Thursday 27 August 2015


"Do you trust me? Like, do you really trust me!" (what the hell is going on here am guessing that is what you are asking yourself). Am still asking you, yes you the one reading this, do you trust me. Am guessing this sounds a bit strange, since you have no idea who I am or have never met me. This is quite a tricky scenario don't you think.

Just some strange individual & God knows from where telling you to put your trust in him. Huuh, am sure that has raised quite a number of eyebrows. No worries, we all have our own trust issues. Trust is loosely desrcibed as the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something (anyway that is what google says not me).
Let me ask you a question, how come when you are told that there is a God you believe it but when you are told the paint is wet you have to touch it with your finger so that you can believe it to be so. Well, that is just how we are engineered in all our complexity, trust is one that stands out like a sore thumb.
"I have learned that it taks years to build up trust & only takes suspicion, not proof to destroy it". 
One of the crucial lessons that I have learned in this life is to trust God in every circumstance and situation. At times it may seem as if it is not worth it but once you get the grasp of how the Almighty Father works, you get to appreciate His way of tackling matters. Lots of times we go through different trials & following God's plan seems like it doesn't make sense at all. 

Just know that God is always in control & He will never leave you even though He may seem absent at the time. For when you are sitting for an exam, the teacher is not always there but you will still feel his/her presence. One needs to accept the feeling of not knowing where you are going. 

Training yourself to appreciate it, because it is only when one is suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel & alas begin our flight. As we fly, we may not know where we are going but the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you are going, but you know that as long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.

Tuesday 25 August 2015


"No! No! No! I told you am not interested, why are you pestering me like this. Leave me alone! Please just the tip, I won't go any further" (haaa the absurdity, how would you fall for such a line, but what do I know am just the middle person who gets the hearsay). Anyway my point is quite simple, if you are giving an assertive answer you better stick to it like the lies you used to tell your parent when you had eaten sugar & there were crumbs all over your mouth evidencing otherwise.

Yet there you were denying in all totality that your enemies are out to get you & finish your career. Well, that is life with its little twists & weird turns that suddenly crop up like the proverbial weeds. Why is it that we are so inclined to indulge others when in all honesty we are not in the mood to what they seek. They go like,"lets go to the club", then you go like, "sure, lets go" (damn, don't you have any moral fibre of denying every suggestion that is whispered in your tiny ears)
"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly & not saying no soon enough". - Josh Billings
Have you lost your freaking marbles, are you some sort of puppet being pulled by the strings. The only answer you know  is yes. We all reach a point whereby the yes that you utter so freely needs to be confirmed & turned around to a no otherwise there will be a wake of chaos waiting to ensue. Learn how to deny others the satisfaction of using your free will to comply to their terms. When you say that no, mean it like as if your life depended on it & let it stand out like a rebel flag flipping in the wind. An affirmative no saves lives.
"It takes effort to say no when our heart, brains, guts & most important, pride are yearning to say yes. Practice".


"Psssst listen, I have been struggling with some issues that is why I keep on falling behind in making my payments, but I promise you I will sort you out once things cool down. This life is taking a toll on me". Hmmm, am guessing you are all wondering what the hell is this one talking about, this doesn't even make sense. Is he high on something we don't know yet?

I assure you am in my most lucid of moments, it is just that am trying to give you a simple illustration of the kind of things that we say to others & how we handle them. Now am sure I lost you before even half the sentence was done. Here it is, as human beings we have a sense of need of most times telling others about our issues.
"Speak clearly, if you speak at all, carve every word before you let it fall".
Am not saying that it is bad to talk about them, but have you ever wondered (even if it is just a little bit) how did so many people know that I had that kind of problem. You see, what happens most times is that we share with those whom we consider close our deepest of secrets (if there are any to begin with) without second thought.

We open up the chamber of secrets & let loose all that is weighing us down to the tiniest of details. Most times (if you do pay close attention) you will see that those whom are listening to you are quite keen on what you are saying. They may seem as if they are sympathising with you but unfortunately they are taking in the juicy details of your misery to share with others.

You will become the topic of discussion at the bar dens (the kalocal joint), beauty salons, work places, behind your back (sometimes behind closed doors) as to how your life is just a pitful of misery. Yes, deceit takes all sorts of forms & you will be crushed knowing that those whom you could trust are the ones edging that knife deeper into your back.
 "Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice".
It is deemed that the tongue is the deadliest weapon that man/womankind possesses & has indeed led to the rise & fall of even nations. You better keep it in check otherwise you will learn that not all ears that listen are there to hear your story will give you a solution but rather are there to gather intel on you & discredit your well being.

Monday 24 August 2015


We are  all searching for the secret of life or is it just me (I think I maybe by myself on this one). We are always searching how to get rich, become successful, to be the most loved, to achieve our dreams,  to maintain our body weight, to look sexy, to be young forever (this is just mythical), to have that killer six pack (this one is usually the tricky one to most men). Anyway is there really a secret to life? I don't know maybe you should tell me.

Once I know this secret, I will eventually leave all my burdens behind & enjoy the sandy beaches of paradise. Such are the silly little dreams that I have when am not busy trying to earn that coin. Thinking to myself countlessly, "when will I taste this paradise spoken so vaguely by those whom we claim have made it in life". Having the luxury of sitting back, sipping on those mocktails & soaking under the warm sun.

