Monday 11 May 2015



In a life well lived, we at times form bonds with people who are strangers & later on in life become our closest of friends (such is the wonder of being human). Thus the unwinding clock of time draws us closer to strangers who become like family. It is indeed such a unique phenomena that has wrecked mankind with this awkwardness of linking up with another human being & just like that (*snaps fingers*) a friendship is sparked like a match been lit to start a forest fire. 

Having a true & loyal friend is one of the most valuable assets to have in occupancy of this realm of our reality. I wonder, (just a thought) how is it that we are drawn to those whom we deem as our friends & rarely engage with those whom we deem family or of our blood. The answer is simple, family is not only those whom you are related to by blood but rather those whom you have been with through the thick & thin (as is commonly phrased).

Some of us think just because we are related by blood we are friends, that is not the news on the streets. Blood may be what relates us but not bind us. It is such a pity that when it comes to those you call family, they become the first ones to sell you out or rather snitch on you to save their own skins. It is those who have been with you through the struggles & successes that count as being la familia

"When you have a good friend that really cares for you & tries to stick in there with you, you treat them like nothing. Learn to be a good friend because one day, you are going to look up & say I lost a good friend. Learn how to be respectful to your true friends. Always remember that your true friends will be there quicker than your family. Your truest friends are the ones who will stand by you in your darkest moments, because they are willing to brave the shadows with you & in your greatest moments, because they are not afraid to let you shine"

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