Wednesday 30 September 2020


If you walk alone, you will walk fast but if your walk with others you will walk far (do you think this is true). Well then, let me put on my shoes of hope, tie my laces of truth & brace for the journey am about to undertake of revelation. If this is going to be a smooth ride or a bumpy one, I don’t have a clue. What I am certain about is that we only live once & that, I can let you take it to the bank.

Oooh! I know you will try & correct me & say no it is meant to be we only die once. Listen here my friend, I am not here to argue with you, we can agree to disagree or disagree to agree. The very gift of life that we get each day is not something that we should ever take for granted. We live in a world where your tomorrow is uncertain & nothing can be predicated of the minute, hour or days, weeks, months or years to come.

It is said there are no guarantees in life apart from death which is certain. I am not trying to spoil your mood or scare you silly but just letting you know that no matter how you decide to spend your days & nights the after effects is all up to you. When the curtain closes & the darkness engulfs you, are you ready for its stillness or you yearn to have more light grace your path & take you to a place of serenity.

Did you know that there are no 2 fingerprints that are similar even of your own hands (if you don’t believe me take a piece of paper & ink, try to create the impressions & see)? That is how unique we all are & that is why we can never ever be the same. When you wake up to the smell of coffee brewing, someone else is waking up to the smell of dust rising the noise of the loud music from a matatu passing by or the drunk staggering back home.

While you are tying your shoes laces someone else is walking dusting their bare feet. While you are leaving your house someone else is just from crawling from underneath a carton box bed under the foot bridge. While you are enjoying a hearty meal someone else is scavenging for scraps in the dustbin. While you are driving off in your car someone else is taking public transportation.

While you are flying in a plane someone else is taking the bus to get to their destination. We shall in our life time continue to be the opposite sides of a coin at every corner of our lives. When there is the realization that we are of one blood, then we shall stand tall knowing that we are a people of one nation, different races, different backgrounds but all the more one.

When you get into a marriage it becomes that 2 families are joining to become one. All from a different background but making it work all together like the cogs in a wheel. We are all privileged that we have seen the year 2020 & with all its baggage. There have been moments of fear, moments of tears, moments of sadness, moments of stress, moments of happiness, moments of loss & so many other moments that we can’t even fathom.

This year has made you realize who is indeed your true friend, who is a loyal family member, who has got you in their corner, who is a shoulder to lean on, who is a hand to seek comfort from, who it is that you can rely on, who is your ride & die & so on. It has not been easy but we have our own different take away that this year has brought out to showcase for itself.

As is said in Latin, A Luta Continua (the struggle continues) & thus we shall forge forward with our swords, spears raised high like warriors ready for the war having conquered in the battle that was. We all walk on different paths in our lives that we all have different ways of earning our keep, where we go back home to rest in the evening, whom we socialize with.

At no time did we all go to the same school of thought. Our guardians or parents all raised us in different ways that we can’t in no way say that we are identical. It is only when we get into the school of hard knocks that we realize that we have adaptive survival mode which kicks in like the adrenaline rush. Where you learn from others how to cope & make it work.

I want you to understand that you are unique the way you are & it is not up to you or anyone else to judge one another. We all have our different ways of living on this earth & none the same. So, when you are up & about in your day to day activities do not judge another person not knowing what it is that they are going through, how they got there, where they came from & when they are trying to make it in life what are their obligations.

If you would kindly allow me to take you back in time in history (thanks). At some point around 1789, when Marie – Antoinette was the then Queen of Franc. She was told that her French subjects (people who you rule) had no bread it is claimed that she said, “if they have no bread, let them eat cake”. For those who are not aware at this time the French people were starving & who survived on the availability of bread which was more so like a staple meal the same way we have ugali. Yet the queen was living her best life in the opulent palace of Versailles.

It has now reached that time that I have to pen off now. It has been nice getting to share a thought here & there with you. What I want to leave you behind with is that no matter who you are in this world never judge anyone if you have not walked or fitted in their shoes for even a day. Not everyone is having it easy as you may have as a good number of people are really having it rough. It is your duty as well as mine to be our brother/sister’s keeper by doing our best to understand people the way the way they are, no matter what position in life they hold.

Monday 28 September 2020


Hello my friend, I do hope that you are well & that you are able to have a smile on your lips. How has your week started off like so far? Is it the usual running around like a headless chicken or it is more of a go-slow kind of day where everything seems to be in place? Anyway, you shall be good, I have this ka-feeling (or may be it is just my wishful thinking) that this is going to be a more favorable week to you.

