Sunday 16 January 2022


The time to rise at the crack of dawn & sleep in the darkness of dusk, has come. We are set to rise from the ashes like the phoenix & disappear from life’s misery like smoke. The tide has turned & the winds are blowing in our favour, this is the time when we shall let loose the sails of our ships as we forge forward. As the rose flower blossoms in the garden, we shall take it upon ourselves to snip the thorns & enjoy its beauty.

If someone prays for patience, do you think God gives them patience or does He give them the opportunity to be patient? If someone prays for courage, do you think God gives them courage, or does He give them an opportunity to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings or does He give them an opportunity to love each other?

We are mighty warriors sharpening our swords & readying our shields for battle, nothing shall stand in our way. We are here to conquer & take over our fears, doubt, despair, heartache, misery, pain, disappointments, downfalls, we shall come to the top. What you think of yourself is more important than what others think of you. Take heart for you are going to achieve that which you have set your mind on. 

Don’t find a way out of the situation, find a way through it.

You may deem what am saying as a myth or that am trying to just hype you up of what you can make of yourself. Well, am not the determining factor in your life but yourself! It is not going to be easy but it is achievable. I do understand that the times are tough but you are an overcomer, who has faced many hurdles & has come out unscathed & victorious. 

Some days you wake up feeling on top of the world & other days you are carrying the weight of the world.

As I repeatedly quote, “the warmer the blanket the colder the future, the colder the blanket the warmer the future”. The seeds you plant & the sacrifices you make will one day bear fruit that you will see that it was worth it. If you change your mindset there is nothing that is beyond you & out of your reach. No one said that it shall be flawless or painless or tireless or manner-less, but your efforts shall bear fruit sweet like the fig. 

We tend to have hearty connections with others of like mindedness or those who have become the apple of our eyes. The connections we have with others in terms of relationships should not be dictated by the thoughts of you by others or otherwise manipulated with attitude, behavior, ego, hidden benefits or even ignorance. 

Food for thought on things you should never tell people: Don’t tell people your plans, they will sabotage you. Don’t tell people your weaknesses, they will use them against you. Don’t tell people your failures, they will always see you as a failure and never give you an opportunity. Don’t tell people your next big move, move in silence. Take action and shock them with your results. Don’t tell people your income or your source of income, always make them wonder.

Did you know that whether you are a husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, best-friends, partners, colleagues & so forth, you need to appreciate & value all those relationships? It is indeed funny how outside or inner forces interfere with the healthy growth of one’s relationship no matter the type. You could be at your work place & the colleague whom you used to compare notes with has now become your mortal enemy. 

One can reach their breaking point in life when that which they hold dear gets lost. It turns the warmest of hearts into freezing ice like the southern pole numbing all feeling within. The question as to why life is unfair is one which is difficult in the wise words of Shakespeare which he bluntly put forward is “to be or not be that is the question”. 

If you live in hate it shall consume you like tormenting darkness & bring you down like the tower of Babel. It is important to try one’s best to cherish that which you have in your life. It is not a matter of playing mind games but to take that which your other offers & knowing its worth.

Our loving Father up in heaven, I come before you thankful for another day that you have given me. I am alive & well because of your will & not mine. Lord you are the alpha & the omega & in you I put my trust. Jehovah Jireh, you are my provider & I do pray that your will be done in my life. Thank you Lord for all you have done for me. In Jesus name, I do pray. Amen!


  1. Thanks, bro for an exemptional article.

  2. You are most welcome, I am hoping that it was impactful.
