Saturday 25 September 2021


A good number of men are broken, torn on the inside & bleeding. Every day they think to themselves, “why am I here? Is this the way that I shall continue to live in a world that has no thanks!” Grasping at the straws of life, wondering how he is going to make it through this murky mud.

It is a tough world outside there & it is expected that he should keep it all together. He is meant to show toughness like a lion in the jungle, keep a brave face like a warrior, be funny like a clown, cool like a cucumber (still not sure where this came from) & composed like a monk. 

You would be surprised at the times one has thought of flight instead of fight. The moments of sitting at a corner by himself, trying to figure out, if he is enough. The mental torture that is in existence, unless he clears his mind of the horde of demons that he is battling on a daily.

Anyway, enough of the journey through a man’s mind with the many twists & turns of the thoughts twirling around like stirring the pot. This is the reality out there, we need to be there for our men folk (you don’t need to agree with me). You will not know what is happening around him, yet every day he comes back to the house (it may not be a home yet) & does what he can to ensure that him and/or the family/or those he is in a relationship with stays afloat & that he puts his best foot forward.

"I don’t know you, you don’t know me but I know for a fact that everyone has had hardships in the past they had to go through. I am proud of you, be proud of yourself. Keep going, radiate bliss”.

Why are you stressing? Yes, don't read this question all shocked by me asking it like as if I have lost my mind (I see you, put the stone down). I know that you would clap back & say, "what is there not to stress about, huuh?".

Life has become an uphill task, economy is going down the drain, the reality of survival is for the fittest, has become the new norm, loss of life is the in thing with no remorse, Covid-19 has become the plague that won't go away, traffic has become the continuous headache that one faces in a daily.

We are living in a world, where due to our default human nature that we tend to worry about everything, anything & nothing. It is not that we have nothing else to do, but we get to a point that we give in to the weight of the boulder on our shoulder pushing us down.

We become so caught up in our worry that we wonder are we really going to ever have that moment to just chill & take it easy or life is going to be the continuous battles that are been waged left, right & centre. The sad reality is that we do not talk about what is keeping us down & feel that we need to live with that which is pushing us against the wall.

Other times you don’t know, where to turn, who to talk to or how to let out what is boiling on the inside. It has become this baggage that you can’t get rid of that keeps on pulling you under. How one would wish to have a safe space to be able to say it all & not be judged.

One can become so caught up with worry that you deem yourself a burden to those who are close to you & think of ending it all, going to the quiet place. We have made it, a difficulty for people to trust us with their issues, leading to them storing all the pain on the inside & shoving it deep in the Pandora’s box.

Thus, creating a disastrous side effect of them to the extent of them, distancing themselves from others, becoming hostile even to those whom love & care about them, taking their own lives & so forth. This becomes an impediment for one to face the anticipated future to be & seize the present moment.

If we are unable to learn to let go, then we shall be held captive by our anxiousness & been troubled by what it is & what is to become. Look around you, is there any way that you can be a light to somebody else or you firm stand is that we should each deal with our own troubles by ourselves.

In the bid for self-help, one can take a simple step like taking to enjoy nature by just walking, it does not have to be in a park, even in your own hood. You will be amazed at the simplest of creations if you are into nature. One can even take up a sport or activity that flames the adrenaline rush like running, bike riding, hiking, swimming et cetera. These do help in getting the mind decongested from all that is stacked up (am not saying it is a sure thing but at least it is a step).

You could be a shoulder to some to lean on in their time of need. You could also be a listening ear, when one needs to let our what is churning on the inside. Time is one thing we must all learn plays a part in all that we do, taking each day as it comes & goes.

"Let me ask you something, if someone prays for patience, do you think God gives them patience or does He give them the opportunity to be patient? If some prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm & fuzzy feelings or does He give them opportunities to love each other? When you ask for strength, God will give you difficulties to make you strong. When you ask for wisdom, God will give you problems to solve. When you ask for courage, God will give you dangers to overcome. When you ask for love, God will give you troubled people to help”.

Let us pray, my Father who is in heaven, I come before you as your child. I am a sinner, seeking that you will guide me in your ways. I am lost, seeking your light to show me the path. Lord, I may not understand everything that is happening but I am putting my life in your hands. I pray loving Father that your will, will be done in my life. You are the alpha & the omega, the begging & the end, the Great I am & the creator of the heavens & the other. I come before you, seeking that you shall cover me with the precious blood of your son Jesus Christ. I pray & believe this, Amen!


  1. Thank you, will keep on keeping on.

  2. Writers write but leaders inspired. Thanks for article somewhere in New York we needed that.

    1. You are most welcome, am glad that it has an impact.

  3. Thanks for the insightful read.

    1. You are most welcome. am glad that you picked something from it.

  4. You are most welcome. am glad that you picked something from it.

  5. You are most welcome. am glad that you picked something from it.
