Friday 15 July 2016


Why me? Is the question that keeps ringing in our minds like a ding dong bell. We keep wondering to ourselves how come the journey of having a better life is so draining. Each day you wake up, you grind just to ensure you have a proper meal, bills get paid & that you are still breathing. You look at the pile of bills coming in & at that exact moment you get an intense migraine. Life has become quite a struggle but that doesn't mean it should always be.

Damn this weather, it can make you sing the old time song, "swing low, sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home..........". This is now some craziness up in here, weather so cold even your toes curl involuntarily. Anyway back to our earlier provocation of the mind, why is life like this? Answer is, to make us a better version of ourselves. Does that make sense to you in any way, if not let me try & enlighten you on what I mean.

We live in a world where for us to survive the rule of the jungle is taken to be the only way to go. Survival has been deemed to be for the fittest & not the weaklings. This may be so but we are not all born standing on our two feet & that is why we first crawl as we learn to walk. Growth takes time & it will never be easy. I have continuously being advised by my boss, if you start something or anything make sure you see it through to the end.

When you are beginning a project, getting through in the first stage is a tough cookie. You will keep on second guessing yourself every time, ideas keep on flopping, you are not getting the right kind of support & so forth. If you don't face down falls or challenges or barriers in life you will never grow since things will just be smooth sailing. You are here to make your life, your children's life & your children's children's life worthy of living.

When at that time you are just about to give up, remind yourself why you started. Nothing good ever comes easy or just by a slide of hand as depicted by magicians. Just like that book you are reading & then all of a sudden you decide to stop, you may have missed out on the crucial message in the next chapter. When in a race & you are just about to reach the finish line & weariness overwhelms you, you may have been on the way to win.

Listen up & listen good, you see that initial idea that you had of what you wanted to achieve that is what should be what is keeping you motivated & focused to accomplish your goal. Don't let your disappointments,false starts,  physical & mental tiredness get in the way to attaining the greater heights in your life. You have got this!

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