Monday 22 February 2021


Our Father who is in heaven, I come before you as your child grateful that I have the gift of life. I take this moment to say thank you for all that you have done for me. I count my blessings every day that come my way. I have the use of my limbs, I am alive, I have seen another day, I have shelter, I have food, I have clothes to cover my nakedness, I have those who love & care for me. I come before you this day to only but just say thank you. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

May I, with your kind permission ask you a question? Thank you for the indulgence! Have you ever participated in a tug of war event? If you have not, I will tell you what Wikipedia breaks it down to be. "It is a sport that pits two teams against each other in a test of strength. Teams pull on opposite ends of a rope, with the goal being to bring the rope to a certain distance direction against the force of the opposing team's pull"

If you go to google dictionary definition it states it as, "a situation in which two evenly matched people or factions are striving to keep or obtain the same thing". You may be wondering, what is the relevance of all this mambo jumbo that this chap is bubbling about. I need you, to just give me a chance to tell you what all this is all about. Is it okay, if I now continue with my thoughts (this is the time to look around anxiously, waiting for a shoe to come flying by), thank you. 

You are a most patient reader, let me not keep you waiting any longer. Do you get the relation between the tug of war & your life? Well for starters, most of the time we are always fighting to survive the harsh realities of life. In such a way that we try as much as we can to hold onto something that we believe will make our lives better. An example is to be at the work place & you are stuck being in the same position, year in, year out. 

There is the slight hope that one day you will move up the ladder, even though it is a draining job. You are fearful that if you venture on your own, things may not work out. Yes, there is a reality that at times, going on your own that things may come tumbling down. This may be so, however you will only get to know about it if you try. We have a tendency of being attached to material things or at times people. 

Strange as it may be, there comes a time that we have to let go of that which we are fighting so much to hold onto. Grasping it so tightly like as if it is the only means of our survival, not realizing how destructive it is than constructive. There have been known cases of people being in toxic relationships, where they try to justify the reason as to why you are still in it. There could be some supposed valid reasons but in the long run it is you as an individual who is hurting. 

There are times that those whom you hang around & deem as your bosom buddies or even family that may be sucking you dry like leeches. Making demands left, right & center & since you don't want to be the bad one, you yield. This is where one has to cut them off gently & not torch that connecting bridge but loosening the rope setting yourself free. It all comes down to you, that there are a number of things that you will need to stop.

Stop letting your good heart keep you in situations that are breaking your heart. Stop being the go to person for the person that you can't go to. Stop breaking your back for someone who clearly doesn't have yours. Stop giving people positions in your life that they don't deserve. Finally, stop giving CPR to dead situations, some things are not meant to be saved. You don't get in life what you want; you get in life what you are. 

Don't be bitter be better. I just want you to have a good day. Some of you, I know that you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders & it is truly taking its toll on you. Just for the moment, I want you to lay those burdens down, I want you to focus on you. I know you can give me a million reasons, why you can't. Let me give you a reason why you should, it is because you deserve it. Some of you have just been on a bad stretch of the road, storm after storm, struggle after struggle, most days you don't even know which way to turn. 

But for today, I don't want you to focus on the negative, I don't want you to focus on other people's problems; I don't want you to focus on your problems. There is always going to be time to figure those out. There is not enough time in this world for your happiness, to take a back seat to anything or anyone, today just focus on you & what truly makes you happy & know that you are loved.

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