Monday 10 August 2015


Do you recall that day you got sacked from your prestigious job or that day the landlord locked you out of your house or that day you lacked even money to buy food for your child. Suddenly a thought stuck you & you decide to go & seek refuge from that friend who claimed he/she has got your back. How did that go by the way, were you received with open arms like the way Jesus received the children of the Israelites. Or was it more of them pretending not to recognise you nor acknowledging  your existence like Pontius Pilate. 

Well it is tough out there, when you realise that those who boldly proclaimed allegiance to you are now deserting you in the same ninja move Judas pulled on Jesus or is it the denial phase Peter unleashed when he denied all knowledge of Christ (can you believe it three times without even breaking a sweat). It is such a downer when those whom you thought got your back are the ones who are pulling down the anchor around your neck. 

It is a known fact that when you are facing issues from all sides that is when you learn the true rainbow colours of those who said they were your friends through the good & bad times. You are left standed like the lone cactus in the Kalahari desert with no trees nearby for shade but only a mirage lingering in the far off distance. Puzzled, confused & in shock you wonder how you did not see this coming. 

All who claimed to be there for you, have left you hanging by a thread. Even then no one wants to lift a finger, cause they say that you problems are your own. It is such a pity that we are a crude, self-loving, selfish & self-centred people. Only interested in protecting our own. How did we get to such a point of pettiness where we stab the backs of those who thought we had their backs covered. 

When it all starts tumbling down like the walls of Jericho you will quickly learn that those whom you could have called friends were only wolves in sheeps clothing. It is better to have few, true & loyal friends than to have an army of useless leeches of so called friends. Most important of it all, when things are grey get on your knees & talk to the Almighty Father up in heaven. 

For when things are good, give thanks. When things are bad, give thanks. When things in your life don't make sense, still gives thanks. For there is always a reason as to why things happen the way they do & know that where there is a will there is a way.

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