Monday 24 August 2015


We are  all searching for the secret of life or is it just me (I think I maybe by myself on this one). We are always searching how to get rich, become successful, to be the most loved, to achieve our dreams,  to maintain our body weight, to look sexy, to be young forever (this is just mythical), to have that killer six pack (this one is usually the tricky one to most men). Anyway is there really a secret to life? I don't know maybe you should tell me.

Once I know this secret, I will eventually leave all my burdens behind & enjoy the sandy beaches of paradise. Such are the silly little dreams that I have when am not busy trying to earn that coin. Thinking to myself countlessly, "when will I taste this paradise spoken so vaguely by those whom we claim have made it in life". Having the luxury of sitting back, sipping on those mocktails & soaking under the warm sun.

Isn't it funny, how most of us are looking for short cuts in life not knowing that if you want the best you better put in that effort. Just look at this photo that I have added to this post does it make sense to you. Does the phrase even ignite any thought or ingrain a bit wisdom to all your silliness. No! Nothing! Ooh well! I had thought you may at least make sense of it. Such a simple illustration which  brings so much clarity once you understand it.

Well then, I will keep reminding you that life is all about how you view it & manage to face off all sorts of tiny demons that  are out to get you. I do understand that we are all different but we all share the same space & that is this gorgeous earth (I think that is my description from all the photos I have seen taken from outer space).  Every day is a challenge, even though most of us take it to be a reckoning as nothing comes easy.

Know this, even though the earth is not such a magical place, we all have our different roles to play just like in a movie (each charater/actor or actress(didn't want to sound discriminatory) has what they bring to spice up the film). You may deem yourself as being unworthy, insiginificant or even unimportant but you better watch out for whatever you confess you profess.

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