Tuesday 25 August 2015


"Psssst listen, I have been struggling with some issues that is why I keep on falling behind in making my payments, but I promise you I will sort you out once things cool down. This life is taking a toll on me". Hmmm, am guessing you are all wondering what the hell is this one talking about, this doesn't even make sense. Is he high on something we don't know yet?

I assure you am in my most lucid of moments, it is just that am trying to give you a simple illustration of the kind of things that we say to others & how we handle them. Now am sure I lost you before even half the sentence was done. Here it is, as human beings we have a sense of need of most times telling others about our issues.
"Speak clearly, if you speak at all, carve every word before you let it fall".
Am not saying that it is bad to talk about them, but have you ever wondered (even if it is just a little bit) how did so many people know that I had that kind of problem. You see, what happens most times is that we share with those whom we consider close our deepest of secrets (if there are any to begin with) without second thought.

We open up the chamber of secrets & let loose all that is weighing us down to the tiniest of details. Most times (if you do pay close attention) you will see that those whom are listening to you are quite keen on what you are saying. They may seem as if they are sympathising with you but unfortunately they are taking in the juicy details of your misery to share with others.

You will become the topic of discussion at the bar dens (the kalocal joint), beauty salons, work places, behind your back (sometimes behind closed doors) as to how your life is just a pitful of misery. Yes, deceit takes all sorts of forms & you will be crushed knowing that those whom you could trust are the ones edging that knife deeper into your back.
 "Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice".
It is deemed that the tongue is the deadliest weapon that man/womankind possesses & has indeed led to the rise & fall of even nations. You better keep it in check otherwise you will learn that not all ears that listen are there to hear your story will give you a solution but rather are there to gather intel on you & discredit your well being.

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