Tuesday 19 July 2016


"It is said that you are an average of five of your friends". This is to mean that who you are at times is influenced by those whom you surround yourself with. How true that statement is you tell me. Deny it as you may, but the reality is that if you look at your train of thought on a daily basis, you will see that you ape those whom you inter-relate with one way or the other. It can be by how you speak, think, dress, handle yourself in a situation & so on. 

If you continue to surround yourself with those who are short sighted, there is a high probability that your ideologies will become myopic. One needs to ignite a flame of self-elevation from a groupie thinking to that of oneness with your inner self. In such a way, it is not about us but more so about me becoming the better version of myself. How we are enslaved in the ideology of "in due time things may work for tonight we dine"

The loom of doom ready to be unleashed to the unsuspecting world is quite imminent. There you are hanging out with idlers of the estate expecting that your life shall just magically become fulfilling, my friend this is not wonderland where fairies & wishes just come true. You have chosen to become a coach potato, watch TV all day just because getting a job has become hurdle. 

You talking with your "friends" whom have lost focus in their lives & have decided to live a life of grumbling at every opportunity they get. Ooh life is hard, ooh we can't own such a house it is beyond us, ooh we are here to suffer for a short while, ooh that job is beyond me blah blah blah blah! Surely, with such kind of thinking how do you expect your life to become what it is meant to be. Change your thinking & you will attain different results. If you want to have a fulfilling life, be more open minded & have a hint of optimism. 

You need to shed of those negative individuals in your life just like the way a snake sheds its skin. Live & let it be that which can shackle you to a life of stunt growth. Open yourself to being with fewer meaningful friends who can build & motivate you to achieve that which is impossible. As the idiom goes, "too many cooks spoil the broth". Think about it.

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