Friday 13 February 2015


Morning, (I didn't want to say good morning & yet I don't know if you woke up on you right or left side). Anyway I do hope that you are well & embracing the new day which holds untapped opportunities. It is quite interesting to note that each day we wake up with great expectation of overcoming the gruesome hurdles of life. 

Such is the path upon which our daily survival in the so called cruel & harsh world has come to. Survival indeed is for the fittest, you are either on your feet ready for combat or on your knees begging for mercy.  Just take a minute or two & reflect on the far that you have come and you will realize that you are not where you used to be & you need to appreciate that. 

As I usually tell myself, "throw me to the wolves & I will come back leading the pack". Each moment that we get to witness the fulfilment of our dreams, enables us to form a thick layer that shields us from the destructive & demeaning view of others in our lives & around us. If you decide to begin something you better make sure that you will end it.

We all want to be the top dogs in life, doors just opening for us, bank account always fattening, the fancy cars, huge mansions. That is all good & dandy but to get there you need to shed of that cowardice suit of "I can't make it, it is impossible, I think so and so can do it better". Once that is gone then the impossible becomes the possible.

No one is ever born rich or successful, you have to have the guts to get to the glory. Whatever you are going through in life has not come to stay but it shall come to pass. You must have patience and consistent actions. Having passion in all you do will get you to that height that you desire and deserve. Once you activate the inner flame then you can become a fire storm.

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