Friday 8 July 2016


You are meant for a greater purpose on this earth, you better believe it! It may seem absurd me saying that with such conviction but what you need to keep in mind is that what you confess you profess. We are in the dark times as a nation, the intensity of the various omens plaguing us has become quite rampant. This doesn't mean that we should yield & succumb to such slavery in our lives. We shall see better days ahead, it may seem far fetched but that is just me. 

How you view yourself as an individual matters the most to you & not how the society sees you. All of us have a weakness of trying to fit in society that we hide our true self behind a mask. Each time we are walking about in the streets we tend to behave like the rest of the people. You are meant to be your own unique self with your own personalized character & imagery that is distinct from others around. However, we as humans always question, "what will others think". This is the kind of mindset that will take us back to the archaic days. 

Why would you be so concerned with what the world thinks of you! No one came with you to this world when you were conceived, we are all travelers passing through heading to our various destinations. Look at life through your own eyes, for they are the windows to your soul. As I discussed with a new friend today, we need to man or woman up & take it upon ourselves to achieve our various goals by making the necessary sacrifices. 

We shouldn't perceive ourselves as islands but more so as waves of the ocean being in sync with a singular focus. You are on this earth for a while, you are not going to live forever so enjoy each moment that you are here. Live life to the fullest & don't underestimate yourself for the most successful in life achieved their dreams by starting from the bottom. Always keep it in mind that you can achieve anything you set your mind on. Learn to listen to your inner voice, others may put you down but if you block out the negativity you are set for life.

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