Sunday 13 September 2020


Hi, hoping that you are doing well? How was your week? Have you had any new developments in your life? Mine was quite a journey, still recovering from the times that were with the chilly weather letting me know who is in charge. Well, let us get right into it. It is here yet again, the most favorite sought after day for most people globally, “Friday or the weekend”. Am I right or am I right!

The smell of coffee is permeating the fresh clean air, the sun is somewhere peeping from behind the clouds, the quietness of the hours ticking by smoothly & no worry for the time being. What more can one crave for, is this not the beginning of yet another weekend that begins for most of us, as soon as the clock strikes midday? Have your ever noticed that when it reaches Friday, the mood just changes gradually.

People become more relaxed, easing into the no worry land. I will tell you for free, in my high school days when Friday hit it was now the time to unwind from the pressure of book stuffing & long traumatizing classes. However, in adulting it is more complex because our obligations & responsibilities don’t go away. You realize, you are in it for the long haul. When you wake up in the morning & go to sleep at night, you realize you are your own factor of determination of the outcome of your life to some extent.

Anyway, who am I kidding this world is not our home as we are merely passers by renting the space that is. Let me ask you, how is your life structured? Is it the way you had envisioned it or is it the way your parent/guardian wanted it or is it molded in the way the society deems it? Well, I will leave that question here for you to ponder about it & see how to better respond to it.

In life you can become a brainwashed puppet whose very will is controlled by the so called puppet master(s). Every decision you make or move you want to make has to be in consultation with the ‘other party’. At no time, can you think of your own accord but have to conform to the ways that are dictated to you. When you want to venture on your own you are held back by fear.

I will go down memory lane, when I decided to start a business. I asked myself so many questions? How will I make it in the first few months? How will I be able to pay my bills? How will I support my family? So many how’s, what, when raced in my mind. I applied for a job after leaving my previous employment in a respectable international organization hoping for an opportunity to grace the grounds of the who is who.

Shock to me, the world had other plans for me. In the months that were chasing one hope after another, nothing materialized & I was left in a state of helplessness. Here I am no job, no resources, no clear direction as to the path to take. This left me with no choice but to go for what I had dreaded the most, being self-employed. This meant that I had to start from scratch to earn that living.

It took me sometime, but eventually I was able to get on my feet & make something of myself. Had I not decided to take that leap of faith, I would still be stuck in the same circle with no growth. I agree challenges are there but you get to understand when you face life on your own 2 feet nothing is unachievable &n having that mindset that you can do it, no door can close in your face.

In Africa for you to be known as being in a respectable profession, you were to be in the following caliber, “Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer & the rest was considered as others”. Those who grew up in this era we understand the weight that was on our shoulders at the time.

We were to be seen & not to be heard. In the current modern times, the young voice their opinion & choose the path that they see is meant for them. Life can be so depressing especially when you realize that you don’t have much say over the happenings around you. At times, we just need that nudge to wake up from our slumber & get to the realization that we need to cut the ties that are binding us to the same situation.

You have the choice to take a stand, face life head on & tell yourself, the time has come for me to be in charge of my destiny but remembering that God has got your back no matter what. We may be lost in the world that has been created around us like the walls of Jericho but we shall prevail & overcome any obstacle that shall stand in our way.  Did you know that the most wasted of days is one without laughter? (what do you think?) 

Look at the recent times in America which was believed to be the land for the free & of opportunity, young black persons have lost their lives innocently in the hands of the law enforcers & ruthless individuals. People of all races have reached their end point to the extent they are now coming out to rebuke the unlawful, inhumane actions. Lives snuffed out for no apparent good reason, thus the enlivening of the black lives matter movement which rocked the world to its very core.

Thus, bringing to light that which we all fear of acknowledging is in existence, that racism is real. Anyway, we as the people shall not keep our mouths shut but shall rise up like the phoenix & take down the oppressors. How you make decide that enough is enough, I need to take a stand & make it on my own. I shall no longer be part of the common norm whereby, it is said jump & you only ask how high & not why should I jump. Look at the priorities that are in your life & see what requires chopping off & what needs to stay.

In the wise words of Les Brown,

“Do not go where there is a path, go where there is none and leave a trail”


  1. If the cog wheels ever stop turning on that word mill, take a little bit of coffee and pull a chair because the years have more to tell.

    1. Indeed they have, like as the sun rises in the morning so should a brand new dawn.

    2. The pen shall exert vengeance on paper.
