Tuesday 23 February 2016


There you are, I see that the day has been rough on you. You look all exhausted &  drained from the day's shenanigans. No worries, we all are sailing in the same boat & believe me others even had it worse. At least you are now heading home to take your mind of the happenings of the past couple of hours that have left you devoid of any feeling, your head feels heavy, your feet hurt, your hands ache, your eyes are sore & so forth. 

Right now you may feeling like telling the world to stop you get off but you shouldn't be so quick to jump ship. Have you ever considered that there are others who are envious of your position in society & they consider you lucky. At the moment you may think that I have lost my mind (I may have been dropped when I was a baby) but for just a moment ask yourself, am I favoured in life in anyway?

It may seem like a strange thing to ask yourself, but look at it as a way of self examination. Do I have clothes to cover my nakedness? Do I have food to eat? Do I have somewhere I can lay my weary bones? Do I have a way of earning a living? I am able to use some or all of my limbs? Did I wake up this morning alive & not sick? You see this are just simple basic every day questions & not far fetched ideologies to broaden your scope on living.

In all this am just trying to make you see a bigger picture as compared as to how at this very moment you feel like as if you could take a six months holiday twice. I want you to understand that yes we do have bad & some times disastrous days, but that does not mean it is the end of the world. We are all human beings & we have our own basic needs to be satisfied that are necessary for our functionality to be at a constant.

One of the key things that I have come to realise is that our mind sight is what makes us fall short of our expectations. We dwell so much in the negative aspects of this life we fail to appreciate the brighter side of things. We are so ingrained that things will never improve & that nothing will ever change we become stupified when blessings come our way. Indeed even if the rapture was to happen we will still be doubtful of any positive outcome.

It is that single thought in our mind that can enslave us to be bound by its notion, we may even decline to take any meaningful step towards bettering ourselves. Am guessing those who are now in matatus going home have a frowny face with the excuse that they are tired & from work. Why not a jolly face since you are still alive & have seen yet another evening, but hey each to his/her own.

If you want happiness in your life, it does not start with your outside environment but more so within yourself. Your every thought deters how your day will be like. If you decide to change your mind set you shall eventually see the change that you deserve. What you think can either build you or destroy you. When you want to be happy it will not just happen with a snap of your fingers, this is not Aladdin & the magic lamp.

You have to work on yourself, the company you keep, the food you eat, the books you read, the places your visit, the words you speak to yourself. If you want a different result that will bring something desirous your way, you must take the first step to change your approach on life.

Monday 22 February 2016


Morning world, today am going to share with you a story that I had read a while back & which changed my perception of life as well as those whom we call our friends. I pray that it will be a blessing to you as well as to others & that you shall at least gain some knowledge from it. You have the right to make your personal choice as to whether to accept the moral of the story in accordance to your own interpretation of it.

"During the fourth century B.C. Dionysious a tyrant was ruling Syracuse, a Greek city of Sicily. There was a man by the name Damon who had the courage to speak against the cruelty of the tyrant. When Dionysious heard of it, Damon was seized, thrown into prison & sentenced to death

Damon was courageous & was ready to die because of his belief. But he made one request. He begged for leave to visit his family & bid them farewell before he died. Dionysious laughed at the request saying, "if I allow you to go, you may escape to another country". Damon replied, "I have a friend who is willing to stay here as a captive in my place until I return" & he called his friend Pythias towards him. 

Pythias agreed to stand surety for Damon & to die instead of him in case he did not return. Dionysious was astounded & granted the prisoner six hours of freedom. Meanwhile Pythias was kept in custody by the soldiers. Hours passed, minute after minute. Even after the fifth hour, Damon had not returned & Pythias was led to the execution place. 

Dionysious meanwhile mocked Pythias for his foolishness. But Pythias had complete trust that his friend would return. He said probably his friend must have met with an accident on the way. The ruler sneered & ordered the execution. The hands of Pythias were tied & he knelt down waiting for the executioner to strike his neck with his sword

At that moment Damon breathless & mud stained dashed into the place. His horse had fallen down on the way & he had to struggle hard to get there in time. However he was glad because he had bid goodbye to his family & had reached in time to save his friend.

