Sunday 28 February 2021


Everlasting Father & Redeemer, I come before you thankful that I have seen the end of a gracious week. I have seen days that have pushed me to the end, nearly crushing me due to the weight that they bear. Lord, I come before you knowing that every day that I see which is the present, is nothing more than a gift from you. I am humbled that I am your child, a sinner whom you have forgiven my sins. Lord I come before you seeking that you shall go before me, in the coming days to come. I place all that I shall touch with my hands to be blessed by you Abba Father. I do pray this in Jesus name, Amen!!!

Hi, hoping that you are well. Is everything okay on your end? Or has life just decided to give you a beat down that has got you all bruised & wondering if it is worth getting up & facing life? It seems that every time that you are making a step forward in life, you stagger back like a drunkard wondering if there is a ploy to rid you of your God ordained destiny. Well, it seems that the path our lives have been chartered for, keep on changing day by day, making our course more eventful than anticipated.

We are but mere mortals, living on this realm on borrowed time. We are visitors having a time clock that keeps on ticking. Well, it seems that we are only meant to be here for a duration of time. It makes you wonder what is the purpose of all this that we have been forced into since our birth. Or do you think that you had a choice or a say at the time of you being born? Did you know that when you grace this earth, a lot was waiting to welcome you both the good & the bad & that it was up to you to make a choice of which side you wanted to fall on.

Here is the truth, no one is ever born evil or dark as some may claim (but, I can be corrected). The environment that we grow up in molds us to what we become. If we are not strong enough we usually fall short & take in all that has been spoon fed to us since the beginning. You want to make a change, then you have to step up & decide to man/woman up. It will not be easy as you shall be deemed to be going against the grain. We are who we are by the fact of how we view ourselves, how we hold ourselves when the odds are not in our favour.

Take a quiet moment with me for a minute. Things are still pretty rough for you, huuh! I know that this life is hard & some days are tougher than others. Some times you have got to break down & cry, before you can move forward & that is okay. Even on your worst days, the days you told yourself, "I can't go on", the days you told yourself you have no more hope, the days you told yourself there is nothing left for you. You should be reminded that your track record for overcoming bad days is 100%. If that does not speak volumes to who you are, then I don't know what does.

As you struggle to make ends meet, know that you are not alone & that no matter the distance between us we are all facing our own storms which we shall overcome eventually. Have you ever tried to pitch an idea to an investor & gotten that look that what you are offering is not holding any water. Maybe you have tried to get your business up & running & every time you hit wall after wall, making you wonder if you made the right choice. You may have even tried to scale up in your career but the odds seems to be against you on a daily.

Maybe you even tried to court that man/woman & you were not winning their hearts. You may have even tried to get your daily bread but nothing has been materializing. Maybe you tried to work out to be in shape or for your own health but things are not going according to plan. Well, as was anonymously stated, "These hard times, this pain, these lessons - one day they will be your strength, your awareness, your blessings". It may seem that this phrase makes no sense to the reality on the ground, but fear not, you never know what can happen for you. 

Do not douse the lights yet, there may be a slim chance that you may rise from the ashes like the phoenix & cease an opportunity which may just come up in the nick of time. Whenever, we hear how the rich have made it. We go like, "damn! that can't be me, am not engineered like that". Me! to wake up early, to plan in advance, to be disciplined, to think ahead & so forth. Is this really something that I can do? In my considered opinion, yes, you can do it. It is not going to be easy but it is indeed possible. 

We live in a life where we doubt our true potential that we short change ourselves. Always seeing that we can not be better, we can't achieve greatness, we can't outshine others & so on. Why are we so down cast? Living a life where we see ourselves as not being worthy. Listen to me, you need to stop stooping so low as to think that you are useless. Who told you that (you are not)? You need to understand what you think about yourself matters more than what others think of you. If you don't have a daily routine, what will hurt if you try to have one.
There is nothing in this world that is cast in stone & that is why we have the next day so that we can start all over again. When you take the time to learn from that which made you trip, you shall find a stance to take without falling. Thus, making it be that on your own two feet nothing will be impossible. It is stated that Thomas Edison in inventing the light bulb tried it 1,001 till he got it right. Meaning that he had failed 1,000 times but still pushed on to make it a reality. You need to know that we are all cut from different cloth.

I may not know you, not met you, not heard of you, not interacted with you, not seen you but all that I know, is that you are meant for greatness. I believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself. I pray that God will open for you doors that have been closed & give you the strength to forge forward. You are loved & nothing should stop you from achieving your dreams & goals even in this trying times. 

Les Brown says that to be successful: you have to change your mind set, practice only quality people & develop your communications skills. Once you open your mouth you tell the world who you are.


  1. Am glad to have come across your profile from psychologist Kenya and I can't wait to hear from you on Saturday. Am just trying to get started on blogging them something told me to check if there is any zoom meeting to attend from psychologist kenya that's how pumped into your profile. I am currently creating awareness on parental alienation and from the introduction I saw that you are a family lawyer and that you worked with cradle. This is not a coincidence that I find you when am trying to start bloging and when am in the journey of creating awareness on parental alienation.If possible can we engage more on the subject matter? Please let me know. Thank you. God bless you

    1. Hi, thank you for looking at the page. Yes, we can engage more on the matter. I shall share my infor.
