Wednesday 13 May 2015


Damn isn't life just a bed full of roses. No wonder it is said that to make any reasonable decision one is obligated to consider these three factors: the choices involved, know the challenges to be faced & the consequence to be dealt with. Now, I get why we are always told to think twice before we act. 

Must have been quite a scenario, the scale of life weighing heavily on whether we wanted a blissful life paradise on earth or a cloud of misery looming over head like a blood thirsty demon ready to pounce. If I have a butterfly in my clenched fist & I asked you if it was alive or dead, what would be your answer? Am guessing some of you will say it is alive others will opt to say that it is lifeless. 

The best answer will be that it depends, cause if you say it is alive I may extinguish its life by clenching my fist even more & if you say it is lifeless, I may just unclench my fist & let it fly away. I have a friend who decided to take a bold step & start her own fashion blog. It had dawned on her that she understood what fashion is all about, not just what one wears but how one feels in their own skin. 

At first it seemed like a huge step, as Neil Armstrong put it, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Well, she put aside her fears after numerous attempts to subdue her hesitance, decided to go ahead with her gut feeling & unleashed her page, which became quite an inspiration to women out there. 

What am trying to say is quite simple, do not let the fear of the unknown be the barrier to your greatest achievement. It may seem like a far fetched reality but dreaming big costs nothing. My advise, never ever walk away from what you deem as achievable. At first it may give you all sorts of migraines but you can step aside for a while & regroup your thoughts. 

Then come back reinforced with new energy to combat this monstrosity that has paved its way to your doorstep. You will realize that though it is easy to just get up, pack up your things & leave,  fighting for what you believe in is the most rewarding feeling in a battle of wits. 

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