Pythias pleaded with the tyrant to kill him instead of Damon because he was unmarried while his friend had a family to look after. The tyrant was amazed at this gesture. Never before had he heard of such loyalty, sincerity & trust. His anger subsided & he embraced both of them & asked them to take him a friend". 

I hope you enjoyed reading through the story & that at least you tried picturing yourself in either Damon's or Pythias's shoes or even Dionsyiuos shoes. Just contemplate what this story touches in your life as well your relation with those whom you call your friends, will they risk their lives for you or as commonly put take a bullet for you. Think about it.

Tuesday 16 February 2016


Easy is not an option. Going through life is an adventure like that of the pirates of the caribbean & all our destinations are variant. Nothing just comes at your beck & call like a servant. You have to put in that effort to get that which you deserve. What you think is for free has an invisible string attached to it like the loan with an accruing interest. 

There you are sitting looking all pretty or handsome (let me not be deemed biased) & you put it in your head that the good things of life will be handed down to you. You better wake up from your fantasy, for in the real world you will bleed & sweat if you want to get achieve that dream. 

You want to be the C.E.O. of a company & just cause you think you know who is who in the power ladder you will just get the position. Lets just say you get the position, my dear friend you will eventually pay the piper. Am guessing no one ever wants to live a sad, miserable & depressing life & that is a good thing for change must begin with you.

We may want the lavish, chilled out life style that we all see splashed in the glossy magazines but to attain that goal you must play your part. The sad truth however, is that we dream of easy riches that is why you would see many engulfed in the get rich quick schemes which end up back firing like an overused pair of shoes which have seen the end of the road. 

If you want the finer things in life you have to learn to play by the rules of achievement. You must not waste an opportunity, you have to make sacrifices (nothing is just easy peasy), you need to accept there will be challenges along the way & most important of all believe that what you set your mind on you can achieve. 

Most of us are limited by what we think of ourselves & keep on saying, "I can't do that". Who said it will be easy, huh? Don't start doubting yourself, yet you have not even made a single attempt. For one to get the rose you have to go through the thorns. Our expectation that a red carpet would be laid at our feet is a far fetched dream that only happens to dignitaries. 

You must come to terms that to be the best you will go through all manner of trial & tribulations. The thought of the day is that there is no dream that can't be achieved & that you must first awaken from your deep slumber to realise it.

Monday 15 February 2016


Hi, how was your weekend? I hope & pray that it went down as expected with the usual shenanigans though am guessing from the look on your face you felt it went by too fast. No worries, in a few days time another one will be graced by yourself to indulge in your pleasures. The weekend for me was another moment to learn that everything happens for a reason. You may be wondering what am blubbering about at this juncture. 

You don't have to wait for long, I will enlighten you of the happenings that have given rise to this mental provocation. If I may ask, how many times do you look at your life with a positive attitude or a feeling of bliss? Better yet do you ever think of your life becoming as you dreamed or desire? I don't know about you but for me I see my dreams becoming a reality. 

You wonder how I know this, well I decided to change my attitude on how I approach life so as to enable me live my dreams. Yes, we live in a traumatising world & every day we see what is wrong with the system which out weighs what is good about it. But have you ever considered the fact that you are the ultimate source of your own happiness and actualisation of your desires and goals in life. 

I agree with you that at times there are circumstances that make us question our purpose of living on this earth. We question our very existence of why things are so hard or even at times quite frustrating. I am not privy to the elusive answer to that but what I do know is that how we approach life determines the final outcome of our every day living. 

I have a simple suggestion for you, you have a right to decline to implement it or just try it out to see how it works for you. This is what I had in mind, instead of seeing how cursed your life is, try counting the blessings in you life. I will give you an example in my life: I am blessed to be alive for not every one has seen this day, I am blessed to have food to eat & yet others are starving, I am blessed to have clothes to wear & yet others are naked, I am blessed to have a home, yet others are out there in the cold, I am blessed with an earning yet others are begging in the streets, I am blessed to have people who love me yet others have no one & so on. 

