Wednesday 13 May 2015


I am going to say it if you are not, 'life is not fair'. There I said it, am sure you are trying to figure out what am blubbering about. This is nothing new, this is an old age truth only spoken off in hushed tones in the dark corners, as we smile at each other while holding the proverbial knives ready to stab each other in the back. 

It is one of the stages of life that just tugs along like a shadow always lurking around. So what if it is? Does it mean the we have to yield to its ever tightening vice grip. Hell to the NO! You are not meant to be dragged in the mud, when life takes upon itself to rain down hell fire of chaos & havoc like the times of sodom & gomorrah. 

I have faced enough demons to know that not all the time do things work out in ones favour. At times, things just blaze up like the fiery furnace of the abyss (I think you get my drift). Leaving you all vulnerable like a soldier bringing a knife to a gun fight & exposed like a smashed up piƱata. Haaa! 

The irony that is life,  really does drive a hard bargain when you aim to propel yourself to be the best, only to end up face first in the muddy pools of failure. Have you ever tried an idea for the first time & instead of working as planned it takes a nose dive like radarless plane plummeting from the blue skies. 

NO! Well I have & let me tell you when you give your all to something that you thought was your salvation & it ends up being your destruction it is not a sweet feeling as it will leave you wrecked like a ship lost at sea. Not only did I topple to the ground & start writhing in despair but also felt hopeless, lost & beyond recovery. 

I became a product of my failure, allowing my detour in a logically planned destiny leave me in psychological ruin. I was cast aside just like leftovers from banquet feast. It took me a while before I finally decided to get back on my feet. Life may as well be welding a pair of handcuffs just waiting to shackle & immobilize you efforts. 

You have to believe that no matter how many times you fall, you better pick yourself up, dust yourself & stare life right in the eye & say out loud, "you punch like a girl". As put by Les Brown, "When you fall down, if you can look up, you can get up"

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