Monday 13 June 2016


Hi there, yes you! Did you wake up well! No, well be grateful that you are still alive for not many have had such a privilege to enjoy this miracle of life. Let me just ask you out of my own curiosity, why do we always have a insatiable need to hold onto things of old or from your past? What's with the blank stare, it is just a simple question. We carry on life with so much weight on our shoulders that we fear unburdening ourselves. 

A good percentage of our life time, we dwell so much on what or who has hurt us, a failed idea, a broken heart, a business deal gone wrong or even losing someone among many other woes. I am not saying that we shouldn't take some time to grieve our lose or re-strategize our plans. I am only stating we need to come to the realization that this life has become quite short we need to embrace the precious minutes we get to enjoy each day. 

We are so entangled in the web of, "if I don't do something about it, the situation will change in due course by itself ". It will be utterly naive to accept your current circumstances as your way of living. I am not saying that we live in a world of make a wish & it happens by saying the right magic words. Ooh no, you have to take a stand for yourself & say enough is enough. 

Letting those who are hurting or misusing you continue doing so &  hoping for the best will be a fools errand. Indulging in the same vices, saying that the next time it won't be so bad, is like knowing that speed that thrills kills yet you still do the same thing over & over. One day your luck will run out & your inner flame of life will be extinguished just like the flicker of a light switch. 

We must try & look at the ups & down of what we let be manifested in our lives. We all need to remember that sometimes holding onto something can do more damage than good. Let it go & don't look back like Lot's wife who unfortunately got turned into a pillar of salt. Let what happened in your past, stay in your past & strive to better your future by working to improve your present.

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