Thursday 27 August 2015


"Do you trust me? Like, do you really trust me!" (what the hell is going on here am guessing that is what you are asking yourself). Am still asking you, yes you the one reading this, do you trust me. Am guessing this sounds a bit strange, since you have no idea who I am or have never met me. This is quite a tricky scenario don't you think.

Just some strange individual & God knows from where telling you to put your trust in him. Huuh, am sure that has raised quite a number of eyebrows. No worries, we all have our own trust issues. Trust is loosely desrcibed as the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something (anyway that is what google says not me).
Let me ask you a question, how come when you are told that there is a God you believe it but when you are told the paint is wet you have to touch it with your finger so that you can believe it to be so. Well, that is just how we are engineered in all our complexity, trust is one that stands out like a sore thumb.
"I have learned that it taks years to build up trust & only takes suspicion, not proof to destroy it". 
One of the crucial lessons that I have learned in this life is to trust God in every circumstance and situation. At times it may seem as if it is not worth it but once you get the grasp of how the Almighty Father works, you get to appreciate His way of tackling matters. Lots of times we go through different trials & following God's plan seems like it doesn't make sense at all. 

Just know that God is always in control & He will never leave you even though He may seem absent at the time. For when you are sitting for an exam, the teacher is not always there but you will still feel his/her presence. One needs to accept the feeling of not knowing where you are going. 

Training yourself to appreciate it, because it is only when one is suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel & alas begin our flight. As we fly, we may not know where we are going but the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you are going, but you know that as long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.

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