Now then, let us see what we can achieve in today’s session (don’t worry this is not going to be a teaching class) or what do you think? Let me start off by this, what is a prison? As per the Merriam-Webster dictionary – prison has been defined as a state of confinement or captivity. Also defined as a place of confinement especially for law breakers. Well, if I do guess correctly, my assumption would be that we are more familiar with the second one rather than the first.

If I may ask you a personal question, you don’t have to blurt out loud the answer. What do you think of yourself? Is my question confusing or do you want me to expound further to make it more palatable? Okay, so what I am asking you is this, how do you see yourself before others & does it matter to you what others think of you? In other words, does the thoughts of others matter more than what you think of yourself?

As I said this is personal question, you have the choice of how you want to answer it. Whether it is by way of self-examination or writing it down or saying it out loud or just ignoring what I have just said, that is all up to you. Do you ever feel like the world is controlling how you look, behave, talk, where you live, who you hang out with, what you eat & so forth?

When we grow up, we are taught most of the things that we know but then through our journey we learn there is more to life than we assumed. We live our lives based on how we were brought up & then along the way we choose the path which we see as befitting of us. I will take a wild unfounded guess that there are times that you have at times had self-doubt to the extent you that you have felt that you are unworthy.

You sit there & wonder to yourself, am I really capable of doing this or am I able to climb up the ranks or am I able to compete in this sports that I love or am I able to be good enough for him/her just to name a few thoughts. As a human being we have the privilege of achieving fits that may seem impossible to other creatures. All this can be done by going out of our comfort zone.

We are beings created to exceed beyond the normal but we shackle ourselves to what it is that others think of us. You think am lying, let me ask you, when you woke up in the morning getting dressed to go to your hustle did you not even for a second wonder, is the cloth am putting on going to create a statement to my peers when I walk by or you just left & said to yourself my clothes my choice.

Let me go even further, in your pursuit of acquiring a car have you not even consider how would my friends see me when am cruising in such or such a ride. Or it was more like how I usually say, as long as it is a car that can move me from point A to point B & has what I require the rest does not matter.

Let us still go further when you are dating or in a relationship, do you make it you make it your mission statement, “he has to be tall, dark like chocolate, ripped & handsome or she has to be curvy like the African calabash with the beauty of Venus & skin smooth like silk”. When we reduce ourselves to what the world around us sees, is it based on our own benefit or more so for the world’s benefit.

It is unfortunate that at times, we can be handcuffed to how the world or society sees us that our actions, thoughts are not ours but what has been forcefully chugged down our throat. You are made a believer of a specific school of thought that to sway you to another ideology or having an open mind is an uphill task.

Don’t fret, you are normal & it is nothing out of the ordinary but just part of your journey of self-discovery. It is when you take time to stand still for once in your life that you realize that you don’t have to go with the flow of the current. We have a default setting of rushing whichever direction the wind blows without a second thought questioning ourselves like wait a minute, “Where am I going? What is in store for me along this path? What is the game plan? Why am I here?”.

A good number of us, inclusive of myself have had such instances where you try to fit in & to do so you cloaked yourself in what pleases the world & the society. I want you to take a moment & look at your life & examine if it is the one that you had envisioned or is that which was orchestrated for you without your consent being sort.

When we allow ourselves whether willing or not to have our lives molded for us, we don’t get to make it to be what it was meant to be under our own free will. It is all up to you to escape from your confinement, take that leap of faith & see if you are meant for more.

We live in so much fear that we are comfortable with the what if train of thought. What if they don’t like me, what if they feel threatened by my actions, what if I can’t sustain myself or my family, what if I am not good enough, what if she/he is not attracted to me, what if I fail? This can be quite an impediment to your growth & the realization of what is in store for you other than your current situation.

It is now the time to rise up, take arms & pack your bags of worry, self-doubt, fear, uncertainty, insecurity & set it on fire. Let the flames engulf all of them & as you let the fire burn molding you in the shape of your full potential & rise up like the phoenix. Step out of that comfort zone of what others view you as being & embrace the unknown with the belief of being the best of you & shade the skin of fear of what others think of you.

Thursday 24 September 2020


Wow! I am looking at the most beautiful sunrise ever witnessed; my eyes are even watery from all the emotions welling up in me (my bad, I wasn’t able to take a photo to share the moment that caught up with me). The sun came out proud like a peacock, all colourful, bright & warm to the touch of the skin. What a sight to behold! I wish you were here to witness the early morning blessing.

There is crisp, fresh clean air as you drive away from the city centre. Indeed, the country side roads bring a calm to the mind, soul & heart. I am laughing as I take it all in & I tell you this is what makes you wonder why do we have so much hurt from all over. When you walk around our busy roads & streets we are all deep in thought. Rightfully so, but we take this a notch here & have no time to stop, relax & just take the moments in.

