Monday 27 July 2015


"You my fair lady, look ravishing. Inviting to the eye, beholding at first glance & breath taking as you glide by. What did I ever do to deserve such a master piece yet am not at peace. Your hair blowing freely behind you as you transit from one point of life to another.

Your very eyes been windows to your soul, I just stare at the magnificence of your being. I long to touch your tender, glowing skin, to be embraced by your gentle arms & engulfed in your sweet fragrance. You my darling have captured my heart, as I swim into your eyes & handcuff myself to your stacato beating heart.
Every waking moment am taken a back, as I listen to your steady breathing while you sleep. Each intake of air pumping life into your very lungs. When you say hello to me, I stare & wonder at your cherry tasting lips & yearn for a kiss. Hypnotized by your unwavering smile, melting my ice cold heart.

Am humbled to have you by my side, as my companion, friend, lover, wife & mother to my kids. You have elevated me to greater heights & I vow to be your man till the end of times. Tough times may try to break us but as we are tough people we will last till our final breath. I thank God for bring you into my life, a treasure to be held close at heart.

My love you are the world to me, without you am nothing but with you am something. Thank you for being in my life, I will be your shoulder to lean on when you are weary, I will give you my hand so as to guide you in the dark, my ears will listen to your every whim & my heart belongs to no one else but you. For you are indeed my heart's desire".

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