Thursday 13 May 2021


Do you dare to be different? Or are you one who confirms to the common norms. I am not trying to become too much with my English. It is a conundrum of sorts that we are plagued into pitch black darkness not knowing where to turn. Lost in the abyss of our train of thoughts, taking in the mountain tops seeking for inner peace.

 Tik tok the wall clock chimes as the minutes pass by. One after another the hours pass by like the gust of wind beating on the sails of your merry boat. Away we go, as we forge forth into the unknown, swords at the ready not knowing if this is the day we breath our last. 

Will this be the beginning of good tides & leaps of joy or shall this be the horrific ending? The future continues to remain unknown as we struggle in our present times, evading our past. Who we are, becoming a nagging question at the back of our minds. 

It seems that the distant cries of those lost shall forever linger like a shadowy ghost over our heads. I scream, I shout, at times even yell & all around me, the looks are those of has lost his mind! Have I really gone bonkers or it is just me letting out what is tossing & turning deep within! 

We all get caught up with the societal norms that we forget our individual identity. Living in the shadows of others & hiding away who we are. I have been asked, why do you talk to yourself? Were you dropped when you were a small baby? Then in bewilderment I look back & say, “how dare you say that I have wires that have snapped”. 

All in all, I take a moment to reflect on the oddity of what has just been bluntly stated to me with unblinking eyes. Is it possible because of how I behave, that there could be a slim chance that I have some wires crossed/burnt in my medulla oblongata? Well, I will let you be the judge of that. 

What I do know for sure is that, we are many who have lost it to the extent that our behaviour does not mash up to the expected level of normalcy. Well, I will take each day as it comes not being sure of what the world has in store for me,  maybe I would be slapped unconsciously passing out in wonder. 

 It is quite common place to see the judgmental mentality while looking at someone & putting them down because they are not like you. We get so caught up with the, what will others think of me that you end up diluting your trueself. I am not saying that positive change should not be embraced but rather ensuer that hold onto our identity. 

Let me ask you, have you ever been in your social circle & you have gone to the extent of camouflaging how you are, to fit in? If you are one who takes two cups of tea you make it seem that one cup will do. Yet deep down, you are burning with the desire to quench your thirst but rather pretend to look more civilized. 

Or trying to dress up in the latest fashion so as to look hip, yet the wear you have has nothing wrong with it. Or at work, being the do it all whenever a favour is asked of you, yet you are struggling. Or purchasing that fancy car using a bank loan so that you can be seen to be one of them, yet the payments are crashing you. 

Or going to that fancy restuarant & taking up the bill for the whole group, yet you know that it will set you back financially for a couple months. This is not even an exhaustive list, but am assuming that you are getting the gist of what am trying to point out. 

Did you know that if you say a kind word to another, it will not finish your knowledge. Did you know that if you encourage others, it will not make you a lesser person. Did you know that if you trully support your friend's hustle, it will not close the tap of resources on your end. 

Did you know, if you are true to yourself, you would live a more happier & fulfilling life. Did you know, if you are honest about your opinions, it will make it clear to others what it is that you actually mean. Did you know if you are true of who you are, you won't have to put on a face to impress others. 

Did you know that when we deny the story, it defines us. When we own the story, we write a brand new ending. Did you also know no one can destroy iron, but its own rust. Likewise, no one can destroy a person, but ones own mindset. In taking all this in, you need to understand that you are more than just the physical being. 

You are not just an engine running on oil but a being of various complex components working together, ranging from flowing blood, the pumping heart, the distributing veins & arteries, the holding together flesh, the calculative brain & so on. In all that you do, remember that you are unique in all of your entertity.

I will leave you with this:

"God's timing, not mine! God's plan, not mine! God's will, not mine! God's Glory, not mine! God's word, not this world's!"


  1. I dare to be different. Nice read.

  2. We belong to the universe, each wonderfully and differently made, yet we are the children of the universe. Nice read Wakili.
