to get the end results will have a damning consequence that will make the life span of your goal or dream contaminated.


“Life is about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives”.

If you ever watched the movies Coach Carter, you will remember this, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us. It is in everyone and as we let our own lights shine. We consciously give other people permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear. Our presence automatically liberates others.  

“You must be willing to do things today others won’t do, in order to have the things tomorrow, others won’t have.

All in all that you do always remember that you have a path that is meant just for you. We may deem that the grass is greener on the other side but in reality the grass is greener where it is properly watered & taken care of. Just like how we would say that you are the source of your own happiness. Life is a puzzle that we can’t figure it all out at once; all we can do is piece it together bit by bit.

In the pursuit of happiness, don’t forget your starting point, why you are battling & where is your intended destination. It may not look like it, considering that at times things don’t work out the way we desire them to. Things will come tumbling down like the walls of Jericho, making you wonder am I strong enough for this like Samson. It may feel like one is fighting while under water against the weight of it all.

No one said that to get to our destiny or goals or dreams will be like taking a ride in the calm sea. Oh no! It will be like walking through a raging storm tossing you all over, pushing you to maintain a stability that will not get you off balance. As you forge forward in life, you have to clear the path of all the bushes of guilt, shrubs of disappointment & long grass of nearly giving up.

When you do get the time, go & listen to the song titled “I’ll give thanks by Housefires ft Kirby Kaple”. Then once you do, let me know what you think about what it is all about. I will leave you with these words found in the word of God in Psalms 19:14 “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer”!