Monday 27 June 2016


Love, what is this thing that sweeps some people off their feet, rendering them incoherent in their capacity to think for themselves? We become so caught up in the sweetness of what our hearts desires & the world around us becomes a blur. Love is deemed as the most powerful force on earth that it incapacitates mortals. We always hear that people have fallen in love & that they can't live without each other.

I am no love doctor but my tiny understanding of this strange phenomena is that it is a force not to be reckoned with. Once it takes hold of you, it plants itself in the deepest, most sensitive part of your being. You become so ingrained in its grasp that every waking moment you have continuous thoughts of that one person who has taken hold of your heart. To be or not to be that is indeed the question as posed by William Shakespeare.

Our  emotions lead us to find that one person to share our lives with. You then realize that this is the person whom you want to be the father/mother of your children, your best-friend, your constant companion, you anchor during the storm, the shoulder to lean on, the arms to hold you steady when you tumble & so on. However, this may become a reality most of us but we tend to forget the reason as to why we are unified in the first place.

We as human beings have a tendency of having temporary amnesia as to why we are in love with the person whom we are sharing our lives with. The feeling of loving someone is quite different than acting on the love we feel. We become shackled to the feeling we forget that love exists in our every day actions towards each other. In the current times we need to understand that love is meant to be shared, for sharing is caring.

Let it be, that in days that we live or interact with those whom we have acknowledged as the love of our lives, know that we are not alone but a couple. Yes, it is hard in the current times to have love but that doesn't mean that you take your partner for granted. It is said that one never realises the value of something until they lose it. Hold dearly to that person whom you share your life with & consider of value to you.

Appreciate them through your actions, if you are a prayerful person include them in your prayers. Once in a while treat them to some niceties like a dinner, a foot/body massage when they come from work/school, preparing a hot meal for them, going for a quiet walk & so forth (note: this applies to both genders). I am not saying it is a must, but maintaining the fire in your relationship is quite vital.

"When a man truly loves a woman, she becomes his weakness. When a woman truly loves a man, he becomes her strength".

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