Tuesday 5 October 2021


Hi there, how are you doing? Will you give me the permission to ask you a small/tiny question (looking around anxiously & expectantly)? Aah, thank you, I am humbled to have your go ahead, awesome! When was the last time that you smiled & even laughed? 

In its simplest meaning, just you letting it all out through laughter without a care in the world. Hmm, it may feel like a strange question but it shouldn’t be. Have you not realized that we have been so caught up in this battle of survival that we even forgot the little pleasures?

“A smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart”.

I don’t know the path that you are walking or taking, but of late, I am becoming more & more familiar with mine. Every turn that I take, I see the faces of those I know & others who are strangers. Caught up in our own train of thoughts, wondering, “So, this is it”, the question constantly lingering in our minds as we try to figure it out in the ever confusing moments in life. 

My mind races to try & catch up with the reality, that we are all different but still one people. If I am cut, I shall bleed & my blood will still be red, just like yours. I know that there are days that you reach your house/home & you feel so worn out to the extent you question your sanity.

“Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find what you deserve”.

It is at this moments that we sit/lay down to unwind & reflect on how the day was & what is to come. The gravity of living, constantly pounding you from all sides, getting you in the moment of, ‘I am about to just let it be’. In life, moments come & go, so take a shot or you will never know. Your heart will tell you when it is time to move, so take a chance. What have you go to lose?

“No one can destroy iron but its own rust. Likewise, no one can destroy a person but his/her own mindset”.

Everyone deep down is fighting a quiet battle. It does not matter how big or small the battle, we are all fighting something. You are seeing this post because whatever it is, I want you to be proud of yourself for the fight you are putting up. Be proud of yourself of all the things you have pushed through. 

As hard as life gets, never give up. Those struggles you are going through will lead to your greatest blessings. Keep pushing forward, you can’t go back & erase what has happened in your life, but you can always strive to be your better self in the future.

“Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, because the Bible says, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you”.

It is said that if you want to go fast, walk alone but if you want to go far, walk with others. It may seem like just an okay statement or a cliché but the weight that it carries goes way above & beyond the normal interpretation. It is important to know that always say what you mean & mean what you say, because, those who mind don’t matter and those who matter they won’t mind.

“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like”.

Did you know that it is so easy to give up on life! Why should you care? Why should anything matter to you? Why should you wake up every day to go grind? Why should you be part of the living? Why should you keep on struggling? Why should you keep on fighting to pull through? So many questions, with so few answers to give. 

Well, to tell you the truth I don’t know why we go through what we do but what I can tell you is that we all have a purpose on this beautiful earth. It may not feel like it but don’t let go yet. The rope may seem to be slipping from your hands, don’t fret, you are not alone, I got you, God got you & those who love you got you. 

We get so caught up in the heat of the battle that we forget the reason as to why we started in the first place. No one said that it shall be easy, if it was/had been, all of us would have done it. You limits get tested on a daily just like the capacity & strength of a bungee jumping rope holding your weight as you drop down screaming bloody murder. 

I may not know you, I may have never seen or met you, I may have never heard of you, I may not even be in the same region with you but what I do know is that I care & God also cares. It may seem like a strange thing to know that someone out there cares about you & prays that all things work out for you. 

You would be surprised by the number of people who are out there, who take a moment to just include you in their prayers (no matter the religion), from their lips to God’s ears. Their acts may not be direct, but it could be through someone else or even directly without even you knowing it. 

When we think of the ripple effect, there comes the thought of one act creating a chain reaction of unknown proportions. When you release good into the world, good will come back to you, it may take time but it will get to you. The same way, if you release evil into the world, it will come back clapping & stomping.

Life is not something that we ought to take for granted but should continue to learn to appreciate the little blessings that come our way. I don’t know you, you don’t know me but I know for a fact that everyone has had hardships in the past, they had to go through. I am proud of you, be proud of yourself. Keep going, radiate bliss.

I want you to take a moment and pray as follows:

Our everlasting Father up in heaven, I come before you thanking you for the gift of life that you have given me. You are the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning & the end, you are Jehovah Jireh, who was, who is & who is yet to come. Lord I lay all that is weighing me down at your feet, for you are the one in control. I know that I am a sinner and I have let the ways of this world to take hold of me. My redeemer, I am seeking your strength, wisdom, your forgiveness and your love. Father, I pray that may your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen!

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