In the pre-covid era when we had the liberty to go out to concerts or shows, did you not notice all the phones that were used to record the live session moments, my assumption is to have a recording of the moment. No one wanted to miss out in being engulfed in the beauty of the sweet melodious tunes emanating from the high mounted speakers & the unity of the musical instruments holding all captive, making you not want to miss a bit.

As has now become the common phrase or saying, “it is what it is”. We shall not dwell on the past, though we are imprisoned in our own homes for our own safety due to the times that are. I want you to just take a moment & ask yourself is there anything that I am really grateful for. When you woke up in the morning, did you give thanks for having seen yet another day.

As you are now heading home after a long, tiring day that has your back hurting, feet nearly giving in, your mind all jumbled up in confusion, your tummy rumbling like thunder, do you think you will say, “Thank God am home & in one peace” or should I take my thanks & flush them down the drain, eeeh! This is just something minuscule that I would like to see if you ever take a moment for.

Every day that you get to have the privilege of a meal on your table even if it is once a day, do you give thanks. When you get out of the comfortable 2x3/3x3/3x4/5x5/6x6 or queen size or king size bed & breath in a few gulps of the air that is, do you first say thank you? When you get to earn that wage or salary little or much as it is & I do understand the turmoil that we are currently in, but even in such a time do you give thanks?

When you get to go home to your family or have people that you call family, do you say thanks for them being in your life? When you have clothes that cover your nakedness, keep the elements at bay, do you say thanks? When you have someone, who is there for you, listens to you, do you say thank you? When you get to your shelter be it a bedsitter, 1/2/3/4-bedroom house, shack, single room, do you say thank you?

Look am not trying to bash your emotions or feelings & take you on a guilty trip to make you look or feel like ingrates, am out here just asking my small questions. What I am simply asking you, is that do you give thanks to God for the things that He has provided & done in your life? Or you will just tell me to shove off & say I worked hard for all that I got & God doesn’t feature anywhere in my life.

Well, I am not here to judge you or your actions I leave that to the Almighty Father up in heaven (for those who are believers). I am not doubting that you worked night & day to reach where you are. But one thing that I can raise with you is that come what may there is a force greater at play than yourself. You may call it destiny, luck, hard work, fate & so forth that is in existence that makes things more as they do.

For me it is God’s favour & which I will not under any circumstance take it for granted. At times, life may give you a beating until you wonder, haiya what has just happened. I thought all was going on well, but then things just turn around. Are you the kind of person who when facing a challenge, you see it as an obstacle or are you the kind of person who sees it as an opportunity to be ceased & learn from? As you ponder on this, I would like to pray for you. You don’t have to take part in it but all in all, I will include you:


“Dear God up in heaven, thank you so much for all that you have done in our lives. We can’t repay you back for all that you do for us. I know that many are going through tough times during this period & God I put them in your able hands. Our father, it is not easy for us to stand on our own feet to face all that life throws at us. I do pray that for those who are reading this article, may you ignite a fire in them like no other & may you be with them in all that you do. You are our provider, protector, guide & in you we believe. May you be with all that are before you. In their jobs, homes, relationships, health, every day activities, I do pray that God may you go before them. I pray that may your will prevail in their lives. I give you thanks in all that you have done for us whether we are aware of it or not. Thank you God for everything. For pray this in Jesus name, Amen!!!”

Well, with that done, I know that you are all people of all walks of life but I want to share something that I did get the privilege of reading & coming to terms with. I will leave you with this verses from one of the love letters in the Matthew 6:25-34, where the Holy Scriptures speaks out loud & says:

25“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 28“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”.

Monday 21 September 2020


Are you seeing this? Did you hear what I just heard or am I just going crazy? Who in their right mind would do such a thing? The way life is so hard, everything is all over the place & there is no sense of direction that we are taking? I am done with this; I can’t take it anymore? You hear me?

You better put things right & let me not catch you again taking your life for granted ever again. Do you know how hard it is to have such an opportunity to just be alive & you are here wasting it. Living like as if there is no tomorrow, my friend you better get your right state of mind in order.

My bad, didn’t mean to seem like as if am ranting out loud or sounding all harsh or losing my mind. It is just frustrating to keep calm all the time when all that you see people do is take is each breath of life for granted as if it was automatic like the sunrise & sunset. I am guessing one time or another you may have reached such a stage in your life, where you started wondering what is wrong with people.

Don’t they realize that they have it better than others but all they do is let it all go to waste. It is such a painful experience to be taken & used around like a piece of rag that can easily be discarded without a second thought or glance. When all that those around you are interested in is what they can milk out of you like a cow for their own benefit & in exclusion of how you feel.