Isn't it funny, how most of us are looking for short cuts in life not knowing that if you want the best you better put in that effort. Just look at this photo that I have added to this post does it make sense to you. Does the phrase even ignite any thought or ingrain a bit wisdom to all your silliness. No! Nothing! Ooh well! I had thought you may at least make sense of it. Such a simple illustration which  brings so much clarity once you understand it.

Well then, I will keep reminding you that life is all about how you view it & manage to face off all sorts of tiny demons that  are out to get you. I do understand that we are all different but we all share the same space & that is this gorgeous earth (I think that is my description from all the photos I have seen taken from outer space).  Every day is a challenge, even though most of us take it to be a reckoning as nothing comes easy.

Know this, even though the earth is not such a magical place, we all have our different roles to play just like in a movie (each charater/actor or actress(didn't want to sound discriminatory) has what they bring to spice up the film). You may deem yourself as being unworthy, insiginificant or even unimportant but you better watch out for whatever you confess you profess.

Monday 10 August 2015


Do you recall that day you got sacked from your prestigious job or that day the landlord locked you out of your house or that day you lacked even money to buy food for your child. Suddenly a thought stuck you & you decide to go & seek refuge from that friend who claimed he/she has got your back. How did that go by the way, were you received with open arms like the way Jesus received the children of the Israelites. Or was it more of them pretending not to recognise you nor acknowledging  your existence like Pontius Pilate. 

Well it is tough out there, when you realise that those who boldly proclaimed allegiance to you are now deserting you in the same ninja move Judas pulled on Jesus or is it the denial phase Peter unleashed when he denied all knowledge of Christ (can you believe it three times without even breaking a sweat). It is such a downer when those whom you thought got your back are the ones who are pulling down the anchor around your neck. 

It is a known fact that when you are facing issues from all sides that is when you learn the true rainbow colours of those who said they were your friends through the good & bad times. You are left standed like the lone cactus in the Kalahari desert with no trees nearby for shade but only a mirage lingering in the far off distance. Puzzled, confused & in shock you wonder how you did not see this coming. 

All who claimed to be there for you, have left you hanging by a thread. Even then no one wants to lift a finger, cause they say that you problems are your own. It is such a pity that we are a crude, self-loving, selfish & self-centred people. Only interested in protecting our own. How did we get to such a point of pettiness where we stab the backs of those who thought we had their backs covered. 

When it all starts tumbling down like the walls of Jericho you will quickly learn that those whom you could have called friends were only wolves in sheeps clothing. It is better to have few, true & loyal friends than to have an army of useless leeches of so called friends. Most important of it all, when things are grey get on your knees & talk to the Almighty Father up in heaven. 

For when things are good, give thanks. When things are bad, give thanks. When things in your life don't make sense, still gives thanks. For there is always a reason as to why things happen the way they do & know that where there is a will there is a way.


"One day am going to be rich, just you watch this space". Isn't that one of the lines we used to dish out like handouts when we were with our 'boyz' as more amptly put. Day dreaming of those riches, the fast cars, the beautiful big houses, the trophy wife, limitless credit card, the fat bank account & all goodies that follow the rich. Well, that is not such a far off reality. What it needs is strategy, planning & effecting a good, realistic solid plan. 

So, what am I all about today, well for starters today am in it for the money(don't get me wrong am not saying getting paid to do this but rather having the cash to do as you please). Let me take you back to when your were a youngster. Hanging out with your pals, going by the road side counting vehicles as they passed by claiming ownership of each, trying to see how many one can own. 

Yep, that is how we used to roll back in the day. Seeing ourselves as kingpins & tycoons with money overflowing like the river Nile. We all (maybe not all of us but am thinking sum of us) have a dream of becoming rich & financially stable. The downside is that life is quite a tricky affair with the hardships & all coming together like an ochestra. But am thinking if one puts their mind to achieve their goals nothing can stand in your way. 

Let us look at simple illustration. Have you ever seen that person at the office who is most times an hour or two earlier than the usual office hours or leaves past closing time. Why do you think he/she is there at that time. Is it because he will you say he/she is leaving late because they are timing the fare prices to drop(this could be so or not).Or just maybe they are thinking of making their work be part of their day instead of their day become part of their work. 

Thus they will in a few years time be able to enjoy the sacrifices they made. Ooh,  you think am pulling your leg, go ask any person who has made it in this life if there were any sacrifices they made to get to be where they are today. I know you want the flashy things that life has to offer, but know this if you want the best you need to put in that effort & sweat for it.

Let me give you another illustration just fro clarificatio purposes. When you walk down the streets of Nairobi (that is if you are fortunate enough to do so or some other town or city) at the wee hours of the morning lets say around 4-6am, aren't there offices that have already opened up for business? While you are there enjoying your beauty sleep, someone somewhere is trying to achieve his/her dream. 

Take this moment & try to figure out how do you spend each minute of your day, is it in a destructive or is it in a productive way. Once you have come up with an answer look at what you are doing whether it is beneficial or a waste of time. If you want to make a change in your life stop being used to make other people's dream a reality & start working on your own dreams.