Tuesday 2 March 2021


"When I was born, a woman was there to hold me: My Mother. As I grew up as a child, a woman was there to play with me: My Sister. I went to school, a woman was there to help me learn: My Teacher. When I needed comparability, company and love, a woman was there for me: My Wife. When I will die, a woman will be there to absorb me in it: Motherland!"

Does the above paragraph invoke anything in you or it is just some fancy words with no weight or lacking the expected oomph (please don't search the meaning of the word, I can't unread what I have just reador do you think it is a ploy to get attention (lifts hands in surrender). I have a feeling that I will be either stoned or crucified for this, but a man has got to do what he has got to do. 

By a show of hands or a shout out, are you a person who says things as they are or you are more of letting things play out & see the proverbial fireworks? (looking around anxiously).Well, for me am a straight shooter. I will say it to your face without even flinching. Please don't take it in bad stride, am not saying that I will cuss you out, but I will make it known to you that what you are up to or doing is not in the right. 

I know some will say, "why are you nosing into other people's business". Well, for starters, am minding my own business but when something has caught my attention & requires a voice to condemn it or correct it, I will not be silent. If something is wrong we are not meant to hold our lips tightly shut about it. Let me give you an example closer to home that can be palatable. 

When we, as a nation get near to the elections, it seems that we lose all sense & become all tribal, rising up in arms. We forget the friendships/relationships that we have built with each other & opt to act like savages. We go into political divides, chanting one slogan or the other as our daily mantra (just walk in the streets & you will see the clusters of heated discussions)

When things don't work out in our favour, we are told we need to finish this or that people of a particular region/race, we become blinded by our foolish loyalties & cause harm to others. Yet the inciters (the supposed big men bazuu) themselves keep far away, safe & secure behind their personal security, 4x4 vehicles & palatial homes watching the chaos & mayhem, not dirtying their own hands. 

Anyway, to a more simplified example, as a people there are habits that others or even ourselves exhibit that are so irritating that you wonder how does one live with themselves. Let me ask you, have you ever seen a person who was drinking a cold beverage throw the plastic bottle out of the window of a vehicle or while walking, onto the tarmac or the drainage or sweet wrappers? 

I usually wonder is it that they think that it will decompose automatically or as one said it is the creation of employment. Yet when an area is not pleasing to the eye, blame is thrown around like a fly whisk. When we hold conversations with our peers & we note that one of our friend's is using heavy of vulgar language. Do we step up & let them know that they need to check themselves or you are more like, that is just the way he/she is(I have fallen short)

I didn't mean to offend anyone but I thought it best to lay it bare before you the reality that is out here. Hey! I am not saying am a moral cop or anything so don't organize to take me out. I am just merely looking through the glass from a different angle. Do you know people who are in your lives, whom you know if you go on the wrong they will straighten you? 

I don't mean our parents (more so African parents, no offense), they are a different breed of humans. We need to take a moment & just reflect on this fact about being truthful to each other (or is it one another). Do we let someone know that one thing or the other they are doing or are involved with is not right or we cover it with other colourful words to mask that which really lies underneath? 

Let me tell you something, as for me I have on several occasions been told things as they are raw & unedited. At first it hurt because I was like, "woow, why you so harsh with the truth". I have learned to embrace the truth as it comes from a good place. 

There is a quote that I have read online saying, "I refuse to please others at the expense of my emotional well-being. Even if it means saying "No" to people who are used to hearing "Yes". It is your own choice of how you interpret it, but I am assuming it is clear as day what message is being passed along. In the days as they currently are, you need to know that there are people who are jobless, who are sleeping hungry, who are dying, who have lost all hope, who have no homes, who have fallen ill, who have given up, who are hurting on the inside & so on. 

Did you know that to some this may not seem like the reality on the ground, it may seem like a bad dream? However, the thing is this, we are living in unprecedented times that we need to be there for one another for the long haul. We may have all switched into the survival mode, where now it is all about survival for the fittest. 

However, don't forget that though that may be so, you need in your own heart to search yourself & see how can you contribute to those in need. It is not a mandatory obligation like going for morning preps as was the case in high school. This is all down to personal decision making, the call is yours. If you get time, listen to the song by Maverick City Music titled "Yes & Amen".

To the person reading this I want to pray for you. Let us pray. Our Father up in heaven, I come before you thanking you that we have seen this day. We may take it for granted, but you Lord has preserved us by giving us the breath of life. Lord I place the reader of this article in your able hands. May you bless the works of their hands, if they are sick may your healing hand be upon them. If they are in need may you fulfill it, if you see they are worthy. As you say in your love letter to us in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Lord, thank you for who you are in their lives. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!!!


  1. This is really refreshing. we need more voices like yours to tell it like it is.

    1. Well then, like the thunder in the sky the people's voice shall be heard.
