Wednesday 30 September 2020


If you walk alone, you will walk fast but if your walk with others you will walk far (do you think this is true). Well then, let me put on my shoes of hope, tie my laces of truth & brace for the journey am about to undertake of revelation. If this is going to be a smooth ride or a bumpy one, I don’t have a clue. What I am certain about is that we only live once & that, I can let you take it to the bank.

Oooh! I know you will try & correct me & say no it is meant to be we only die once. Listen here my friend, I am not here to argue with you, we can agree to disagree or disagree to agree. The very gift of life that we get each day is not something that we should ever take for granted. We live in a world where your tomorrow is uncertain & nothing can be predicated of the minute, hour or days, weeks, months or years to come.

It is said there are no guarantees in life apart from death which is certain. I am not trying to spoil your mood or scare you silly but just letting you know that no matter how you decide to spend your days & nights the after effects is all up to you. When the curtain closes & the darkness engulfs you, are you ready for its stillness or you yearn to have more light grace your path & take you to a place of serenity.

Did you know that there are no 2 fingerprints that are similar even of your own hands (if you don’t believe me take a piece of paper & ink, try to create the impressions & see)? That is how unique we all are & that is why we can never ever be the same. When you wake up to the smell of coffee brewing, someone else is waking up to the smell of dust rising the noise of the loud music from a matatu passing by or the drunk staggering back home.

While you are tying your shoes laces someone else is walking dusting their bare feet. While you are leaving your house someone else is just from crawling from underneath a carton box bed under the foot bridge. While you are enjoying a hearty meal someone else is scavenging for scraps in the dustbin. While you are driving off in your car someone else is taking public transportation.

While you are flying in a plane someone else is taking the bus to get to their destination. We shall in our life time continue to be the opposite sides of a coin at every corner of our lives. When there is the realization that we are of one blood, then we shall stand tall knowing that we are a people of one nation, different races, different backgrounds but all the more one.

When you get into a marriage it becomes that 2 families are joining to become one. All from a different background but making it work all together like the cogs in a wheel. We are all privileged that we have seen the year 2020 & with all its baggage. There have been moments of fear, moments of tears, moments of sadness, moments of stress, moments of happiness, moments of loss & so many other moments that we can’t even fathom.

This year has made you realize who is indeed your true friend, who is a loyal family member, who has got you in their corner, who is a shoulder to lean on, who is a hand to seek comfort from, who it is that you can rely on, who is your ride & die & so on. It has not been easy but we have our own different take away that this year has brought out to showcase for itself.

As is said in Latin, A Luta Continua (the struggle continues) & thus we shall forge forward with our swords, spears raised high like warriors ready for the war having conquered in the battle that was. We all walk on different paths in our lives that we all have different ways of earning our keep, where we go back home to rest in the evening, whom we socialize with.

At no time did we all go to the same school of thought. Our guardians or parents all raised us in different ways that we can’t in no way say that we are identical. It is only when we get into the school of hard knocks that we realize that we have adaptive survival mode which kicks in like the adrenaline rush. Where you learn from others how to cope & make it work.

I want you to understand that you are unique the way you are & it is not up to you or anyone else to judge one another. We all have our different ways of living on this earth & none the same. So, when you are up & about in your day to day activities do not judge another person not knowing what it is that they are going through, how they got there, where they came from & when they are trying to make it in life what are their obligations.

If you would kindly allow me to take you back in time in history (thanks). At some point around 1789, when Marie – Antoinette was the then Queen of Franc. She was told that her French subjects (people who you rule) had no bread it is claimed that she said, “if they have no bread, let them eat cake”. For those who are not aware at this time the French people were starving & who survived on the availability of bread which was more so like a staple meal the same way we have ugali. Yet the queen was living her best life in the opulent palace of Versailles.

It has now reached that time that I have to pen off now. It has been nice getting to share a thought here & there with you. What I want to leave you behind with is that no matter who you are in this world never judge anyone if you have not walked or fitted in their shoes for even a day. Not everyone is having it easy as you may have as a good number of people are really having it rough. It is your duty as well as mine to be our brother/sister’s keeper by doing our best to understand people the way the way they are, no matter what position in life they hold.

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