Wednesday 29 April 2015


It has been a while since I last graced this page, but no matter, my obligation & duty still remains the same. Though it feels like as if it was ages ago, when I last jotted down my thoughts of the world in this realm of reality. I wonder why life is such a brutal oppressor of ones liberty, draining one of all optimism that you had banked on getting you through this rocky path of life.

If that is how the world wants to play games, I will show it who is the coach. Anyway to the more pressing matters & just a single question, "why are we a back stabbing lot filled with so much vile when others succeed?" Hmmm, anyone! Ooh, so no one wants to answer that one. Is it that I have touched quite a sensitive nerve or is it just that you don't give a damn!

So, you have decided to block me with deathly silence. I see! I will not let your blank cold stares deter me from my chosen destination. Now, since you are an uncooperative lot, I will press on with my early query(which still remains unanswered). We claim to be our brothers & sisters keeper, yet we act like Judas who selfishly betrayed Jesus & take up the behavior of Peter who denounced ever knowing the living Christ, what a shame!

I have watched how at work places, rivalries have arisen just because one of us has escalated in the ladder of  success & gotten that promotion you were secretly eying. Well, that is how the world works, nothing is fair nor is it just handed down to you. Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe he or she was more deserving of the seat you lusted for.

If we are to progress in this life, we need to put our differences aside & take arms along side our brothers & sisters from another mother in fulfilling our dreams which I still believe are valid. You should take a leaf from the marines or the seals (or is it the military), for them their personal motto (or something like a slogan of sorts) is "leave no man behind no matter what!"

We should not turn our backs on others but rather offer a hand. One thing I have learned is that no man succeeds without a good & supportive woman behind him. Be it a wife or ones mother, if it is both then he is twice blessed.

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