Wednesday 20 October 2021


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me & being in my life. I come before you as your child, having seen another day that is a blessing from you. I pray that your will be done & not mine. I pray that Lord you shall continue to watch over me, protect me, provide for me & be the light in my life. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!!!

I am not strong enough to handle life (don’t be fooled by my physique). So many people are tearing up, broken & devastated. Every day they fighting one thing or another. You do not know the battles been fought & the wars been waged in one’s life. One may look all sharply dressed every now & then, but you don’t know what is happening in one’s head, far from the outside look. 

There we are, trying to figure it all out like a lost student. Where can I turn? Who can I rely on? Where can I get help from? Life has caused such a chaotic situation that every single moment, we try to forge forward an obstacle or obstacle take the opportunity to rise.

“Don’t value the things you have in life, but value who you have in your life”

Our mental capacity is been challenged on every single hour, every single minute, every single second, yet we are unaware of this. We try to question ourselves & come to the understanding of, “Am I in the right state of mind, can I handle it, who is there for me?” such a puzzling moment it is. 

It is unfortunate that we are not there for our brothers & sisters, who may not even be of our blood but by virtue of us knowing them. Every single day, somebody is trying to understand, should this day just come to an end. Sleeping peacefully & wake no more, for life has become such a turmoil that we do not understand which is the best cause to take.

“Don’t be afraid to reach and touch someone’s life, you never know whose life you are touching”.

Why is it that we are not there for each other but would rather we stab each other’s back. Yes it is understandable that we are in the Covid-19 period, where we have entered into survival mode, where it is now, me, myself & I and to some extent those who are family by blood. 

We shall be there for them & the rest, we shall let them fend for themselves. This is a colossal mess, our brains are going into a raging battle like no other. Why is it that we look down upon on others who are not like us? I am not a strong man, I am a weakling that does not mean I will not defend you.

Your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth”.

It is expected in the African Culture that a man should not show any form of emotion. He should keep it all bottled up like a jinni & act tough, not tearing up or even shedding a tear & be the Simba in his homestead, that is nonsensical rubbish. You are meant to be a human being first, the other aspects of you will fall in place like chess pieces. 

We pretend that everything is alright. Just like something I was watching online, where a critical question was raised in the terms of, if somebody says ‘hi’ to you or asks you ‘how are you doing’, how you will respond. Do you say fine, am good, okay? Will it all be short & bitter sweet answers not revealing the reality of what is happening with or around you.

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great”

I am not saying you open up to everyone you meet but if you will notice the trend of the things, most of the conversations we have are usually quite short. Yet on the inside we are screaming out loud & hurting. There are people whom you can talk to. Do they listen to you or are they there for you, I don’t know, you are the one to tell me. 

This life seems to be plotting the sequel of the game of cat & mouse where everything is all about taking supposed chances. You don’t know what is going to happen, you don’t know how it is going to be done, but you are struggling with so many things you don’t even know where to turn.

“Sometimes what you are most afraid of doing, is the very thing that will set you free”

Fearing that the walls are crumbling & collapsing all around us, wondering to ourselves why are we caught up in all this. Why are the walls closing in, making one claustrophobic? It is unfortunate that we are not there for one another & that we behave like as if we are strangers. When somebody is in pain, when somebody is going through a rough patch, we ignore it like as if it just smoke & mirrors. 

It is a matter of being there to care for somebody, to be their support system, to love them, cherish them, hold them, be with them, without even talking, just listening that can help. Surprisingly, we are not doing any or all of these, we are more concerned about me, myself & I. As Shakespeare once said, “To be or not to be, that is the question”. We live a life that is distinct from any other person, just like the sunrise of yesterday is different from that of today & of tomorrow.

“I am strong because I know my weakness. I am wise because I have been foolish. I laugh because I have known sadness”.


  1. “I am strong because I know my weakness. I am wise because I have been foolish. I laugh because I have known sadness”. I love this summary. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Hi Shiku, you are welcome. I pray that it shall be insightful.

  2. Thanks for beginning the conversation.
    God bless you
