Monday 27 July 2015


What a privilege & honour it was to host the president of the United States within our colourful borders. Who would have thought that one day a sitting president, the world's most powerful man will make a visit to our country. It indeed was an eye opener, an insight to how the West views us in our shenanigans. 

That being so, if you ever followed the life of POTUS, you will see that his wife the First Lady has always been beside her main man. Even our own president, his wife has stood by him ever since time immemorial. It is clear to see that the women this men chose to have in their lives, made their lives more fulfilled & significant. 

Are you seeing the trend here, the kind of woman you have in your life can either mean your down fall or your rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. Now I addres the women reading this, are you lifting your man, supporting him or are you just there for the ride? Don't answer me, just think about it & see where you fall. 

Am not saying all men are focused with life but some do have visions & dreams which they wish to realize. It is all a matter of getting your priorities right.One may want his lady to be there for him, but you also need to show her that you are worth her energy not just to be a leech clinging on & draining all her strength. 

This is where you must device a plan of how you want to have your future looking like. You as a man have a responsibility of giving your lady something to respect, cherish & defend. Include her in some of your vital ideas, they may seem silly but you would be surprised that she is willing to go the extra mile with you. 

Ladies though a lee way is provided, reason with your man to fortify a logical future that suits both your needs, wants & dreams. Let us be each others pillar of strength through the trying times & know that we are meant to be there for each other. The key of making it in life is by setting down goals & ways of achieving those goals. 

Have a small book where you write those dreams you wish to fulfill. They may seem absurd, but you will be surprised when they start getting manifested in reality. Tick them off one by one as they get realized & materialize into a reakity. Just don't leave your woman behind, she may offer some insight you may have not thought of & come up with a brilliant plan which would be both fruitful & fulfilling. 

Let it be that the woman that is in your life, is the flame that ignites your fire. 


By show of hands, how many of us enjoy reading novels? Aaah, that is a good number. I see that most of you do, so do I. Well, novels really do take us to far away lands away from the norm. If you have read books by Dan Drown, Sidney Sheldon, Kevin Brodbin, Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham, Stephen Leather & such like phenomenal writers of their time, am sure they left you aching for me. Such is the world created by enticing novels, that leave you with a tiny vow of never judging a book by its cover. 

In the real world, life works in the same cycle only that we let the forces on earth be the author of how our lives shall pan out. It is saddening to see ones life lost in the whirlwind of chaos, despair, weariness & hopelessness. Where your every move is countered by life's own. Leaving you lost, confused, shattered & the more drenched in the slime of misery. Like every book which you read, the main character always faces some hurdles in pursuit of fulfilling his quest. 

At times it is a dragon, the police, his own family, an old flame, grave danger that stands in his or her way to reach his or her destiny. How we cheer, smile, laugh, applaud when your favourite character achieves their goal, gets the lady/gent, wins the war against crime or just gets the bad guy. Let us now look at your life, how similar is it to the characters in the books you get devoured by. It doesn't seem all different, huuuh. The difference between a book & you is that you have the capacity to change how your story ends unlike a book where the end can't be edited. 

You need to face life head on & believe that you can overcome this downward slope you are going. You have to swim against the current & forge your own path or otherwise you shall be dragged through life without a clue as to which direction to take. It will not be easy & I assure you that you shall be venturing out of your comfort zone. This will cause a strain to your normalcy, as you are used to a certain way of living. If you want to see change, you must take the first bold step & be that change. 


"Do you believe in God?". Am not asking whether you are a Christian, just simply asking if you believe the existance of a far more superior being than man/woman & more powerful than anything you know. Well if you don't I have nothing against you. You have a right to your belief as so do I. We are all diverse in what drives us each day that we get to see another morning. 

As for me it is the ultimate love God has for me, cause if it were not Him I would not have been alive today. I know it is hard to swallow that you are awake today not because of your might but because God wills it. Such is the miracle of life, but lets forget that for a moment & focus on what happens when we are in trouble who do we go to. Let say you are in a vehicle & the brakes snap leaving your life in the hands of fate. 

What are the words you are most likely to utter at such an instance. Is it not, "Jesus save me". Why not use your name to save yourself. I don't mean to offend nor to seem rude, am just pointing out a simple fact. But since I have touched a sensitive spot let us move on swiftly. Many times when we are facing a crisis we seek divine intervention to save us from our woes. I will speak for myself, I believe in the Almighty Father up in heaven. 

Am not saying am holier than thou am just a person who has come to appreciate God's love even though am tainted with sin, God always has my back. I know at times He may not respond in time but his timing is always perfect. I had stayed for a couple of months without work, tarmacing the busy streets of Nairobi looking for a way to earn some income. Let me tell you, it was not easy it was gut wrenching, body tiring & mind boggling. 