We all go through different types of selfish usage by others. Let me tell you, there are times you will be shocked by the stories many have to say, about those whom they considered close taking advantage of them. The one that I have had the experience with as well as seen a good number of people go through is your own flesh & blood (La familia) taking advantage of you.

There are times, that the use of blackmail comes into play, if I may be so candid as to call it that way. You find your family say that they did this or that for you at your time of need & that it is now your time for you to repay the same. Or a parent/guardian raises you, educates you & states that you are now to pay them back for what they did for you.

I have a question (don’t stone me), if you bring another life into this world is it not your responsibility to nurture it till, you reach where you can’t no more. Were you forced to bring one into this world, did you not make that conscious decisions to create a mini you? Why has it been made a common practice that we punish our children for being our dependants that we deem it our sworn duty to ensure when they are all grown up, we ensure that they shall have no rest?

I am not saying that you should not help your parents, the bible is even very instructive on the same & if memory serves me right it says honour your father & mother as this is one amongst the most vital commandments of the Lord. Whenever, you get the opportunity to assist your family, please do the same but also do it in moderation as per the need of the time.

It pains me to hear someone being taken advantage by their own family just because they are in a better position in life & this is done mercilessly. All in the guise that since this is our son or daughter, he or she is duty bound to serve us like a slave & give back that which was given to him/her.

You as the child will in no way want to disrespect your parents/guardians knowing they are the ones who raised you up. The only caveat I can put is that you as a parent/guardian need to get yourself in check & look at how does your actions affect this person. I will in no way deny my folks assistance if need be but I will in no way allow it to hinder me from achieving my dreams. 

Where you find yourself that you are only working so that all that you earn goes to others instead for yourself or investment or savings, you ought to reconsider that which you are doing. If you ever do something for someone & expect something in return that is not kindness that is business.

So as not to sound biased or on a rampage on the issue of obligations. Let us look at those whom we call our friends. There is a question which was asked before, if you remove the alcohol, partying, fast cars, fancy restaurants, flashy lifestyle what are you remaining with in your life? Is it something that will make those who call themselves your friends still stick around you or will they just disappear like ghosts or fade away like bad memories.

The friends that you currently have will they still stick around as the supposed key elements have been deducted from the equation of your life. Will they still call you to check up on you, visit you when you are ailing, be there for you now that you don’t have or will it be every person for him/herself.

It is sad that we become materially connected to those around us & when this is taken away from us we curse out loud how selfish this person is. Yet we do not take the time to figure out how this person feels, if they have a need, if they are lonely, if they need a shoulder to lean on, if they are having it rough, if they are at a breaking point in their life, all we get concerned about is what more can I get from him or her.

When you close the tap of giving handouts or stop inviting people to your parties or you limit the financial assistance you were giving or you start controlling the number of hours you were giving others, there is a definite assumption that you are being mean, selfish, having pride & so forth.

The deeds that you did before are brushed aside & you are made to be the bad guy. What I can tell you is this, what you will think of yourself will matter more than what others think of you. Remember that people will get upset with you when you don’t allow them to use you. It pisses them off they will concoct all manners of stories about you & why you have suddenly changed. 

You need to understand that you are the author of your own story & no else is going to write in your pages. There is an anonymous quote which I would like to leave you with to ponder about, “Don’t judge my path if you haven’t walked in my journey & don’t judge my story by the chapter you walked in”

Monday 14 September 2020


I salute you from valley of the dreams that were, to the caves of the moment that were meant to be & the hill tops of the yet to come. Welcome once again to this live recording session before a jolly audience eager to hear from you. I need a volunteer to come up on the stage of life, take their position as the author of their story & believer of the unknown.

Well ladies & gentlemen it has dawned upon me that you are indeed blessed & highly favored. Don’t be surprised, I need you to believe that no matter how bad or tough life is, you are going to make it. It may not seem & feel like it now, but you are on the path of your life that will make you reach your peak, standing out like Mt. Everest.

Who said that you have to be shackled to the ways that were & be enslaved to the mind-set of old? Let yourself be the driver in control of the vehicle that is your life. You can take charge & make your life have meaning & not ape all that you come across. It is said that show me your friends & I will tell you your character.

The truth of it relies on the interpretation that one opts to go with. When you were growing up, your guardian/parent used to correct you when you made mistakes. Those of my time, do recall when we used to be beaten (not spanked. You! Yes, you! Wipe that grin of your face & trash that thought you just had) with anything that could be found & any adult could mete out the well-deserved punishment.

