Monday 25 July 2016


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Don't get startled by my outcry, I am just excited & grateful for seeing yet another day. I tell you, being alive is such a rare gift that we take for granted so you better watch out. I am thankful for being awake, having the use of all my limbs, clothes to cover my nakedness, shelter to protect me from the natural elements, food to eat & many other things. It may seem that you have all these because of your hard work but my friend there is a greater force at work. Just be thankful for each day that you are here on this beautiful earth.

Today's thought will dwell on the theme of "tit for tat" but in the way that it is not a fair game. You see, most of you are in the habit of, if someone wrongs me I have to do them more damage or harm than was done to me. Well, that may be your way of life but have you ever considered that not every action requires a reaction. I know it is not easy taking into mind that we are human beings & we tend to have many weaknesses. Each day to us is a struggle to survive which I don't refute, but do we always have to be so mean to each other. We are meant to live in harmony with each other like brothers & sisters or if you prefer as friends.

If only we could see our future selves then we would change how we treat each other in the present times. I have come to know through my own personal experience that if we do unto others what they do unto us, it is going to be quite a pickle. In the words of Jesus Christ, he said. "we should do unto others as we would like them to do unto us". Never expect much from those whom you show kindness or help out of a situation. If you have expectation keeping them on a down low, as this will make it more of a business, because in your mind you will be like, 'If I help him/her, he/she must also help me'.

If that is the mindset you have, you will be thoroughly disappointed. The world doesn't revolve around you, ooh no! You are here to serve your purpose (which only you know) & be gone. In the meantime while you are here on earth enjoying these precious minutes of living, be the best version of yourself. We are all engineered in a different way that make us tick in a unique rhythm & yet we are capable of living with others by giving without expecting something in return. Have a blessed day ahead.

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