Tuesday 9 February 2016


"Why am I always so broke before even the mid of the month reaches, is it that I am not lucky? Why aren't things in my life working out, is it that God has forgotten me? Why is it that my colleague has been getting promotion after promotion, is it that am not qualified? Why is ot that I have no man/woman to share my love with, is it that I am doomed to be single?" 

Well then, I am just guessing but I think these are the kind of thoughts that run through our minds, not all the times but just maybe sometimes. The 'why' question rummages through our brain one time or the other. Leaving us questioning our own sanity & the clarity of our thoughts. Let me just tell you upfront, we all make mistakes & you better get down with the program. 

You may think that when something is going wromg in your life, you are the only one. I am sorry to say this (No, I am not sorry) we all have issues & you better learn to accept it. The only question I have for you is, 'what are you going to do about it?' We are all off in our corner crying how life is unfair & that we are deserving of a better life. Let me ask you what have you done to change the course upon which your life has taken?

You may decide to be a whimp & cower in a corner feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your days. Does that really look like a solution to anything but hey if it works for you then by all means continue. Every decision we make can lead to quite a volatile situation or not for this is solely dependant on you. There are basic steps in every decision we make in life,  the choice, the  challenge & the consequence. 

If you are able to master the art of self elevation from the woes of the world, there is nothing that you can't overcome. Ask yourself each day when you wake up, how am I going to improve myself as well as those around me. Ooh you thought this was only about you! Well nope, this is all about making this earth a better place. You should have known by now that not everyone is meant to be a lone island. 

You better get off that high horse of yours & learn to be there for others. I am not sayimg it is a must, you do that which makes you sleep at night. If we continue to live in the notion of survival for the fitness, I can assure you that we will be stagnant in thought for the rest of our short miserable lives. What I do know is that we are  all destined for great things. If we take the mantle and decide to take the first step, our journey of a couple hundred miles or kilometres depending on your locality would have commenced. 

You are never never alone, no matter how messed up your situation is. We are all meant to learn from the mistakes we make & that ladies & gentlemen is life!

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