At the time, the African phrase it takes a village to raise a child got applied in a more practical way of instilling discipline or was it the fear of God if need be. When a wrong was done, it was not a matter of discussion it was, if the evidence fits the crime then consequences will follow immediately with no exceptions.

Let me not get you lost in the colorful language scheme but rather guide your minds back to the path of what we fail at one time or another. We have put ourselves to be judge, jury & executioner of our fellow people. There are times when we look at others we only see the opportunities that they are stealing from us, yet it is their hard work that is paying off.

When someone starts making more money than we anticipated, we bash them & claim they are in the Illuminati or it is ill gotten wealth When your boss keeps on seeking the opinion of your colleague, you whisper in the dark that an affair is smelling in the air. Why are we so hypocritical when the lives of others do not reflect our own?

What is it that draws us to make all forms of deductions about people even when we don’t have a single shred of evidence to back up our allegations or claims. Is it that we have a superiority complex or is it that just have the mentality aspect of judging a book by the cover having not read the chapters? Those are just some questions I thought to bring to the fold, we deliberate together.

If I may once more just seek your indulgence in getting the right of audience before you. Have you ever looked at someone, you debate on what/who they are, assume their state & decided their fate without first knowing or talking to them? Let us give a simple example, a man dressed in a t-shirt & jean & a sharply dressed man in a suit enter a bank, who do you think will be served quickly?

This is not a trick question but just to point out something so obvious from the societal or individualistic view point. An individual in a Mazda Demio & another in a Mercedes Benz, who would be given way without much of a hustle? Anyway, you can think of the other examples of such nature whereby, what the eye sees as is, is what is considered more important than what is underneath.

We never, take the time to understand a person, situation or circumstance but are quick to jump to the conclusion with no second thought. It is unfortunate that when one takes a stroll in the busy streets & you see someone you proceed to assume that all is well with them & that they are having it easier/better than you (I have been guilty of this before).

You don’t know if that person is having his/her own struggles, has slept with no food, or they are jobless or that they have just lost someone close or that nothing good has ever come their way. It is understood that the eyes are the windows to the world. There is this common Japanese proverb, “see no evil, hear no evil & speak no evil”.

What is the meaning behind this proverb? Why is it that they started with what we see?  Is it because the first sense to take in what is around us is our eyes, (you tell me)? If you see a colleague at the job getting promoted & yet you have been there for long, don’t you ever wonder how is it that they are climbing rank faster than you (Hmmm!)?

It does not matter which religion you are in but one of the most common verses you have ever heard or read about is the one in the book of Matthew 7:3 which says, "why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?".

Think about it, what does this truly mean. Is it that, we are greater & more deserving than others or is it the weakness in our human gene that we can't help ourselves in judging others.

Sunday 13 September 2020


Hi, hoping that you are doing well? How was your week? Have you had any new developments in your life? Mine was quite a journey, still recovering from the times that were with the chilly weather letting me know who is in charge. Well, let us get right into it. It is here yet again, the most favorite sought after day for most people globally, “Friday or the weekend”. Am I right or am I right!

The smell of coffee is permeating the fresh clean air, the sun is somewhere peeping from behind the clouds, the quietness of the hours ticking by smoothly & no worry for the time being. What more can one crave for, is this not the beginning of yet another weekend that begins for most of us, as soon as the clock strikes midday? Have your ever noticed that when it reaches Friday, the mood just changes gradually.

People become more relaxed, easing into the no worry land. I will tell you for free, in my high school days when Friday hit it was now the time to unwind from the pressure of book stuffing & long traumatizing classes. However, in adulting it is more complex because our obligations & responsibilities don’t go away. You realize, you are in it for the long haul. When you wake up in the morning & go to sleep at night, you realize you are your own factor of determination of the outcome of your life to some extent.

Anyway, who am I kidding this world is not our home as we are merely passers by renting the space that is. Let me ask you, how is your life structured? Is it the way you had envisioned it or is it the way your parent/guardian wanted it or is it molded in the way the society deems it? Well, I will leave that question here for you to ponder about it & see how to better respond to it.

In life you can become a brainwashed puppet whose very will is controlled by the so called puppet master(s). Every decision you make or move you want to make has to be in consultation with the ‘other party’. At no time, can you think of your own accord but have to conform to the ways that are dictated to you. When you want to venture on your own you are held back by fear.

I will go down memory lane, when I decided to start a business. I asked myself so many questions? How will I make it in the first few months? How will I be able to pay my bills? How will I support my family? So many how’s, what, when raced in my mind. I applied for a job after leaving my previous employment in a respectable international organization hoping for an opportunity to grace the grounds of the who is who.