Each day I woke up wondering where will I get my next meal. Wondering to myself, "will this torment end anytime soon?". What I hadn't realized was that God was working behind the curtains. You have heard the phrase, "when one door closes, praise God in the corridors". I experienced God's blessing like no other that I have ever felt. Then just recently I got a call from one of the senior members of society wanting me to help look at some files for him. 

I didn't know that was going to be my interview & my way to a promising future. In all, I have come to understand that God works in mysterious ways all you have to do is believe. Am not saying that you convert to my ways but rather you find something to believe in, if you choose to follow in Christ's footsteps the better. In this life, when God has your back you need not fear. 


"Hey you! Yes you!" Why are you looking behind you, there is no one there. Ooh, you thought I was just running my mouth, huuh! I get it, you are not used to people pointing at you nor talking to you. Always assuming it is the other person behind you who matters more than you. Well, welcome to the new world order. Where you matter, no matter how much you belittle yourself". 

Well here we are, a new day full of unexplored ideologies just waiting for you to  take the bold step & come forth to claim your rightful place on the throne. I know it feels absurd being thought of as someone of value, heck I would even be shocked if someone just appreciated me. 

No matter, there is always a first time for everything. Now off we go to the train of thought of today's journey. We all have a past, don't get me wrong but the question I pose to you is, why do we allow that which should be behind us affect our present lives & take control of the steering wheel. Ooh, you don't know, well let me tell you why. 

You are afraid of the things you don't understand! As the saying goes, "better the devil you know than the angel you don't know". We all love to build castles in the air yet withdraw ourselves from actually acting on our fantasies or is it dreams (you choose what you think fits best). You are alive today for crying out loud. 

You call it your present, a gift it is indeed. Why do you drag in your miserable shaddy past to the present moment, yet you are trying to create a better future for yourself. You don't know, me neither. It just seems that life has a way of working itself out. If that is how you want it to be so be it, but know this in life you may travel the open road with many others but it is only you who understands your true journey. 

In your quest for a better life, you better wisen up & stand firm in your belief of a better tomorrow. One thing you need to understand even though you don’t like it. It is either you keep on carrying the guilt & burden of your past to the present moment or you can drop them both & start a new for yourself focusing on a promising bright future. 

The choice is simply yours, either to be weighed down by your past failures & mistakes or to be elevated to the paradise of your choice. My advise to you, deal with the demons of your past & vanquish them using the holy oil to cleanse yourself of their stink. Then march forward with a clean & open conscious. 

In all that you do, don't let your past strangle your future into a lifeless form. A lot is at stake & requires you to wisen up & take charge. Live & let live for you are the pilot of your plane of life. 


"You my fair lady, look ravishing. Inviting to the eye, beholding at first glance & breath taking as you glide by. What did I ever do to deserve such a master piece yet am not at peace. Your hair blowing freely behind you as you transit from one point of life to another.

Your very eyes been windows to your soul, I just stare at the magnificence of your being. I long to touch your tender, glowing skin, to be embraced by your gentle arms & engulfed in your sweet fragrance. You my darling have captured my heart, as I swim into your eyes & handcuff myself to your stacato beating heart.
Every waking moment am taken a back, as I listen to your steady breathing while you sleep. Each intake of air pumping life into your very lungs. When you say hello to me, I stare & wonder at your cherry tasting lips & yearn for a kiss. Hypnotized by your unwavering smile, melting my ice cold heart.

Am humbled to have you by my side, as my companion, friend, lover, wife & mother to my kids. You have elevated me to greater heights & I vow to be your man till the end of times. Tough times may try to break us but as we are tough people we will last till our final breath. I thank God for bring you into my life, a treasure to be held close at heart.

My love you are the world to me, without you am nothing but with you am something. Thank you for being in my life, I will be your shoulder to lean on when you are weary, I will give you my hand so as to guide you in the dark, my ears will listen to your every whim & my heart belongs to no one else but you. For you are indeed my heart's desire".


"Tomorrow is still a good day, I will work on it then". How many times have you told yourself, I will study for the paper, I still have more than enough time on my hands? How many times have you left unclean dishes after a meal & said you will wash them later? Or better yet how many times has the boss given you a file to handle & you have told yourself you will look at it later? 

Well, those are just but a few of the scenarios I could think of relating to our so called "later syndrome". How we love to procrastinate about nearly everything. Choosing only to do that which ticks our fantasy & has a thrilling end to it. If only we could see the biggest picture & not just peep at the edges. I am not saying that we rush things but rather we organize ourselves such that we are accountable for each & every minute we spend. 

Do you deem yourself accountable of how each day you spend your hours from the crack of dawn to the fall of dusk? That is just a simple question you need to ask yourself. We keep in crying that time is money, yet we waste so many hours doing nothing constructive but rather soak in a tub of idleness. You have a responsibility to yourself to better make use of your hours. 

