Tuesday 25 May 2021


How are you feeling today? Are you okay? Did you sleep well? Have you had something to fill the belly? Are the current times, taking you well or it has been a bashing all along? Do you need a hug? Do you want someone to talk to? Or do you want someone who can just listen to you & tell you everything is going to be alright? 

These may seem like just ordinary, normal questions but the gravity they have will surprise you. We tend to assume that we are all on the same boat & everything is rocking about calmly in the sea/ocean. What would surprise you is the lacking, hurting, confusion, despair, lost or the constant pain being felt all around. 

It may seem far-fetched but let me tell you, a lot of people are going through something inclusive of you & dealing with it is no easy feat. It is so easy to wear a mask & plaster a smile on your face to hide the pain on the inside or even seclude yourself from the prying eyes of the world. There is a lot of chaotic moments going round in each of us & we don't know what to do. 

A lot of mayhem has been unleashed into the world right now like the opening of the Pandora’s box that one does not even know where to begin. Why is life such a circus? Going up & down like a roller coaster out of control with no end in sight. We try to understand something but end up getting even more lost. I want you to know that no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. 

You are loved, you are treasured, you have a purpose on this sweet earth. It may not seem like it, as nothing is making sense & the world seems to be upside down but a light will shine in the dark of times. Remember that at no time in this life that you have not made it through situations which seemed beyond you, you are stronger than you think, more blessed than you know, more in control than you can imagine. 

It may look all scary because the future is looking bleak, days are glum, nights are long, opportunities are scarce, pockets are not jingling with coin & so forth. We are living in times that make us think that maybe, just maybe something is not okay with us. Or that lady luck doesn’t want to bestow upon you with her good graces. Or that fortune is not meant to favor you. 

Anyway, am not trying to put you down or to show you how messy life is just getting into a bit of reality check here & there. At least we have progress in the medical field in various countries to curb this migraine inducing pandemic that has been terrorizing us left, right & center (no pun intended). When our lives get turned upside down we tend to lose our mind because we get into the space of believing that there is definitely an error with our biological coding. 

This goes to the extent of us, asking ourselves if there is a problem with us. You are more likely to question yourself based on the very fact of how things turn out in your life. You need to understand that we are all different & thus our uniqueness on how we react to various situations that affect us directly or indirectly. What you can take from all this, is that never ever deem yourself unworthy just because you are different or you are not fortunate enough. 

In all your uniqueness, if you look deep down you will realize there is something that stands out about you amongst your peers. You could be a critical/analytical thinker, you could be a calculate person in your deeds, you could be an awesome researcher, you could be a smooth talker, you could be a superb cooking genius, you could be an avid reader, you could be a community oriented helper with a generous heart, you could be a formidable teacher, you could be a kind person, you could be a good listener & the list could go on & on. 

One way or the other, there is something that makes you different from the person next to you just like the front & back of a coin are not similar. Dare to be different as no one is like you & don’t worry even if things seem to be not in your favor.


 I would like you to pray, if you don't mind. Let's pray, "My Father up in heaven, I come before you as your beloved child. Dear God, I place before you myself. May you watch over me as I go about each day. Lord, I know that there is a lot happening in the world right now that has changed the course of how things work in our daily lives. I place myself into your able hand knowing that you are Jehovah Jireh, the provider of everything.  Father I know that all things work in the time that you choose for us, as your answer is yes, no or wait. Give me the patience & grace to know that you have got me. I pray Father that your will be manifested in me & that you shall guide my every step. Thank you Lord for being in my life, I do not take it for granted. I am alive, I am healthy, I have the use of my limbs, I am clothed, I have food to eat & I get to see a new sunrise each day. Be with me Lord & let your will be in my heart. Amen!!!


  1. Very inspiring Wakili, if only we can count the little blessings in our lives

  2. Amen God bless you.
