Saturday 5 September 2020


Well then, here we are again it seems we are meant to be in each others lives like the shadow. Don't look so puzzled wondering, what is going on here! You are safe & no, I am not an oracle to see into the future am just here as a normal being of sorts (normal will now depend on your definition) minding my own business if you will. Have you ever wondered if you were really of this realm or maybe you were dropped here in earth by the passing space ships (and no am not going crazy/losing it or am I!)

It seems that when one thinks out loud, it can get you in trouble when you think you are speaking with your inner quiet voice only to notice those menacing stares from others (maybe it is me who has experienced this but naah am sure you may have had such an experience am I right or am I right!). Then you have to look down at you feet as you walk away quietly like a dog with a tail in between its legs. 

We have this cunning habit of looking at life through the hour glass most of the time, watching as the sand trickles down to the other bottom. Stroking our goatee beards like the wise-men that were in the days of old (for those clean shaven my bad). Who are we to judge, yet we are tainted in our own individual way. You are not perfect & try as you may I only know of one who was & that was Jesus & I don't mean Hesus. 

Anyway, how many of you have watched the "Fast & Furious" franchise movies? I know you loved the flashy, fast, unique cars, the gadgets & the eye ball popping scenes. For the older generation we can go with the "Shaka Zulu" film. Why am I bringing this up, did you notice how Dom's friends stuck by him through it all. Saying it straight to his face even when he did not want to listen. Or when Shaka led his warriors to battle all believing that he was the chosen one. 

You should ask yourself, who do you know in your circle is a straight shooter. Someone who can tell you things as they are without sugar coating the facts on the ground. It is unfortunate but also factual that the truth hurts like a two edged sword, slicing & dicing through the lies & falsehoods. There you are, knowing that you are misleading yourself but then one of your 'homies' who got your back just tells you as it is. 

If we ever chance to have our paths cross, one thing you will learn pretty quick is that I live no survivors in saying things as they are. No, I don't meant that I rebuke you from the mountain tops & proclaim the raining of fire from the heavens, firing live bullets in your direction. It is more of approaching you & laying it bear before you, for you to think do I continue in this bubble of wrong doing or do I get myself to be straight. 

We may or may not have a best friend, who can see right through you like a transparent glass. Your friend who knows that when you make a promise it is all hogwash & merely a PR stunt. We at times find ourselves in the proverbial rock & hard place & wonder should I go with the flow or should I stick to my guns & ride the storm. When you have, even if it is that one person who keeps you in check, they may be with you when you are in the wrong but they will definitely tell you that your path is leading to no place good. 

I am guessing some of you are like what is this! How could you! Don't you know who I am! Have you seen what I have achieved in life! You are not the boss of me! True am a nobody in your world, but merely the mist that is passing by. Well, I did not intend to step on your sensitive toes (oops!)

Let me ask you, are you the kind of person when you order food at a restaurant you are like, damned be the feelings of the waiter. I am the customer & I am always right. Ordering them around when your food is late, drink is spilled, when the wrong food is brought, you are just about to tear somebody's head from their shoulders. Or when you pass the mall/office/shop/gate guard/security, you ignore them like the gum stuck underneath the sole of your shoe. 

Thinking to yourself, why should I be bothered about how he/she is fairing on. You simply snare & wonder what vermin is this. When you are in a relationship, it is expected that your partner shall have your back & you theirs. Or are you more of everyone for themselves, we shall meet when we need something from each other (more of a situation-ship). Anyway, all am trying to point out is that in life we can't get by with our own self righteousness. 

One should be your bosom buddy through the literal thick & thin but if you get out of line you should get checked/put in line. Think about it, those who are around you do they tell you as it is or do they always go "yes sir/madam, no sir/madam, that is true sir/madam, you are correct sir/madam......". Look at the likes of Bunny & Clyde, the formidable couple who took loyalty to each other to the next leave until their much anticipated demise. Right there was the example of the ride or die scenario in its true form. 

As you sit/lay back taking a break from the weight of the world, putting your legs up on the table as if you are in the Bahamas sipping your mock-tail, ask yourself how am I loyal to or who is loyal to me & is it blind loyalty or true loyalty?

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