Yes I know that tomorrow will come but that does not mean that today you shoud throw care in the wind. It may not seem as much when you post phone events or work or updates on life but sooner or later time will catch up with you. Once that happens you will be all be your lonesome self looking for a way out & all doors will be barred. Let it be that what ought to be done gets done. 

Friday 24 July 2015


We all want to be role models to those around us, a good example to be used in conversations, an icon to be aped, a figure to be respected (maybe it was my imaginitaion playing tricks on me). So far it seems in my lucid moments I think the best of people & that all people can be humane but it seems those are just my own thoughts. 

No matter, I believe in the impossible though it may not seem like it to happen any time soon but one way or another those pearly gates of humanitarianism will be flung wide open. Life is such a tricky affair where the rule of life is survival for the fittest, with no one wanting to help the other attain a place of suprimacy nor of lavish living.

How hypocritical we are when we smile at each other when we are outside in the open yet back bite each other when we are behind closed doors. It seems we are indeed a source of the root of evil sipping through the cracks of humanity. We hug each other in the streets, only for us to be looking for soft spots in the back of our supposed friends so that we can stab them.

It is such a pity we are self absorbed lunatics out to get blood from our brothers, sisters, family, friends & sometimes our enemies. Is it not enough that we are crumbling as a nation that we allow this diceit to take root in our hearts. As proverb I heard a while back which said, "while you are sleeping your enemies are busy plotting against you".

We need to rise up as one, taking charge of the light & bring it to where the darkness has manifested itself like a leech sucking blood. You are your worst enemy, you nay not know it nor recognise it but if your heart is not in the right place you will tumble & fall like the walls of Jericho.

Let us build each other up to stand like the fortified walls of Israel. You can do it so can I, we are each others keeper & we need to endeavour to create a force field of oneness. Peace!

Friday 10 July 2015


Isn't it such a wonderful day to bask under the warm sun & sip on those cocktails as we take in the scenery or is it just my imagination running wild about the good times. Haaa, if that could be true we would be living merry lives. Right now it is so damn cold that the only meaningful relationship people are having is with their beds. You form such a tight bond with your blankets that you become part of them & you find it had to let go.

Anyway back to the land of my people, Africa! A continent so full of controversy, bad vibes, political mayhem, severe cases of life threatening diseases, financial crunches, war torn & yet with all this I still call it home. Ooooh, you thought that I would renounce my place of origin just like Judas renounced Christ, hell no that is not going to happen any time soon.

Yes this is a place full of all kinds of evils & all sorts of monsters in the closet but it is still where my heritage is from & am not ashamed of it. Am not saying that we live in a perfect world but we need to learn to appreciate where we come from. I have heard stories & talked to people who have left their homeland to venture out and go overseas (either to study, pursue a dream & such like) & most have have vowed never to come back.

Well, if that is what will make you sleep better at night so be it. Life is full of choices that either make us or break us & it is in all that, that you will learn you are the common factor. Where you hail from regardless of how native it is should not be shunned like the black plague. East or west home will always best (unless your people are quite savage & made you an outcast).

For example when you were growing up you wanted to leave your parents house & be on your own. Well here you are, even after all those years on your own you still feel as if something is missing. You yearn to be with your folks, to be cared for, to be guided & advised (even though at times it was not by choice). Likewise, here in our motherland we are in a land of plenty. 

The valuable minerals, the scenic routes, the steady weather (yes I know it is chilly but would you have prefered that it be snowing, I didn't think so!), nature at its best, the wildlife & so on. All these are to be appreciated & we may only live once but we better make sure that each moment counts. Never ever forget where you came from, for it is your people who will have your back when you have no where else to go. 
"You may move out of the village but you can not take the village out of you".
African Proverb 

Thursday 2 July 2015


How the days progress at a stacato, depending on the mood at that particular hour, maybe that definite minute or that second. One time it is daylight then all of a sudden nightfall creeps in like a ghost out to haunt its victims. At times family is what makes some of us to wake up early in the morning & go make that money.

A wife who supports you even in the darkest of times, children who adore you as their hero & role model can motivate you to strive to provide the best & be better than the rest. How we wish that we could live the fairy tale lives, where we are a single unit through the thick & thin of life. Ooh well, there is nothing in this life which is an impossibility.
Family to some of you may mean putting arms around each other & being there for each other. To others it may be the shoulder one needs to lean on in the craziest of times, the hand to give support in the wake of each day or just a listening ear when a lot clouds your mind. It is indeed noteworthy that the love of family is a much more vital than wealth & privilege.
"I may not always be with you, but when we are far apart. Remember you will be with me, right inside my heart".
Such colourful words that express how we are meant to feel on the inside, soothing our loved ones when they are far away. The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect & joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.

You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive friendship. Family members can be your best friends & best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be family. Family is a whole new level of wealth that can't be compared to any other bond & can never be bought, remember that always.