Sunday 5 September 2021


Well, it is what it is! How have you been? Yes you, don’t try figuring it out if am speaking to someone else or to you. It is you on the other end of this screen that am talking to. Did the chill get to you or you have become close friends with coffee/tea/blankets in the month of July/August? 

I didn’t know that we were having an extension of the cold season, thought it had taken a break & gone off to enjoy a holiday somewhere. I tell you the weather has been playing one Russian roulette with us. 

You leave the house with a sweater/jumper/hoodie & after an hour it becomes blazing hot like the furnace of hell or when you leave with a t-shirt or light dressing after an hour or so, it fells like as if a blizzard is passing through. This life has become a fight for survival, every day you have to roll the dice to see which side your luck will fall. 

The skies are looking gray & cloudy making the future uncertain & dark but we must put our best foot forward.

“I'm strong because I know my weaknesses. I'm wise because I've been foolish. I laugh because I've known sadness”.

We are in a life where by it is not just hunting & gathering like in the supposed good old days of wearing skin cloth & living in caves, it is more of going out there, pushing yourself, being a go getter & getting out of your comfort zone. We are born with the setting that there is a purpose for us in the world & that this goes beyond the normal description. 

Do you remember the first time that you got behind that wheel of a car ready to take off, all tense up & cringing at all thoughts of what if something goes wrong as the engine continues running? Thinking that you may mess up on the road or you may hit one or two things along the way, gripping the steering wheel with both hands. 

Years later there you are without a care in the world, taking the wheel with one hand, windows rolled down, you are more at home behind the steering. The first time you started off, you were scared, worried, tense, stressed, pulling at your hair by the roots but now you are more focused, determined, knowing your way around, having no fear & being the leader of the pack. Indeed, to be a cliché the wheels have tuned & the tide is in your favour.

“What is the biggest lie you have ever been told, “It is not that simple”. That is the biggest lie that I was told over & over again. It is the easiest way to make you give up”.

There is a natural incline to be scared or to be afraid or to have the feeling of fear taking a tight grip on your throat & squeezing the air out. There is nothing to be ashamed off, you are normal & that is okay. You are not the only person who has had second thoughts about anything or the urge to resist doing something. 

Fear is part of the package of been human & you have nothing that should make you fell less. I have also been there & I can tell you, that feeling can weigh you down. You feel like you are back in the Greek mythological times when the Titan Atlas carried the world on his shoulder.

In life taking the first step can be a tall order that seems impossible. I have something to tell you, you are going to be alright & all will be well. You don’t have to feel like you are the only one who is going through it rough. We may be in the super roller coaster of the Covid-19 variants that are coming out of the wood works left, right & center but we are still here. 

We stagnate in our move in life when we let ourselves be held hostage by that which we fear. It is true that the fear of the unknown is what cripples us to the extent that we become mummified. It will not be easy to move but you have got this. When you decide to take life head on, nothing will be beyond your reach. 

As the saying goes that if you want to move fast, move alone but if you want to go far, you move with others. When you want to overcome a feeling that puts you down, it takes a moment to figure out if you are willing to take the step to push forward. It is not easy, it will take a while but then you will realize, you need to have a mind over matter moment. 

Everything starts with yourself, it is a journey but that does not mean that you have to do it alone. That is why at times we talk to those who are close & trusted to us & tell them how we feel. This helps us to let out that which is within us. Other times when you are out on a walk or a run or a stroll to clear your mind, you realize that you are a work in progress. 

Don’t sweat it, it shall be alright & no matter what happens, you are meant for greater things. Also remember, you are not alone, I also have you in mind & I pray that God shall watch over you in all that you do.

When God gives you a dream. The dream will always be tested. The pressure in your life right now has a purpose. It is not crushing you, it is pushing what is on the inside of you, out! Let me motivate you, good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don’t give up. It is all in your state of mind, so stay the course.

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