Sunday 31 July 2016


"I am busy, I don't know if I would be able to make it but I will see what I can do". When those words escaped from your lips, did you really mean them or you just thought they would sound more sweet in the ears of the recipient? There you are making promises that you very well know you won't fulfill. Letting loose a torrent of words with no weight behind them.

I am not condemning you, just pointing out a truth we don't like being brought to the light. We are quite a hypocritical people, making others feel special in our eyes yet we are grounding them underfoot. Well, to each his or her own would be what I would have said but not today. If you don't have time for others, just simply say it as it is. This game of eeny meeny miny moe, would not do. 

We can't keep on playing around with people's feelings like some guitar. Strumming their feelings every way we desire & saying to ourselves, "consequences be damned". How would you feel if someone goes back on their word on something you were banking on. You would feel betrayed, like a hole being ripped out of your heart. You have a choice to make & stand by it. You as an individual need to mean what you say  & say what you mean. 

There are no two ways about it, you are either in or you are out, no in between. It may seem like much to ask of you, but you need to take ask yourself why am I doing this. Look around you, what do you see. How are the words that you utter or the time given affecting those whom may rely on you to give them support in their time of need. As it is said, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Well then, you are the decider of the people whom you give your time. If you can't be there for others, just make a clear stand on it so that it shall be well known. We are beings of a unique mindset that we end up filled with bile towards each other in our every day lives. So selfish we are with our time for others that we lie through clenched teeth. That being so, we need to get our head right & act right.

If people matter to you, no matter what, you will always create time for them. That is just my belief, you are never to busy for those whom you consider worthy of your time.

Monday 25 July 2016


Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Don't get startled by my outcry, I am just excited & grateful for seeing yet another day. I tell you, being alive is such a rare gift that we take for granted so you better watch out. I am thankful for being awake, having the use of all my limbs, clothes to cover my nakedness, shelter to protect me from the natural elements, food to eat & many other things. It may seem that you have all these because of your hard work but my friend there is a greater force at work. Just be thankful for each day that you are here on this beautiful earth.

Today's thought will dwell on the theme of "tit for tat" but in the way that it is not a fair game. You see, most of you are in the habit of, if someone wrongs me I have to do them more damage or harm than was done to me. Well, that may be your way of life but have you ever considered that not every action requires a reaction. I know it is not easy taking into mind that we are human beings & we tend to have many weaknesses. Each day to us is a struggle to survive which I don't refute, but do we always have to be so mean to each other. We are meant to live in harmony with each other like brothers & sisters or if you prefer as friends.

If only we could see our future selves then we would change how we treat each other in the present times. I have come to know through my own personal experience that if we do unto others what they do unto us, it is going to be quite a pickle. In the words of Jesus Christ, he said. "we should do unto others as we would like them to do unto us". Never expect much from those whom you show kindness or help out of a situation. If you have expectation keeping them on a down low, as this will make it more of a business, because in your mind you will be like, 'If I help him/her, he/she must also help me'.

If that is the mindset you have, you will be thoroughly disappointed. The world doesn't revolve around you, ooh no! You are here to serve your purpose (which only you know) & be gone. In the meantime while you are here on earth enjoying these precious minutes of living, be the best version of yourself. We are all engineered in a different way that make us tick in a unique rhythm & yet we are capable of living with others by giving without expecting something in return. Have a blessed day ahead.

Tuesday 19 July 2016


"It is said that you are an average of five of your friends". This is to mean that who you are at times is influenced by those whom you surround yourself with. How true that statement is you tell me. Deny it as you may, but the reality is that if you look at your train of thought on a daily basis, you will see that you ape those whom you inter-relate with one way or the other. It can be by how you speak, think, dress, handle yourself in a situation & so on. 

If you continue to surround yourself with those who are short sighted, there is a high probability that your ideologies will become myopic. One needs to ignite a flame of self-elevation from a groupie thinking to that of oneness with your inner self. In such a way, it is not about us but more so about me becoming the better version of myself. How we are enslaved in the ideology of "in due time things may work for tonight we dine"

The loom of doom ready to be unleashed to the unsuspecting world is quite imminent. There you are hanging out with idlers of the estate expecting that your life shall just magically become fulfilling, my friend this is not wonderland where fairies & wishes just come true. You have chosen to become a coach potato, watch TV all day just because getting a job has become hurdle. 