If we learn to appreciate the little things in our lives, our eyes would be opened to the blessings we are fortunate to have. It is all in our attitude towards life, the struggle is indeed real but so are the blessings. 

Tuesday 9 February 2016


"Why am I always so broke before even the mid of the month reaches, is it that I am not lucky? Why aren't things in my life working out, is it that God has forgotten me? Why is it that my colleague has been getting promotion after promotion, is it that am not qualified? Why is ot that I have no man/woman to share my love with, is it that I am doomed to be single?" 

Well then, I am just guessing but I think these are the kind of thoughts that run through our minds, not all the times but just maybe sometimes. The 'why' question rummages through our brain one time or the other. Leaving us questioning our own sanity & the clarity of our thoughts. Let me just tell you upfront, we all make mistakes & you better get down with the program. 

You may think that when something is going wromg in your life, you are the only one. I am sorry to say this (No, I am not sorry) we all have issues & you better learn to accept it. The only question I have for you is, 'what are you going to do about it?' We are all off in our corner crying how life is unfair & that we are deserving of a better life. Let me ask you what have you done to change the course upon which your life has taken?

You may decide to be a whimp & cower in a corner feeling sorry for yourself for the rest of your days. Does that really look like a solution to anything but hey if it works for you then by all means continue. Every decision we make can lead to quite a volatile situation or not for this is solely dependant on you. There are basic steps in every decision we make in life,  the choice, the  challenge & the consequence. 

If you are able to master the art of self elevation from the woes of the world, there is nothing that you can't overcome. Ask yourself each day when you wake up, how am I going to improve myself as well as those around me. Ooh you thought this was only about you! Well nope, this is all about making this earth a better place. You should have known by now that not everyone is meant to be a lone island. 

You better get off that high horse of yours & learn to be there for others. I am not sayimg it is a must, you do that which makes you sleep at night. If we continue to live in the notion of survival for the fitness, I can assure you that we will be stagnant in thought for the rest of our short miserable lives. What I do know is that we are  all destined for great things. If we take the mantle and decide to take the first step, our journey of a couple hundred miles or kilometres depending on your locality would have commenced. 

You are never never alone, no matter how messed up your situation is. We are all meant to learn from the mistakes we make & that ladies & gentlemen is life!

Wednesday 3 February 2016


Hi there, I do hope your week has been productive so far.  I have a question for you to contemplate on. How do we face these astrocities of life that make each day a living hell, leaving you bruised & scarred for life?  Think about it for a minute or just take all the time you need to find out the answer then reflect on yourself, how far you have come & what you had to undergo to get where you are right now. 

Adulthood is a stage in life that has its own unique feel, for not all who are adults are mature & not all who are mature are adults. It is indeed quite a discovery that maturity doesn't necessarily come with age. One may have grown old but being mature doesn't just come automatically like breathing. All that I do know is that though the times may be catching up with us how we develop mentally is dependant on us. 

We are not all going to realise our capacity to actualise the reality of having a well informed train of thought. Our backgrounds differ & they way in which each & everyone of us is raised is quite distinct. I have come to appreciate the fact that I can make mistakes which are quite costly & that the prudent thing to do in such circumstances is to man up & own my faults. Hiding behind a sense of seniority & self exaltation will not get you nowhere. 

Thus if you are in the wrong, it is vital to seek for forgiveness & find a way to amend for the wrongs done. We all need each other to make it in this life. It may not seem to you like such a crucial thing but what I have come to learn is that no matter who you are, one day or other you will need a stepping stone to get to where you desire. We all need to remember one very important fact & that is we need to listen more & talk less. 

This will make you be able to understand where someone is coming from & the path upon which they are taking to reach their destination. We are meant to never judge a book by its cover unless we have read the contents within its pages. Thought of the day if I may. When you have made a mistake don't do the blame game rather own up to it. It is worthwhile to lend your ears to others for that is why we have two ears and one month. This was by design so that we can listen more & talk less.