Friday 27 May 2016

I HAVE PLAN A, B, C, D.........

Hi, how have you all been? I have just realized that it has been quite a while before I graced this pages, this adulting moments have had their toil on me as I believe also on you. Anyway aluta continua. Well then let us begin. Quick question, where do you see yourself ten years from now? Do you see yourself having elevated in your life status or will you still be in the same mindset? Just take your time & ponder on the relevance of the queries I have just posed to you. 

You see in this life we just take each day for granted & wake up clueless as to what awaits us in present as well as in the near future. If I am not mistaken, most of us are here to merely survive being alive. We wake up each day with a groan escaping our lips, heading to a place where we are there to just earn a living yet we despise that which we do. I get it, finding another place to work is like trying to squeeze water from a rock. The economy is all over the place even purchasing the basics is a struggle. 

I have come to appreciate the wise words said to me by a close friend of mine.  He said, "if you don't love what you are doing walk away from it, otherwise you will continue to be miserable for the rest of your life". If you don't have passion for what you do, ask yourself why am doing this & to what end? We are all at a different stage in our lives & need to come to the understanding that if you want a different result, we need to change how we do things. 

For starters, if you know that you are somewhere just earning that money & yet your heart is not in it, try & find out what are your priorities: the money (which I do know is vital for survival & am not saying it is wrong to get good money) or doing something you will enjoy as well as the end results. Secondly get a small note book, this will be your life guide. The aim of having the notebook is so that you jot down your life goals. Please note that what you write down may seem impossible but remember that for that which you put your mind to you can achieve. 

You will need to write what may seem like a vast mountain to climb to others but I believe in you reaching the top. I was advised that when you are writing your goals or dreams (key thing to remember they must be realistic goals), put  a time line. For example, 'I plan to own a house in four years from now. This is not just by merely saying but by saving for it as well as finding out where I intend to purchase the same'. You need to look at yourself & if you have your own family, see what plans you have for their future.

As the cliche goes "a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single first step".  If the first plan in your life fails you need to have a back up as a reset button. Don't let yourself be comfortable with that one idea, things may just happen that may cause it to crumble ( I am not wishing you bad, am just pointing out a reality to you, have an open mind because anything goes).

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