Sunday 21 November 2021


 “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder”.

Well, it is that time of the year yet again. When decorations are getting put up, laughter seems to be creeping in from different corners of the land, discounts on items are on the rise, merry music is blasting from speakers, the feeling of taking it easy is dawning upon us & so forth.

I pray that this year, the holidays will be different, more cheery as we have been through it all, a roller coaster like no other that flew like a butterfly & stung like a bee. We are all set on a direction that we take, so as to get to our destination.

However, this does not mean that when you get an obstacle on your way that you get immobilized, take a detour that will lead you back to the chosen way. So many times, we get stuck on the same path that we fail to see there is a way around that will lead us away from that which is blocking us.

“Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything”.

We tend to remain on the merry go round without thinking for a second that we can get off & walk away. All the while, the wheel keeps turning round & round & round. Such is our shortfall that we have us human beings that we don’t like to let go. It is indeed funny that which makes us comfortable confines us to it like a prisoner with shackles to our feet.

When you are trying to swing forward, the rope around your waist pulls you back, unless you cut it off, your freedom will only be but a grasp away. We have a way of letting ourselves be confined to a particular way of life that our mentality of change for the better escapes us.

“Did you know that sometimes God will put you through a test not to test you but to test the people around you to see if they really are who they say they really are. So pay attention, for situations expose people for who they truly are”.

So strong is our urge to be rooted in one place, doing the same thing, the same way, with the same results that we can’t see beyond our noses. Having myopic vision as we are bound by our blindness that we only passive that which is within our sight.

So caught up with the short lived shininess that one becomes paralyzed with the fear of the unknown. Wondering, why is my ship sinking, yet it is so clear that there are holes letting in water in tons. Set your sails, so that they may catch the strong winds & off you go to new adventures.

Don’t let yourself be anchored down to the floor of the ocean as you will continue to be grounded, drowning & unable to breathe. Take in a whiff of the clean fresh air, feel the breeze as it blows tingling your skin as it passes by. The sun rising from the east & welcoming you with its warm rays, setting in the west, saying goodbye to the day that it has given you.

In this life, if you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing. Just like the same way if an archer does not pull the string of his/her bow, the arrow will not go anywhere. The Israelites can tell you their story, do you not remember that they could have reached Canaan in 4 days, but due to the nature of being, it took them 40 years.

Did you know that sometimes God will put you through a test not to test you but to test the people around you to see if they really are who they say they really are. So pay attention, for situations expose people for who they truly are. 

4 things to always walk away from:

  • Walk away from conversations that involve hate and gossip
  • Walk away from unnecessary drama
  • Walk away from people who put you down
  • Walk away from the table if respect is no longer being served

Our father up in heaven, we come before you as your children. We are grateful that we have seen yet another glorious week. It is through your will that we are alive & well. We are humbled that you Lord are the Alpha & Omega, our provider & our protector. We lift up your name Jehovah Jireh & pray that your will be done in our lives. Thank you Abba Father. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!