Sunday 20 June 2021


Hallelujah, finally the man gets his time having arrived wrapped in a purple ribbon.  This is that glorious & fantabulous day that has come to recognize us (I know you want me to get to the point quickly). Roll the drums, clap your hands, stand up for those who God has blessed with the title "father, daddy, dad, baba, paps etc" - I want to wish you all men a happy father's day. I want you to know that you are really appreciated & today is your day, enjoy & relish it. You may now resume your positions as you were (dusts off hands in acknowledgement & appreciation)

I think the rope is burning or is going to burn my hands. Why am I holding it so tightly, if the rope keeps on slipping am going to burn off my palm, damn! Confusing moment huh, let me clear the sudden fog of being lost by the sentences above. Why is it that whenever we have something in our possession though it may be damaging to us, we still keep on hanging on to it? Is it that we are afraid that if we let it go that we shall be left with nothing to keep us company or is it the sense that we shall feel all empty on the inside lacking a purpose or a direction. 

You have despair, confusion, hate, anger, hurt, fear, trauma & so forth milling through your mind day in, day out. All of which, can tie you down to a state of immobility in your life in such a way that you can no longer unshackle yourself from the prison you are in of your own creation whether voluntarily or not. We get so caught up in the happenings that have molded us that we forget that we can open a door that will set us free, we just need to insert the key & take hold of the handle & turn it. 

Many are the times that our path has been chartered by our past that keeps us in check that we don’t realize that there is a different way of handling it all. It is said that if you repeat something the same way over & over again, you still eventually end up with the same result though expecting a different turn out. We become caught up on the thorns in our lives that we forget that there are flowers that we can also smell & appreciate their beauty. No one is destined to be in the same spot no matter what the universe may be communicating. 

It may take time before you reach your full potential but that does not mean that you are to be a slave to your circumstance. We at times resign to fate & gave up on the hope of a better tomorrow as that is all that we know & understand. However, nothing in this world is cast in stone even if we don’t want to admit that change scares us silly. We become so mortified that if you decide to let go of the chains that are holding you down & back, you shall be lost. It is true, you can be lost but that does not mean that you can’t be found. 

Many have been through the very path that you have been in & have managed to overcome their situations. It could be your childhood trauma, it could be your work drama, it could be your health complications, it could be your adulthood drama, it could be your relationship drama, it could be your personal growth drama & so on. None of this matter once you realize that you have the key that can open the padlock that keeps your chains in place. We get to a point in life that we need to find a way of releasing into the world all that is holding us back. 

At times, it may not be intentional bondage but more of an upbringing tie that has kept one stagnated in one place. Who we are, is not defined by the world but ourselves. You can make a choice of breaking free by taking a step in talking & confiding on those whom you trust, you could broaden your mind by reading books, you could take up a sport or physical activity/challenge that can help you decompress the fire/pain/hurt within, you could visit different places to soak in their serenity to change your usual environment hitting the reset button & so forth. 

Let me ask, do you think you hold meaningful conversations? When you are having a conversation does it involve any financial growth or restructuring? Does your conversation lead to an opportunity? Does the conversation build the other person involved in it or even yourself? Does your conversation lead to the broadening of the mind? If not, you need to check what it is that you mostly talk about.

 Most times when conversing with one another we have the weakness of talking about the latest escapade, newest joint in town, most hardcore drink that has been made, captivating technology that has been invented & many others. I have nothing against all these as we must enjoy life as it is. However, is it that most times you center your conversations of things that are but having no meaningful impact in your life (I am just asking; there is no need to feel am up in your space)

Let me pen off with this, when you pray (if you do), have you been praying and crying at night saying, “God why me?”. If God was to whisper back, He would say, “Why not you? I didn’t sentence you to pain, I trusted you with it. I didn’t sentence you to trial I trusted you with it. Because I knew that even through your tears, you wouldn’t deny my name. Even through your pain, you wouldn’t stop worshipping. Even through your questions, you wouldn’t stop serving. Even through the rejection, you would not stop sowing”. Is there anybody that in spite of the circumstance, in spite of what looked like a coin flip, you still served God. You still honor God. You still praise God. You still give him glory!

In my line of living I no longer pray that God gives me what I think I need, but to give me what He knows I need. God is the only one who has been in my & your tomorrow, so he is the only one who knows what I & you are going to need when you & I get there. May you enjoy the week that is about to unfold before you!


  1. It is interesting. Thank you for the reminder that it is happening for me because I am equipped for it.

    1. You are most welcome. We need to remember that which forms part of our journey.
