Tuesday 25 August 2015


"No! No! No! I told you am not interested, why are you pestering me like this. Leave me alone! Please just the tip, I won't go any further" (haaa the absurdity, how would you fall for such a line, but what do I know am just the middle person who gets the hearsay). Anyway my point is quite simple, if you are giving an assertive answer you better stick to it like the lies you used to tell your parent when you had eaten sugar & there were crumbs all over your mouth evidencing otherwise.

Yet there you were denying in all totality that your enemies are out to get you & finish your career. Well, that is life with its little twists & weird turns that suddenly crop up like the proverbial weeds. Why is it that we are so inclined to indulge others when in all honesty we are not in the mood to what they seek. They go like,"lets go to the club", then you go like, "sure, lets go" (damn, don't you have any moral fibre of denying every suggestion that is whispered in your tiny ears)
"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly & not saying no soon enough". - Josh Billings
Have you lost your freaking marbles, are you some sort of puppet being pulled by the strings. The only answer you know  is yes. We all reach a point whereby the yes that you utter so freely needs to be confirmed & turned around to a no otherwise there will be a wake of chaos waiting to ensue. Learn how to deny others the satisfaction of using your free will to comply to their terms. When you say that no, mean it like as if your life depended on it & let it stand out like a rebel flag flipping in the wind. An affirmative no saves lives.
"It takes effort to say no when our heart, brains, guts & most important, pride are yearning to say yes. Practice".

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