Monday 21 September 2020


Are you seeing this? Did you hear what I just heard or am I just going crazy? Who in their right mind would do such a thing? The way life is so hard, everything is all over the place & there is no sense of direction that we are taking? I am done with this; I can’t take it anymore? You hear me?

You better put things right & let me not catch you again taking your life for granted ever again. Do you know how hard it is to have such an opportunity to just be alive & you are here wasting it. Living like as if there is no tomorrow, my friend you better get your right state of mind in order.

My bad, didn’t mean to seem like as if am ranting out loud or sounding all harsh or losing my mind. It is just frustrating to keep calm all the time when all that you see people do is take is each breath of life for granted as if it was automatic like the sunrise & sunset. I am guessing one time or another you may have reached such a stage in your life, where you started wondering what is wrong with people.

Don’t they realize that they have it better than others but all they do is let it all go to waste. It is such a painful experience to be taken & used around like a piece of rag that can easily be discarded without a second thought or glance. When all that those around you are interested in is what they can milk out of you like a cow for their own benefit & in exclusion of how you feel.

We all go through different types of selfish usage by others. Let me tell you, there are times you will be shocked by the stories many have to say, about those whom they considered close taking advantage of them. The one that I have had the experience with as well as seen a good number of people go through is your own flesh & blood (La familia) taking advantage of you.

There are times, that the use of blackmail comes into play, if I may be so candid as to call it that way. You find your family say that they did this or that for you at your time of need & that it is now your time for you to repay the same. Or a parent/guardian raises you, educates you & states that you are now to pay them back for what they did for you.

I have a question (don’t stone me), if you bring another life into this world is it not your responsibility to nurture it till, you reach where you can’t no more. Were you forced to bring one into this world, did you not make that conscious decisions to create a mini you? Why has it been made a common practice that we punish our children for being our dependants that we deem it our sworn duty to ensure when they are all grown up, we ensure that they shall have no rest?

I am not saying that you should not help your parents, the bible is even very instructive on the same & if memory serves me right it says honour your father & mother as this is one amongst the most vital commandments of the Lord. Whenever, you get the opportunity to assist your family, please do the same but also do it in moderation as per the need of the time.

It pains me to hear someone being taken advantage by their own family just because they are in a better position in life & this is done mercilessly. All in the guise that since this is our son or daughter, he or she is duty bound to serve us like a slave & give back that which was given to him/her.

You as the child will in no way want to disrespect your parents/guardians knowing they are the ones who raised you up. The only caveat I can put is that you as a parent/guardian need to get yourself in check & look at how does your actions affect this person. I will in no way deny my folks assistance if need be but I will in no way allow it to hinder me from achieving my dreams. 

Where you find yourself that you are only working so that all that you earn goes to others instead for yourself or investment or savings, you ought to reconsider that which you are doing. If you ever do something for someone & expect something in return that is not kindness that is business.

So as not to sound biased or on a rampage on the issue of obligations. Let us look at those whom we call our friends. There is a question which was asked before, if you remove the alcohol, partying, fast cars, fancy restaurants, flashy lifestyle what are you remaining with in your life? Is it something that will make those who call themselves your friends still stick around you or will they just disappear like ghosts or fade away like bad memories.

The friends that you currently have will they still stick around as the supposed key elements have been deducted from the equation of your life. Will they still call you to check up on you, visit you when you are ailing, be there for you now that you don’t have or will it be every person for him/herself.

It is sad that we become materially connected to those around us & when this is taken away from us we curse out loud how selfish this person is. Yet we do not take the time to figure out how this person feels, if they have a need, if they are lonely, if they need a shoulder to lean on, if they are having it rough, if they are at a breaking point in their life, all we get concerned about is what more can I get from him or her.

When you close the tap of giving handouts or stop inviting people to your parties or you limit the financial assistance you were giving or you start controlling the number of hours you were giving others, there is a definite assumption that you are being mean, selfish, having pride & so forth.

The deeds that you did before are brushed aside & you are made to be the bad guy. What I can tell you is this, what you will think of yourself will matter more than what others think of you. Remember that people will get upset with you when you don’t allow them to use you. It pisses them off they will concoct all manners of stories about you & why you have suddenly changed. 

You need to understand that you are the author of your own story & no else is going to write in your pages. There is an anonymous quote which I would like to leave you with to ponder about, “Don’t judge my path if you haven’t walked in my journey & don’t judge my story by the chapter you walked in”

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