Shock to me, the world had other plans for me. In the months that were chasing one hope after another, nothing materialized & I was left in a state of helplessness. Here I am no job, no resources, no clear direction as to the path to take. This left me with no choice but to go for what I had dreaded the most, being self-employed. This meant that I had to start from scratch to earn that living.

It took me sometime, but eventually I was able to get on my feet & make something of myself. Had I not decided to take that leap of faith, I would still be stuck in the same circle with no growth. I agree challenges are there but you get to understand when you face life on your own 2 feet nothing is unachievable &n having that mindset that you can do it, no door can close in your face.

In Africa for you to be known as being in a respectable profession, you were to be in the following caliber, “Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer & the rest was considered as others”. Those who grew up in this era we understand the weight that was on our shoulders at the time.

We were to be seen & not to be heard. In the current modern times, the young voice their opinion & choose the path that they see is meant for them. Life can be so depressing especially when you realize that you don’t have much say over the happenings around you. At times, we just need that nudge to wake up from our slumber & get to the realization that we need to cut the ties that are binding us to the same situation.

You have the choice to take a stand, face life head on & tell yourself, the time has come for me to be in charge of my destiny but remembering that God has got your back no matter what. We may be lost in the world that has been created around us like the walls of Jericho but we shall prevail & overcome any obstacle that shall stand in our way.  Did you know that the most wasted of days is one without laughter? (what do you think?) 

Look at the recent times in America which was believed to be the land for the free & of opportunity, young black persons have lost their lives innocently in the hands of the law enforcers & ruthless individuals. People of all races have reached their end point to the extent they are now coming out to rebuke the unlawful, inhumane actions. Lives snuffed out for no apparent good reason, thus the enlivening of the black lives matter movement which rocked the world to its very core.

Thus, bringing to light that which we all fear of acknowledging is in existence, that racism is real. Anyway, we as the people shall not keep our mouths shut but shall rise up like the phoenix & take down the oppressors. How you make decide that enough is enough, I need to take a stand & make it on my own. I shall no longer be part of the common norm whereby, it is said jump & you only ask how high & not why should I jump. Look at the priorities that are in your life & see what requires chopping off & what needs to stay.

In the wise words of Les Brown,

“Do not go where there is a path, go where there is none and leave a trail”

Tuesday 8 September 2020


Hello my peoples, hoping that the week has so far being kind to you. Well, here it has been all about having an intimate & closed door affair with the blankets & hot mugs of coffee. The cold that has been, is like it is out for a revenge mission intentionally migrating from the north pole to wretch havoc in its path. You put out clothes to dry but no lack, every day it is glum, dark & drizzling to top it all, it is so damn cold.

I have looked at my toes & folding them has become an adventure. You try & man up & take a cold shower & realize it is never that serious. I think only me, myself & I know that I have not bathed (ooh now you also know). What is a roll on/perfum for but to help in this hard & testing times & taking a French bath will do the trick (for those who aren’t aware a French bath entails washing only the essential arears of the body, the rest time will tell).

Mother nature has decided her time has come to enjoy the outside, humans to take shelter indoors. Looking at the parking lot, many folks have opted that work can be done from the house, it is not a must to go to the office (sio lazima, au sio!). Anyways, I am hoping & praying that this Tuesday/Monday/Wednesday here is treating you much fairly & that you are still in good health.

Well, I shall continue praying that our paths shall continue to cross in this here platform so that we become well acquainted with one another. So, here is the story of the day. Once upon a time I was a young las. Full of energy like a jack rabbit, troublesome, mischievous, noisy, one to enjoy the pleasures of dirtifying oneself with dirt without a care in the world. In one of my abnormal days as a child, I opted to go get some ice from the ice man.

Knowing that the sun is hot & beating down like the tum tum drums required a defender of its own. I opted to get me one ice pop, why not it was just but a shilling. There I go off to get this cold pop that would help me revenge against the heat. I get to the ice man & ask him for a blue one knowing since this was my favorite colour just may be lady luck will be in my favour.

However, when he opened his cooler there to my amazement were all colors staring at me. I thought to my wise self why not take 2 more I would be better protected from the scorching sun. Little did I know, that I was no match for the heat that was to come. It was like punishment for trying to outdo mother nature. Here in my hands were 3 ice pops all looking tasty & colorful.

Then one by one they started melting faster than I could consume them. Heading home all smeared in coloured ice, looking as if I had tried to do tie & die but failing miserably. Regret was starting to dawn on me quickly & disappointment written all over my tear covered face, then I started to do the little math that I knew.

Trying to comfort myself by stating if I had stuck to my singular ice pop maybe I would have achieved something to beat the sun at its own game, but since I thought I could conquer the day I ended up nearly losing everything but holding onto the wooden sticks of the ice pops.

