Monday 10 August 2015


"One day am going to be rich, just you watch this space". Isn't that one of the lines we used to dish out like handouts when we were with our 'boyz' as more amptly put. Day dreaming of those riches, the fast cars, the beautiful big houses, the trophy wife, limitless credit card, the fat bank account & all goodies that follow the rich. Well, that is not such a far off reality. What it needs is strategy, planning & effecting a good, realistic solid plan. 

So, what am I all about today, well for starters today am in it for the money(don't get me wrong am not saying getting paid to do this but rather having the cash to do as you please). Let me take you back to when your were a youngster. Hanging out with your pals, going by the road side counting vehicles as they passed by claiming ownership of each, trying to see how many one can own. 

Yep, that is how we used to roll back in the day. Seeing ourselves as kingpins & tycoons with money overflowing like the river Nile. We all (maybe not all of us but am thinking sum of us) have a dream of becoming rich & financially stable. The downside is that life is quite a tricky affair with the hardships & all coming together like an ochestra. But am thinking if one puts their mind to achieve their goals nothing can stand in your way. 

Let us look at simple illustration. Have you ever seen that person at the office who is most times an hour or two earlier than the usual office hours or leaves past closing time. Why do you think he/she is there at that time. Is it because he will you say he/she is leaving late because they are timing the fare prices to drop(this could be so or not).Or just maybe they are thinking of making their work be part of their day instead of their day become part of their work. 

Thus they will in a few years time be able to enjoy the sacrifices they made. Ooh,  you think am pulling your leg, go ask any person who has made it in this life if there were any sacrifices they made to get to be where they are today. I know you want the flashy things that life has to offer, but know this if you want the best you need to put in that effort & sweat for it.

Let me give you another illustration just fro clarificatio purposes. When you walk down the streets of Nairobi (that is if you are fortunate enough to do so or some other town or city) at the wee hours of the morning lets say around 4-6am, aren't there offices that have already opened up for business? While you are there enjoying your beauty sleep, someone somewhere is trying to achieve his/her dream. 

Take this moment & try to figure out how do you spend each minute of your day, is it in a destructive or is it in a productive way. Once you have come up with an answer look at what you are doing whether it is beneficial or a waste of time. If you want to make a change in your life stop being used to make other people's dream a reality & start working on your own dreams.

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