You talking with your "friends" whom have lost focus in their lives & have decided to live a life of grumbling at every opportunity they get. Ooh life is hard, ooh we can't own such a house it is beyond us, ooh we are here to suffer for a short while, ooh that job is beyond me blah blah blah blah! Surely, with such kind of thinking how do you expect your life to become what it is meant to be. Change your thinking & you will attain different results. If you want to have a fulfilling life, be more open minded & have a hint of optimism. 

You need to shed of those negative individuals in your life just like the way a snake sheds its skin. Live & let it be that which can shackle you to a life of stunt growth. Open yourself to being with fewer meaningful friends who can build & motivate you to achieve that which is impossible. As the idiom goes, "too many cooks spoil the broth". Think about it.

Friday 15 July 2016


Why me? Is the question that keeps ringing in our minds like a ding dong bell. We keep wondering to ourselves how come the journey of having a better life is so draining. Each day you wake up, you grind just to ensure you have a proper meal, bills get paid & that you are still breathing. You look at the pile of bills coming in & at that exact moment you get an intense migraine. Life has become quite a struggle but that doesn't mean it should always be.

Damn this weather, it can make you sing the old time song, "swing low, sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home..........". This is now some craziness up in here, weather so cold even your toes curl involuntarily. Anyway back to our earlier provocation of the mind, why is life like this? Answer is, to make us a better version of ourselves. Does that make sense to you in any way, if not let me try & enlighten you on what I mean.

We live in a world where for us to survive the rule of the jungle is taken to be the only way to go. Survival has been deemed to be for the fittest & not the weaklings. This may be so but we are not all born standing on our two feet & that is why we first crawl as we learn to walk. Growth takes time & it will never be easy. I have continuously being advised by my boss, if you start something or anything make sure you see it through to the end.

When you are beginning a project, getting through in the first stage is a tough cookie. You will keep on second guessing yourself every time, ideas keep on flopping, you are not getting the right kind of support & so forth. If you don't face down falls or challenges or barriers in life you will never grow since things will just be smooth sailing. You are here to make your life, your children's life & your children's children's life worthy of living.

When at that time you are just about to give up, remind yourself why you started. Nothing good ever comes easy or just by a slide of hand as depicted by magicians. Just like that book you are reading & then all of a sudden you decide to stop, you may have missed out on the crucial message in the next chapter. When in a race & you are just about to reach the finish line & weariness overwhelms you, you may have been on the way to win.

Listen up & listen good, you see that initial idea that you had of what you wanted to achieve that is what should be what is keeping you motivated & focused to accomplish your goal. Don't let your disappointments,false starts,  physical & mental tiredness get in the way to attaining the greater heights in your life. You have got this!

Friday 8 July 2016


You are meant for a greater purpose on this earth, you better believe it! It may seem absurd me saying that with such conviction but what you need to keep in mind is that what you confess you profess. We are in the dark times as a nation, the intensity of the various omens plaguing us has become quite rampant. This doesn't mean that we should yield & succumb to such slavery in our lives. We shall see better days ahead, it may seem far fetched but that is just me. 

How you view yourself as an individual matters the most to you & not how the society sees you. All of us have a weakness of trying to fit in society that we hide our true self behind a mask. Each time we are walking about in the streets we tend to behave like the rest of the people. You are meant to be your own unique self with your own personalized character & imagery that is distinct from others around. However, we as humans always question, "what will others think". This is the kind of mindset that will take us back to the archaic days. 

Why would you be so concerned with what the world thinks of you! No one came with you to this world when you were conceived, we are all travelers passing through heading to our various destinations. Look at life through your own eyes, for they are the windows to your soul. As I discussed with a new friend today, we need to man or woman up & take it upon ourselves to achieve our various goals by making the necessary sacrifices. 

We shouldn't perceive ourselves as islands but more so as waves of the ocean being in sync with a singular focus. You are on this earth for a while, you are not going to live forever so enjoy each moment that you are here. Live life to the fullest & don't underestimate yourself for the most successful in life achieved their dreams by starting from the bottom. Always keep it in mind that you can achieve anything you set your mind on. Learn to listen to your inner voice, others may put you down but if you block out the negativity you are set for life.