Why am I trying to take you back to your childhood memories not to reminisce on the days that were but more so to show you that we have all been here before. As the commonly stated proverb says, “a bird in hand is better than 2 in the bush”. Some may agree with this, others may be having their ‘rungus’ ready to clobber sense in me, shouting, “away with him”.

Please note am not saying that we should always hold onto something until eternity but to subject ourselves to wisdom if not from our inner self but for those who have been there before us. Let me come closer home, for men we are the creatures of sight, we see, we like, we want, we go after.

We have a woman who has a heart that is in the right place, behavior is on point, mannerism could humble any idiot but then we chance upon a fine looking woman whose curves could literally remove the snake from the pit (“yani kumtoa nyoka pangoni”). We don’t have any understanding about the inner workings but what we can see we want.

So in all foolishness we decide let us leave the person who has been having our back & go for someone whose looks will get tails wagging & tongues tied (not saying that fine/hot looking women/men are the devil incarnates). Anyway we fall for that we simply understand from the face value & not the in-depth content.

We become so torn when we see something more shiny, more beautiful, more powerful, more tasteful, more digital, more technical but can’t come to terms with the realities of the simplified. We need to check ourselves & ask, is it worth keeping that which is with me or should I discard it without a second thought?

I am not saying that you should be in a toxic environment & decide to ride the wave. Or be with a non-functional gadget & stick to it till you wrap it in rubber bands to hold it together. It is all about, is there value in the things that you hold dear & is change required & in what direction should you move? Think about it.

Saturday 5 September 2020


Well then, here we are again it seems we are meant to be in each others lives like the shadow. Don't look so puzzled wondering, what is going on here! You are safe & no, I am not an oracle to see into the future am just here as a normal being of sorts (normal will now depend on your definition) minding my own business if you will. Have you ever wondered if you were really of this realm or maybe you were dropped here in earth by the passing space ships (and no am not going crazy/losing it or am I!)

It seems that when one thinks out loud, it can get you in trouble when you think you are speaking with your inner quiet voice only to notice those menacing stares from others (maybe it is me who has experienced this but naah am sure you may have had such an experience am I right or am I right!). Then you have to look down at you feet as you walk away quietly like a dog with a tail in between its legs. 

We have this cunning habit of looking at life through the hour glass most of the time, watching as the sand trickles down to the other bottom. Stroking our goatee beards like the wise-men that were in the days of old (for those clean shaven my bad). Who are we to judge, yet we are tainted in our own individual way. You are not perfect & try as you may I only know of one who was & that was Jesus & I don't mean Hesus. 

Anyway, how many of you have watched the "Fast & Furious" franchise movies? I know you loved the flashy, fast, unique cars, the gadgets & the eye ball popping scenes. For the older generation we can go with the "Shaka Zulu" film. Why am I bringing this up, did you notice how Dom's friends stuck by him through it all. Saying it straight to his face even when he did not want to listen. Or when Shaka led his warriors to battle all believing that he was the chosen one. 

You should ask yourself, who do you know in your circle is a straight shooter. Someone who can tell you things as they are without sugar coating the facts on the ground. It is unfortunate but also factual that the truth hurts like a two edged sword, slicing & dicing through the lies & falsehoods. There you are, knowing that you are misleading yourself but then one of your 'homies' who got your back just tells you as it is. 

If we ever chance to have our paths cross, one thing you will learn pretty quick is that I live no survivors in saying things as they are. No, I don't meant that I rebuke you from the mountain tops & proclaim the raining of fire from the heavens, firing live bullets in your direction. It is more of approaching you & laying it bear before you, for you to think do I continue in this bubble of wrong doing or do I get myself to be straight. 

We may or may not have a best friend, who can see right through you like a transparent glass. Your friend who knows that when you make a promise it is all hogwash & merely a PR stunt. We at times find ourselves in the proverbial rock & hard place & wonder should I go with the flow or should I stick to my guns & ride the storm. When you have, even if it is that one person who keeps you in check, they may be with you when you are in the wrong but they will definitely tell you that your path is leading to no place good. 

I am guessing some of you are like what is this! How could you! Don't you know who I am! Have you seen what I have achieved in life! You are not the boss of me! True am a nobody in your world, but merely the mist that is passing by. Well, I did not intend to step on your sensitive toes (oops!)

Let me ask you, are you the kind of person when you order food at a restaurant you are like, damned be the feelings of the waiter. I am the customer & I am always right. Ordering them around when your food is late, drink is spilled, when the wrong food is brought, you are just about to tear somebody's head from their shoulders. Or when you pass the mall/office/shop/gate guard/security, you ignore them like the gum stuck underneath the sole of your shoe. 

