Tuesday 8 June 2021


Hi, how are you doing? How was your day? How did it go? Ooh! It went like that. Don’t you worry about it, you shall be okay. I know the sun may seem to be blotted out of the sky & covered by the grey clouds but things will look up. You don’t think so, because your world seems to have gone upside down & turned inside out. 

Well, I can tell you for free that no matter what hurdles or obstacles or disappointments or misery or pain or confusion you are facing, one way or another you shall see that light at very end of that dark tunnel. You don’t believe me, I can’t blame you. Who would believe me? 

Who in their right mind would fathom that in this treacherous time that anything good will come out of the wood works as it all seems like a distant reality. Well, don’t fret, it will get better & the sun will shine bright for you. I know that things are tough but you are going to make it. 

Did you know that the sun always rises from the east in the morning bringing with it a fresh new beginning and sets in the west to bring to a close the day that has been. During the day showering you with its warm rays of light, soaking your every fiber with its warmness. 

We do have moments that things in our lives just take a serious left turn making you wonder if you pissed of some unseen force. You think am joking, you should listen to half the stories of the people you meet on a daily & you would be shocked by the weight of it all. 

Anyway, not to digress but what I can but tell you is that you are blessed and highly favoured. It may not seem or even look like it but if you are able to read this you are more blessed than you think. Are you not alive, breathing & living? Ooh, you feel just because nothing is working in your favour that you need to be at the bottom of the pile, as you deem yourself unworthy, isn’t it? 

I can’t allow that kind of thinking to ride in your upstairs? Why you ask? It is because from the moment that you were born there was someone who celebrated your existence on this earth. You would not at the time have realized that you were loved, appreciated & for an instance had brought happiness to others. 

So, No! I don’t believe that you ought to be taking it in at the scum level of the pile. You are a light like no other to those around you, only that you have not realized that you are precious. We have a tendency to think that since we are weak as described by others that is the way we are. 

I also have fears. Ooh! You thought that I was invincible & that the amazon part of me was forged from steel (more like brittle wood). Let me tell you, we all have our own fears on different levels. An example, I have a fear of getting a whooping from the one who raised me as her son if I disrespect her. I have a fear of failing. 

I have a fear of disappointing. I have a fear of not been good enough & so many other fears (you are not the only one, you are human). Through this all, I do know that it is through my fear that I have grown to overcome that which stands in the path of me & my preplanned fate or destiny (don’t worry am also confused by the wordiness of it all)

All in all, you have got this. You need to believe in yourself as it all starts with you for you are the main attraction at this event called life. When you have the time, you need to take a moment when gazing at the stars (do we still do that? Shrugs shoulders in wonder) or while on a nature walk or stroll to reflect on who you are, to where you have come from & lastly to where you are meant to be. 

It is said that what we don’t understand we fear but that does not change the fact that we are still human. Now, is the time that you take control over your life & steer it on the path that you are meant to be on. Nothing in this world is just black & white, sometimes situations are blurry. We all have our limits but that does not meant that we can’t achieve fetes that seem to be out of our leagues.

Did you know that once you lose something that was of value but you were blinded to its actual weight in gold, it is at that time that you then understand & realize its true worth to you. Just like the way the saying goes, “a bird in hand is worth two in the bush”. Think about it, I could be wrong.

 When you are tempted to worry, set your mind on what God has said, “Matthew 6:34 – Don’t worry about tomorrow, tomorrow has enough concern of its own”. When you are tempted to fear, set your mind on what God has said, “Isaiah 43:1 – Don’t fear for I have redeemed you and I have called you by name, you are mine”. When you are tempted to doubt, set your mind on what God has said, “James 1:6 – But let him ask in faith and do not doubt but trust in the good God”. When you are tempted to quit, set your mind on what God has said, “Galatians 6:9 – Do not grow weary in doing well, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up”. When we are tempted to sin, set your mind to what God has said, “Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation has overcome you, except that what is common to mankind and God is faithful, He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. He will not allow temptation to be more than you can stand”


  1. The Lord got me, I need to worry less and just trust in Him!
    Thanks Keli Baraka.

    1. Hi, am glad that you see that God is in the midst of it all.

  2. Thank you....This is uplifting!

    1. You are most welcome, glad it has an impact.

  3. The article keeps me going , thanks Keli

    1. Am glad that it pushes you through. You are welcome.

  4. The fear can be overwhelming but God works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. Thanks for the uplifting message

    1. Yes indeed, we are most times held back by what we fear & fail to understand. If we only take the first step to overcome the same, nothing would be impossible.

  5. Replies
    1. I am glad that it brought some light your waym
