Wednesday 2 September 2020


What is life? What is the meaning of it? Why are we so focused on trying to make it? Who is my role model? Who am I role model to? Is this all I have to offer or is there more? Am I, really a true reflection of myself? Ooh hey there! Didn't see you grace this pages, my apologies was caught up in my own world trying to figure out what am I really doing here on this green earth of ours. 

Life seems to have gone back to an abnormal normal. Wearing face masks like ninjas out to take out that dictator or threat to the nations. Walking around like it is the end of times & the era of the plague & leprosy. Well, it is indeed interesting times when the course of our journey has taken off like an arrow from the archers bow with no way of pulling it back. 

In the times that we are living, everywhere (or most areas) people are striving to survive as there is a thirst for living that can't be quenched in the manner that was once there before. It has come to the sad reality of, it is a matter of life & death out there. Did you know that right now people are realizing that being alive is not just a must it is a privilege not to be taken for granted? 

What I can simply say is that we shall overcome, we are stronger than we think if we come together as one people nothing will be impossible. We need to realize that we are not islands we need each other, whether we like it or not. To be honest with you, if you look at the image here in this post the words do ring true to the core of thy bones. Please note it is not just a form of art to add flavor to the writing, It is meant to be informative & an eye opener for those who can see. 

Anyway, If you look deep down in yourself to that beating heart of yours, do you see that you (yes, you the reader) are someone, anyone else can follow in your foot steps or is it that you are the devil's minion full of darkness. You have to figure out, am I someone that another can emulate or is it that if anyone follows me they are going straight into the abyss of doom. 

It has been a mini joke of mine that I have always told myself that if I die, I want them to right on my epitaph, "Here lies the one who left no one behind & stood with all. He was blessed & favoured". It is said that if you ever do anything for/if you are helping someone & expect something in return that is business & not kindness. 

You are the example that you set to others, for it is known that what you give to the world, that is what the world shall give you in return (not tit for tat but you get the gist I am hoping). We are in this world as passers by, we have a duty to ourselves to ensure that we can be the best of us, if indeed it is part of our nature. 

No one said it is going to be easy, no one said that you shall not be taken advantage of, no one said that it shall not be deemed that you are trying to show off & so forth. It is prudent to help or assist those who you can. It will be like climbing a mountain but remember that you are not doing it for fame like our politicians. 

You are doing that which you think is right. When you pass from this realm to the next, at your funeral what do you think would be written in your epitaph? I hope that it shall be something worthy being remembered for & not just pure pain & heart ache that you caused. Every time that your name gets mentioned, someone cringes, spits to the ground like a viper, shakes like a leaf because they recall what hell on earth was like when you were around. 

You don't have to do anything grand, it can be as simple as even offering a shoulder to lean on or a kind word/sentence or a listening ear & so forth. You my friend are the determinant of how people will remember you. I am also in a reflective moment trying to see what is it that I can do for others so that their lives can be better. 

As of now, I can suggest but a few pointers if you may allow me. You can start by calling that friend that you rarely talk to & check up on them & see how the times have been to them. Support someone who has a need & can't afford the same, Surprise your guard with some shopping as per your capacity. Ensure that wherever you go you practice the safety precautions given for the covid era.

Pray for those who are around you (doesn't have to be someone you know). Share a joke or a funny story with a colleague/friend, you may never know the impact it may have in their day. We always want to do those things that can be identified but what we miss out is that the smallest of things do count the most. Leave your mark in the world but that which is unspoken. 

I want to leave you with the wise words from Robin Sharma who said:

"I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got to hold up for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations"

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