Thinking to yourself, why should I be bothered about how he/she is fairing on. You simply snare & wonder what vermin is this. When you are in a relationship, it is expected that your partner shall have your back & you theirs. Or are you more of everyone for themselves, we shall meet when we need something from each other (more of a situation-ship). Anyway, all am trying to point out is that in life we can't get by with our own self righteousness. 

One should be your bosom buddy through the literal thick & thin but if you get out of line you should get checked/put in line. Think about it, those who are around you do they tell you as it is or do they always go "yes sir/madam, no sir/madam, that is true sir/madam, you are correct sir/madam......". Look at the likes of Bunny & Clyde, the formidable couple who took loyalty to each other to the next leave until their much anticipated demise. Right there was the example of the ride or die scenario in its true form. 

As you sit/lay back taking a break from the weight of the world, putting your legs up on the table as if you are in the Bahamas sipping your mock-tail, ask yourself how am I loyal to or who is loyal to me & is it blind loyalty or true loyalty?

Wednesday 2 September 2020


What is life? What is the meaning of it? Why are we so focused on trying to make it? Who is my role model? Who am I role model to? Is this all I have to offer or is there more? Am I, really a true reflection of myself? Ooh hey there! Didn't see you grace this pages, my apologies was caught up in my own world trying to figure out what am I really doing here on this green earth of ours. 

Life seems to have gone back to an abnormal normal. Wearing face masks like ninjas out to take out that dictator or threat to the nations. Walking around like it is the end of times & the era of the plague & leprosy. Well, it is indeed interesting times when the course of our journey has taken off like an arrow from the archers bow with no way of pulling it back. 

In the times that we are living, everywhere (or most areas) people are striving to survive as there is a thirst for living that can't be quenched in the manner that was once there before. It has come to the sad reality of, it is a matter of life & death out there. Did you know that right now people are realizing that being alive is not just a must it is a privilege not to be taken for granted? 

What I can simply say is that we shall overcome, we are stronger than we think if we come together as one people nothing will be impossible. We need to realize that we are not islands we need each other, whether we like it or not. To be honest with you, if you look at the image here in this post the words do ring true to the core of thy bones. Please note it is not just a form of art to add flavor to the writing, It is meant to be informative & an eye opener for those who can see. 

Anyway, If you look deep down in yourself to that beating heart of yours, do you see that you (yes, you the reader) are someone, anyone else can follow in your foot steps or is it that you are the devil's minion full of darkness. You have to figure out, am I someone that another can emulate or is it that if anyone follows me they are going straight into the abyss of doom. 

It has been a mini joke of mine that I have always told myself that if I die, I want them to right on my epitaph, "Here lies the one who left no one behind & stood with all. He was blessed & favoured". It is said that if you ever do anything for/if you are helping someone & expect something in return that is business & not kindness. 

You are the example that you set to others, for it is known that what you give to the world, that is what the world shall give you in return (not tit for tat but you get the gist I am hoping). We are in this world as passers by, we have a duty to ourselves to ensure that we can be the best of us, if indeed it is part of our nature. 

No one said it is going to be easy, no one said that you shall not be taken advantage of, no one said that it shall not be deemed that you are trying to show off & so forth. It is prudent to help or assist those who you can. It will be like climbing a mountain but remember that you are not doing it for fame like our politicians. 

You are doing that which you think is right. When you pass from this realm to the next, at your funeral what do you think would be written in your epitaph? I hope that it shall be something worthy being remembered for & not just pure pain & heart ache that you caused. Every time that your name gets mentioned, someone cringes, spits to the ground like a viper, shakes like a leaf because they recall what hell on earth was like when you were around. 

You don't have to do anything grand, it can be as simple as even offering a shoulder to lean on or a kind word/sentence or a listening ear & so forth. You my friend are the determinant of how people will remember you. I am also in a reflective moment trying to see what is it that I can do for others so that their lives can be better. 

As of now, I can suggest but a few pointers if you may allow me. You can start by calling that friend that you rarely talk to & check up on them & see how the times have been to them. Support someone who has a need & can't afford the same, Surprise your guard with some shopping as per your capacity. Ensure that wherever you go you practice the safety precautions given for the covid era.

Pray for those who are around you (doesn't have to be someone you know). Share a joke or a funny story with a colleague/friend, you may never know the impact it may have in their day. We always want to do those things that can be identified but what we miss out is that the smallest of things do count the most. Leave your mark in the world but that which is unspoken. 

I want to leave you with the wise words from Robin Sharma who said:

"I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations"