Monday 11 October 2021


Have you ever had such a bad day that you end up thinking that the world has a plot to finish you. You wake up in the morning, looking for your shoes you find one is missing. You are taking your hot cup of coffee/tea & it pours on you. You get in your car & it has no fuel or you take public means & the driver decides to take a longer route than usual, making you get late. 

You are about to print that document that was required by the boss & your laptop or computer decides it has had enough & crashes on you or the document disappears. You set up a meeting with a client & you end up been hours late. You end your day to go home you end up stepping into a puddle of muddy water or it rains & you gate splashed head to toe with unholy water. 

You reach home to at least prepare your meal, it is late & your cooking gas finishes or electricity disappears with food half cooked. Do you relate to this or something similar to this? I hope that I am not taking you down memory lane of the reality of this world as this was just a side thought, now to the main agenda.

“Some people are not loyal to you. They are loyal to their need of you. Once their need changes, so does their loyalty”.

It is said that once you open your mouth & utter words they can’t be swallowed back. Just like opening a Pandora box, where once the locks are opened & gates burst wide open, then all hell breaks loose (so they say). No one is hindered from saying what it is that they are thinking but my advice is to be careful & watchful of that which is said. 

The tongue is considered the most dangerous weapon that we possess, that either breaks & builds (if you don’t know now you know). In life there is no rewind button that one can click to push back the hand of time or wind back the actions that have taken place or make one to stop from hearing the words earlier spoken. If you believe that you can make it in this world, nothing should ever hinder you as you are your own limit. 

There is a cliché phrase that goes that the sky is the limit, I want to correct that and state categorically that your imagination is your limit. What you see yourself is what matters the most to you & not what others think of you. It is important that when we can, we take the moment to fully digest & absorb that which is just about to slip from our lips. 

The punch of words goes beyond the surface but rather impacts much deeper to the feels. All in all, take heart & know that you are meant for greatness. You may not see it, believe it or even feel it but there is more to your life than you can see. Did you know that we are celebrating world mental health day. It may not seem much of a different day from any other day but it has significance that goes beyond the norm.

It is a day that we go out there publicly & let the world know that though there are others who are slightly different from us. That they should not be looked down upon but taken in as our own. The mental status of a number of us is on the edge & at the point of breaking. Many may consider you insane, or having lost it but the brain is a unique mechanism that we can’t fully understand. 

Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a battle that you know nothing about. For those who did not know mental health includes emotional, psychological & social well-being of a person. This affects how one thinks, feels & acts. It also helps determine how one handles stress, relate to others & make choices.

I met a new friend today & I got to have my mind opened to endless possibilities. Did you know that we are bound by the decisions that we making in our daily. It may not make sense at the moment, so let me tell you of a scenario if I may. 

There was a knock at the door so loud & fast, he woke wondering, “What is all this racket about?” Confused & dazed he approached his house door & opened it. There at the door, she stood with a split blackened eye bleeding, with tears dripping down her face. He proceeded to usher her in & proceeded to prepare a hot bath for her as she looked disheveled. Once she was done, she changed into the dry clothes that had been carefully laid down on the bed. She explained that it was her then man who had made her have the new appearance. He looked with concern & tried his best to comfort her. She had been an old flame of his but had opted to go & live in the fast lane. Her then man was one known for his subjectification & demeaning of women. She did not heed to the warning he had time & again told her of the person she was with but it all had fallen on deaf ears. Here she was again, back to him to seek the things that she missed. He remembered with a lot of pain in his heart that she had left him & gone to this man who had hurt her. It had become such a common trend that every time she was hurt she would run back to him for comfort. He looked at her & bluntly told her that he would not continue to be her rebound forever. She had to, from then on decide what was best for her but not use him as her guinea pig & he walked out of the room leaving her to her thoughts”

This is not a romantic tale in the likes of Romeo & Juliet or a blame game, but a reality check of the happenings in what we face on a daily. I did not bring this up to putting anyone down but to make you aware that the choices we make have consequences. Every action may or may not bring out a reaction & how you decide to respond determines the next unfolding. In all that

What happens when you fail? And God is like I’m right here. What happens when you look like this is the worst thing that ever happen to me, and God is like I got you. This is the God we serve. That at your lowest moment, at the break up, at the divorce, at the pain, at the mistake, God is like I am right here with you! And if I go before you then who can be against you!

I would like us to take a moment & just go before the Father up in Heaven & have this talk: "Dear Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for waking me up. Thank you for every heartbeat and every breath. Help me to love you more this week and to love others. Help me to trust you and your plan for my life and not worry about tomorrow, for you hold it in your mighty hands. In Jesus name, Amen!!!"


  1. Kudos! You said words can hurt or uplift, and yours are uplifting keep up the good job.

    1. Thank you, will keep on shining the light.
