Tuesday 24 February 2015


What a weekend, epic is the only descriptive word I can think of to describe such an eventful time. Anyway this is not my personal diary for me to jot down my shenanigans. Am sure you all have more important things to do than read about my weekend chronicles. Well then, life can either be a teacher when you are willing to learn from the experiences you go through or a torment when you yield to your own devices.

"Having a bad day? Put your hand on your heart. Feel that? That is called purpose. You are alive for a reason. Don'y give up yet!" Who are we when we enter this world? When we emerge from our mother's womb do we not become living & breathing beings. Are we not men & women of purpose, a calling, a bright future? Don't look down at your feet, wondering if you have qualified for any one of this.

I do know that we are prone to bad things happening to us or around us, how we respond to them will define our character & the quality of our lives. You can choose to either sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of your loss or you can choose to rise from the pain & treasure the most precious  gift of all & that is life itself.

You may have not yet reached your full potential or realised your dreams, but know this that you are meant to conquer all that stands & comes your way. The thing not to forget once you climb up the ladder of success is where you came from. For when you had nothing humility was you every day cup of tea. That being so do not forget where you came from once you have attained all that which you desire.

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