Monday 27 July 2015


By show of hands, how many of us enjoy reading novels? Aaah, that is a good number. I see that most of you do, so do I. Well, novels really do take us to far away lands away from the norm. If you have read books by Dan Drown, Sidney Sheldon, Kevin Brodbin, Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham, Stephen Leather & such like phenomenal writers of their time, am sure they left you aching for me. Such is the world created by enticing novels, that leave you with a tiny vow of never judging a book by its cover. 

In the real world, life works in the same cycle only that we let the forces on earth be the author of how our lives shall pan out. It is saddening to see ones life lost in the whirlwind of chaos, despair, weariness & hopelessness. Where your every move is countered by life's own. Leaving you lost, confused, shattered & the more drenched in the slime of misery. Like every book which you read, the main character always faces some hurdles in pursuit of fulfilling his quest. 

At times it is a dragon, the police, his own family, an old flame, grave danger that stands in his or her way to reach his or her destiny. How we cheer, smile, laugh, applaud when your favourite character achieves their goal, gets the lady/gent, wins the war against crime or just gets the bad guy. Let us now look at your life, how similar is it to the characters in the books you get devoured by. It doesn't seem all different, huuuh. The difference between a book & you is that you have the capacity to change how your story ends unlike a book where the end can't be edited. 

You need to face life head on & believe that you can overcome this downward slope you are going. You have to swim against the current & forge your own path or otherwise you shall be dragged through life without a clue as to which direction to take. It will not be easy & I assure you that you shall be venturing out of your comfort zone. This will cause a strain to your normalcy, as you are used to a certain way of living. If you want to see change, you must take the first bold step & be that change. 

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